Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Aeolian glee club will appear in free concert here Tuesday evening Concert program.
2 Class periods to be shortened Friday For last class day of term.
3 Commencement season starts on Wednesday; dinner for graduates is next Wednesday night; faculty and student speakers appear on varied program Lengthy description of activities.
4 Condit heads committee on mathematics study course in high schools Under auspices of state commission.
5 Cory predicts enrollment decrease for spring term Due to economic conditions.
6 Court Hussey will play at final dance of term
7 Debate team argues today; speakers meet Upper Iowa team in Gilchrist at 4; co-eds debate at 6:30 Men's and women's teams will compete.
8 February Purple Pen is on sale Monday Brief survey of contents.
9 Government students may make reservations For students who need credit in the course during the spring term.
10 Local cagers meet Parsons there tonight; Teachers five will attempt to repeat double victory of last week; Panthers will meet Penn tomorrow night Panthers will compete in Fairfield and Oskaloosa.
11 Old Gold orders must be in by end of March
12 Paderewski recital here is only appearance in eastern Iowa this year Description of the railroad car in which the pianist travels.
13 Panthers seek decision over S. U. I. matmen ISTC will compete against the University of Iowa.
14 Patriotic decorations aid success of junior class ball last week About 125 couples attended.
15 President resumes duties following attack of flu Back after ten days of illness.
16 Rabbi Mannheimer will speak Sunday morning At CHIC.
17 Staffs will be chosen soon; publications officials are to be elected by Board of Control Criteria for selection.
18 Take warning, men, leap year again! Women will choose their dance partners.
19 Thirty students express views concerning proposed cut system Students tell what they think about the new proposal.
20 Y. W. C. A. elects next year's officers Roster of officers.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Government students debate Municipal government class debates.
23 Little Tutors meet Tama for circuit title; Teachers High wins game from Reinbeck in semi-finals Teachers College High School defeated Reinbeck, 33-25; will compete against Tama.
24 Panthers meet Central Tuesday; Central cagers invade Panther school Tuesday Panthers will face the Dutchmen of Pella's Central College.
25 Panthers win game from Simpson after an overtime period ISTC beat Simpson College, 36-34.
26 Trackmen begin drills for season Organized track practices will begun; schedule announced.
27 Whitford gets fifteen games for ball team; open season with Missouri University there on April 19 Schedule for 1932 baseball season is announced.
28 Xanhos victorious in mat tournament last Saturday A.M.; Phi Sigma Epsilon finishes in next place ahead of Lambda Gams Results are announced from intramural wrestling competition.
29 Yearlings win game at Mason City, 30-17 Freshmen team defeated Mason City Junior College, 30-17.