Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Untitled East side of Old Administration; photo.
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2 Alumni propose revision of constitution; committee asks for vote of all graduates to decide proposal
Shepherd--Lou Alva (Class of 1919; Education Faculty)
After several years of study, the committee proposes that the Alumni Association become a dues-paying organization in order to support the "Alumnus" and a secretary; asks authority to organize local chapters; change meeting to Homecoming instead of June.
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3 Classes to return for reunion
Shepherd--Lou Alva (Class of 1919; Education Faculty)
Outline of activities for June reunion.
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4 Ferrol R. Huyck Teaching in Harvey, Illinois.
5 Saturday and evening classes well received Schedule of classes offered; students from eight counties present.
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6 Home and school to change, says Mr. Threlkeld Seventy-four students receive degrees or diplomas; A. L. Threlkeld gives address; description of ceremony; list of students.
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7 Old Gold has "progress edition" 1932 Old Gold will feature special modernistic artwork; will chart growth of ISTC.
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8 Alumni mourn Jarnagin death J. W. Jarnagin, 78, died February 6. 1932; served on Board of Directors; was strong supporter of school; photo.
9 Mabel Reid Teaching in Burma.
10 Mrs. Frank L. Byrnes Hazel Webster Byrnes gives address in North Dakota.
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11 Two circle letters break record Continued reports of letters circulating among ISTC alumni.
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12 Commons building planned College Commons, patterned after memorial unions, may begin construction soon; description of potential uses of building; will cost between $100,000 and $200,000; funds have accumulated in dormitory accounts.
13 ISTC at the department of superintendence List of current and former faculty who participated in national meeting.
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14 Lydia Wells Promoting reader series for Chicago book company.
15 Mrs. La Fel Barney Teaching in Nevada.
16 State course in mathematics Monograph will outline presentation of mathematics in public schools.
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17 Speech correction clinic enlarged
Lambertson--Floyd Wesley (Speech Faculty)
New equipment added to Auditorium office; description of diagnostic and treatment procedures; outline of program objectives; opportunities for teacher training in this area.
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18 Oratorical contest at college May 6 Will compete in state peace contest.
19 Stanley Wood Supervises set construction for skating pageant at Yale.
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20 College offers new course Dean Campbell will teach course on problems of student advisors.
21 Mr. Hart combats illiteracy Irving Hart appointed chair of committee on illiteracy.
22 Paderewski thrills record audience Large crowd in Men's Gymnasium enjoys pianist.
23 Purple Pen wins honors Wins second place in Columbia University contest.
24 Working men earn high grades Men who work receive higher grades than those who do not; survey of places of employment.
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25 Speech professor honored Professor Lambertson will write chapter in speech text.
26 Tuition rates increased Schedule of fees includes matriculation fee of $5; freshmen and sophomore tuition of $30 per term and junior and senior tuition of $32 per term; attempt to meet problems of economic conditions.
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27 Debaters and orators successful Season activity thus far.
28 Five students earn straight A's Roster of honored students.
29 Richard Wallace Passes Naval Academy examination.
30 Science academy to meet at college Iowa Academy of Science will meet; three hundred expected to attend.
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31 Eight lettermen back in uniform for baseball 1932 baseball season preview and schedule.
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32 Basketball squad wins ten games, loses six 1931-1932 season wrap-up; record was 10-6; team photo.
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33 First year girl is champion Mabel Hall performs well in Midwest AAU swimming meet.
34 Intramurals create interest New rules exclude men who have participated in freshmen or varsity athletics.
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35 Sixty trackmen drilling for Kansas Relays 1932 season preview.
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36 Harman is Olympic prospect Profile of wrestler Maynard Harman; photo.
37 Prospects bright for coming grid season

1932 season preview; fourteen lettermen will return.

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38 Purple mat men down four Big Ten teams Season wrap-up; finished 5-2; team photo.
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39 Circle letters Editor would like to be included in rounds of circle letters.
40 Sugar snows Old Administration Building holds President's Office, Registrar, Placement Office, and Department of Mathematics and Commercial Education.
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41 Allen W. Read Instructor in English at the University of Missouri; wrote many articles.
42 David W. Knepper Professor of political science at the Mississippi State College for Women.
43 Dorothy Schmidt Teaches first grade in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
44 George H. McManus History of different ranks in his army career; now executive officer of organized reserves in the first corps area.
45 Ira L. Craig Head of the Rate and Standard Practice Department of the Philadelphia Electric Company.
46 Lois Moritz Now lives in Evanston, Illinois; taking graduate work at Northwestern University.
47 Reverend Don M. Gury Holds the position of rector of the St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Watertown, Wisconsin.
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48 Alexander C. Roberts Co-author of "The Principles of American Secondary Education"; now president of San Francisco State Teachers College.
49 Alvin O. Setzepfandt Principal and supervisor of the Elementary Barnard School at Tulsa, Oklahoma.
50 Arthur D. King Teaches industrial arts in Des Moines, Iowa.
51 Cap E. Miller President of the Cosmopolitan Club and head of the Federated Cosmopolitan Clubs in Fargo, North Dakota.
52 Clarence Paulson Athletic coach at Bagley, Iowa.
53 Eleanor McMillin Working on master's degree at Iowa State College.
54 Grace Sheehan Faculty member of the Mount Saint Mary's school in Cherokee, Iowa.
55 Harryette Creasy Member of the English Department of Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York.
56 Laura H. Loetscher Teaches biology in Flint Junior College in Flint, Michigan.
57 Lucile McElroy Now lives in Clare, Iowa.
58 Mrs. L. A. Dunham The former Ethel Morgan wrote a letter about the blooming hyacinths.
59 Mrs. Robert J. Raker The former Marguerite A. Wallace teaches public school music from fourth to sixth grades in Ferndale, Michigan.
60 Roger W. Mullinex Teaches chemistry at Long Beach Junior College in Long Beach, California.
61 Rose M. Kleinfelder Teaches at Xavier High School in New Orleans, Louisiana.
62 Verna A. Hoyman Teaches English and supervision at the Campus Training School at Madison, South Dakota.
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63 Bertha Dahl Teaches fourth grade in Seattle, Washington.
64 Bess E. Horne Teaches English in Des Moines, Iowa.
65 C. J. Dwight Williams Branch manager of the Real Silk Hosiery Company in Duluth, Minnesota.
66 Cordia E. Smith Teaches fifth grade in Newton, Iowa.
67 Edna F. Parkin Teaches social science in the intermediate grades in Seattle, Washington.
68 Elma Lighter Now doing graduate work at Columbia University in New York City.
69 Francis G. Miller Dean of Forestry at the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho; now acting president of that school.
70 Gladys E. Wissler Secretary to a minister on Sioux City, Iowa.
71 Hilda E. Miller Teaches fourth grade in Mitchell, South Dakota.
72 James A. Boyle Made a trip to the Teachers College due to his father's death; now interested in newspapers.
73 Kathleen R. Lichty Teaches home economies and English in Kinross, Iowa.
74 Kathryn Larrison Assistant in the Kindergarten Department in Mitchell, South Dakota.
75 Mable M. Hartz Textile designer for dress silks in New York City.
76 Margaret de Booy Expects to receive an M. A. degree in the teaching of mathematics from Columbia.
77 Minnie M. Duffield Teaches first and second grades in Ely, Nevada.
78 Mrs. E. W. Magee The former Mary A. Boyle taught for two years and engaged in P.T.A. and religious work.
79 Ruby W. Gillespie Teaches intermediate grades at Iowa City, Iowa.
80 Wyntrice Earwood Received an M. A. degree from the University of Iowa.
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81 Amber B. Mann Enrolled at University of Iowa and is expected to receive a Bachelor of Science Degree.
82 Arthur A. Smith Acting superintendent of buildings and grounds at the University of Iowa.
83 Clara W. Scoggin Teaches junior high in Port Jervis, New York.
84 Edna G. Elmore Now lives in Kansas City, Kansas, where she is a nurse at the Bell Memorial Hospital.
85 Elsie M. Randall Swimming instructor at Clarke College in Dubuque, Iowa.
86 Hattie L. Specht Working towards an M. A. degree at University of Iowa.
87 Ira F. Shaffner Salesman for the Automobile Club of Detroit, Michigan.
88 Kenneth Baldwin Works in the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service in Cass Lake, Minnesota.
89 M. Mary Lynch Teaches literature in sixth and seventh grades at Nichols Intermediate School in Evanston, Illinois.
90 Mary Moore Teaches kindergarten in Flagstaff, Arizona.
91 Mildred S. Miller Now lives in New York City.
92 Mrs. Carl F. Gaines The former Ruth E. Williams now lives in Grand Island, Nebraska.
93 Mrs. Claude F. Cox The former Beatrice Shearer now lives in Fort Douglas, Utah.
94 Mrs. Clyde L. Schwyhart The former Beulah Taylor now lives in Peoria, Illinois.
95 Mrs. Lorin Fithian The former Marion Weed now lives in Mason City, Iowa.
96 Mrs. Orville G. Stow The former Mabel Bloomberg now lives in Wadena, Iowa, where she is principal of the high school.
97 Mrs. Thomas R. Gaines The former Carene L. Van Dersall now lives in New York City, where she is a health lecturer to women.
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98 Agnes Gullickson Critic of teaching at the Iowa State Teachers College; now studying at Columbia University.
99 Charles I. Lambert Physician and associate professor of psychiatry at Columbia University; his brother, John Lambert, is a psychiatrist at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City; called on Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Seerley.
100 Dorothy Opfer Teaches commercial work at Polytechnical High School in Los Angeles, California.
101 Edna M. Evens Teaches and does office work at the Cedar Rapids Business College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
102 Estelle L. Sheldon Now lives in Albert Lea, Minnesota.
103 Eula Cook Nurse at the State University Hospital at Iowa City, Iowa.
104 Eunice Acheson Psychologist at the Children's Center in Detroit, Michigan; completed doctoral degree at Columbia University.
105 Gladys O. Norris Teaches third grade in Great Neck, Long Island.
106 Grace Luella Mellem Teaches primary grades in Spokane, Washington.
107 Ida M. Ladiges Instructor on textiles and clothing at the State Teachers College in Kearney, Nebraska.
108 Margaret E. Santee Assistant journal clerk at the State Law Library of the State House in Des Moines, Iowa.
109 May Duryee Hopkins Now lives in Port Jervis, New York.
110 Mrs. Herbert A. Abraham The former Jo Wilder is a leader of a Pocono study tour through Europe.
111 Ruby Nelson Now lives in Missouri Valley, Iowa.
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112 Clara E. Case Teaches seventh grade at Harwood Girls School, which is part of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
113 Dixie Willson Author of many books and poems for children.
114 George A. Taylor Commercial artist with W. J. Rankin Corporation in Chicago, Illinois.
115 Gladys Sundal Part-time teacher and part-time student at Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
116 Hazel M. Tobias Married Carrell O. Turner on June 2, 1931; now lives in St. Louis, Illinois.
117 Helen Bobo Teaches first and second grades in Cumberland, Iowa; member of the Iowa Art Club.
118 Helen L. Dunlap Supervising critic teacher at Ohio University.
119 Marjorie M. Potts Teaching physical education at Wartburg Normal College in Waverly, Iowa.
120 Mrs. J. C. Glenn The former Nora Rummens now lives in Leavenworth, Kansas.
121 Mrs. Robert D. Lammer The former Florence Willhoite Wald taught six years in the East Waterloo Schools; her daughter is a supervisor at Allen Memorial Hospital in Waterloo.
122 Ruth Kennedy Married Earle Caille on January 22, 1932 and now lives in Adair, Iowa.
123 Winifred E. Parr Assistant director of nurses at the Passovant Hospital in Jacksonville, Illinois.
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124 Alta L. Hauswirth Married J. A. Whitman on June 20, 1931.
125 Carmen Isaacs Married Stanley Davis Preston on January 18, 1932.
126 Godfrey Messer Married Matie Simonson on December 19, 1931.
127 H. T. Ports Married Myrtle I. Ports on December 12, 1931.
128 Lillian A. Peterson Married to the Reverend Verner A. Grandquist on June 30, 1931; now lives in Miami, Florida.
129 Lillian Niehouse Married Martin Geiger on December 26, 1931.
130 Mable A. Sampson Married Alvin J. Freie on December 23, 1931.
131 Marcele Fecht Married Fred B. Thompson on August 20, 1931.
132 Margaret D. Johnson Married Arthur L. Soesbe on May 2, 1931 and now lives in Waterloo, Iowa.
133 Mildred L. Stedwell Married Verne F. Johnson on June 13, 1931; now lives in Carroll, Iowa.
134 Miss Alma Becker Married Albert V. Moore on December 24, 1931.
135 Winifred R. Bremer Married Ralph Surbaugh on September 21, 1931; now lives in Humeston, Iowa.
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136 Alma M. Sime Married Roy S. Sharp on October 28, 1931; now lives in Killduff, Iowa.
137 Doris S. Asby Married W. Dale Stewart on August 12, 1931; now lives in Iowa City, Iowa.
138 Edward Gingerich Married Edna E. Springmire on August 25, 1930.
139 Edyth M. Bunker Married Don E. Denkhoff on September 28, 1931, now live in Chicago, Illinois.
140 Elizabeth M. Fiebelkorn Married Charles M. French on September 3, 1931.
141 Louise Strohbehn Married Henry G. Goldschmidt Jr. on September 17, 1931; now lives in Davenport, Iowa.
142 Marjorie Hammer Married Carlton J. Peck on February 25, 1932; now live in Decorah, Iowa.
143 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Witter Parents of Rosemary Joy, who was born on October 27, 1931.
144 Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bates Parents of Richard Kenny, who was born on November 29, 1931.
145 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Green Parents of Thomas George, who was born on July 12, 1931.
146 Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Simmons Parents of William Howard, who was born on December 18, 1931.
147 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huber Parents of Arnold Mathew, who was born on June 27, 1931.
148 Oneta Haney Married Ivon McRae Pike on September 3, 1931.
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149 Alice Kinsley Died on November 18, 1931.
150 C. L. Love Died at Bismarck on February 5, 1932.
151 Dr. and Mrs. Nelson L. Hersey Parents of James Merrill, who was born on September 21, 1931.
152 Louis Waugh Died on July 30, 1931, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
153 Mr. and Mrs. Casper Pohlman Parents of Lyle Elden, who was born on May 8, 1931.
154 Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hastings Parents of Kathryn Marie, who was born on June 22, 1931.
155 Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Terry Parents of Daniel Pruitt, who was born on September 4, 1931.
156 Mr. and Mrs. Everett D. White Parents of Margaret Jean, who was born on February 14, 1932.
157 Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kullander Parents of Doris Pauline, who was born on July 30, 1931.
158 Mr. and Mrs. Horace Tousley Parents of Richard Sherrard, who was born on October 16, 1931.
159 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kyhl Parents of Joanne, who was born on September 2, 1931.
160 Mr. and Mrs. Leon F. Packer Parents of Albert Holroyd, who was born on September 2, 1931.
161 Mr. and Mrs. Oliver K. Strike Parents of Lois Bess.
162 Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Ward Parents of David Roscoe, who was born on July 29, 1931.
163 Mrs. Samuel Younkin The former Abbie R. Gunn died on February 27, 1932.
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164 Dr. Mary L. Dougherty Died in January, 1932, at the Johns Hopkins Hospital; had been on the Teachers College faculty and was currently teaching at Johns Hopkins.
165 Erma Logan Died at her home on November 25, 1931.
166 Ine D. Shuttleworth Died in January, 1932; had been lawyer in Des Moines.
167 J. C. Zumack Died on December 3, 1931 in a train accident.
168 Lloyd Loonan Died on February 9, 1932, in a gun accident.
169 Martha E. Van Vleet Died at her home on October 13, 1931.
170 Mrs. Elizabeth Griffith Loughridge Died on December 10, 1931, in Salem, Oregon.
171 Mrs. G. A. Wild The former Mary H. Ripke died on December 25, 1931.
172 Mrs. Harry W. Johnson The form Alice C. Beebe died on February 9, 1932.
173 Mrs. Ivan Lyddon The former Bethene C. Seward died on November 4, 1931.