Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "The Rivals" will be presented in manner of first performance; famous comedy has been revived frequently during past 160 years Preview of the play; list of cast members.
2 A. H. Upham, president of Miami University, will address graduates At Commencement ceremonies.
3 Alison Aitchison heads Iowa University women Elected president of Iowa AAUW.
4 Annual Inter-class Sports Day is next Wednesday; classes to be dismissed Will feature men's and women's athletics contests.
5 Board approves business officers for College Eye List of student publications staffs.
6 Dr. Hanson will preach on "Mutual Civic Life" Sunday At CHIC.
7 English honorary will have formal initiation before dinner tonight List of six Sigma Tau Delta initiates.
8 Graduates will meet Will receive Commencement tickets.
9 Johnny Baker is new coach; grid star joins faculty at Iowa State Teachers Profile of Johnny Baker.
10 Local nine plays Michigan State here tomorrow; Panthers to meet Upper Iowa University here Tuesday; Michigan team boasts 7 victory-no defeat record ISTC will compete against Michigan State Normal of Ypsilanti tomorrow.
11 Mendenhall to be here June 1; Director of Athletics returns from year of studies at University of Iowa Several continue studies at Columbia University; photo.
12 National Pan-Hel rule dissolves Phi Omega Pi Phi Omega Pi joins national Panhellenic group; rule forbids membership to sororities that have chapters at teachers colleges or normal school; local group dissolves in order to allow national group to join national council.
13 Seniors climax career at prom; Maxine Vail will lead march as queen; Ray Keyes' band will play
14 Speech fraternity here will initiate pledges at banquet tomorrow Pauline Moothart and Glenn Boysen will be initiated.
15 Students elect class officers for next year List of class officers.
16 Summer session will open June 1 Will have regular twelve week term.
17 Symphony orchestra will present concert on Wednesday evening Professor Waugh will be featured soloist.
18 W. L. Wallace burial to be in Minnesota; service is read here Professor Wallace died May 10, 1932, of heart disease and complications of influenza.
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19 Cecilians combine with Minnesingers in giving first joint concert here Review of Cecilian and Minnesinger joint performance on campus.
20 Donald Barker injures knee; returns home Trips on wire.
21 German Club will offer free program of plays, songs next Wednesday Performance program.
22 H. A. Riebe will address Kinross High graduates Will present Commencement address.
23 Local publications win honor rating at national meet College Eye and Purple Pen honored in National Scholastic Press contest.
24 Men honor students are luncheon guests of Faculty Men's Club Professor Merchant addresses group.
25 Music students will give four recitals in course of next week List of performers.
26 Parliament class resolves to outwit traditional May Day cloudbursts Humorous look at unsettled weather and outdoor plans.
27 Richman will conduct chorus at Charles City; string quartet will play Men's Chorus will perform.
28 Stanley Cohn, Gladys Dannett win places in Oelwein contest Gladys Dannett wins first and Stanley Cohn wins second place.
29 Teachers chapter of Delta Sigma Rho is among top four National publication cites outstanding student participation.
30 Women's League gives Get Wise program here on Thursday afternoon Features song and dance.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Bartlett Hall, East, tea
32 Bartlett Hall, West, tea Professor Aitchison spoke.
33 Burton Byers places third in State Peace Oratorical contest
34 Charles Hill is elected head of Phi Tau Theta List of officers.
35 College Club entertains graduating degree girls Group holds tea.
36 College Club honors ten co-ed graduates Will honor women with highest scholastic averages; list of those honored.
37 Five attend Y. W. C. A. meeting in Minneapolis List of those attending national convention.
38 Fraternity publishes first issue of "News" Phi Sigma Epsilon publishes quarterly newsletter.
39 Irving spring banquet held Saturday evening
40 Kappa Phi initiates eight girls Saturday List of initiates.
41 L. S. A. Held meeting and picnic.
42 Lutheran students to have "Kid" party Will raise money for seminary in Russia.
43 Untitled Bartlett Hall group holds social hour.
44 V. O. V. and Phi Sigma Phi sororities to have spring dances in Waterloo tonight Campus social calendar.
45 Wesley Foundation council is elected List of officers.
46 Wesley Foundation retreat will be next Sunday at Morris Isle Three Methodist groups will meet.
47 Y. W. and Y. M. have joint picnic Tuesday
48 Zeta Society List of officers.
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# Article Article Summary
49 Address is given on women's sports Anne Hodgkins spoke.
50 Carleton outclasses varsity tennis team ISTC defeated by Carleton; individual match scores noted.
51 Delphians lead in girls' ball league Results are announced from recent intramural softball competition.
52 Frosh lead Iowa Falls in dual tennis meet when showers interfere Meet against Iowa Falls Junior College was halted due to inclement weather; match results posted.
53 Purple Pen next week
54 Sheffield High plays frosh baseball nine ISTC will face Mason City Junior College and Sheffield High School teams; starting lineup noted.
55 Teachers beat Carleton, lose to Minnesota; Gophers score five runs in first inning to defeat Panthers, 6-3 ISTC defeated Carleton, 6-5, but lost to University of Minnesota, 6-3.
56 Teachers High wins loop title; Little Tutors take third major athletic championship of league Teachers College High School won the Iowa Cedar League championship with 42 1/2 points.
57 Teachers track men place high in Dakota meet; Willert sets new record in shot as he ties for first Results from Dakota Relays.
58 Track carnival will be here; stars from conference schools are expected to set new records ISTC will host several squads from the Iowa conference.
59 Tuesday, May 17 is date set for annual girls' track tourney; competition will be for individual honors rather than team Twenty women have registered for the women's intramural track tournament.
60 Varsity net team plays Coe College Tennis team will also host Iowa Conference tournament.
61 Varsity, frosh meet Cornell, Coe on track; triangular affairs for both teams are scheduled tomorrow morning ISTC competitors are listed for triangular meet in Mount Vernon.