Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Good Hope' cast is now complete; realistic sets are designed; electric sign will be used to advertise Description of sets; list of cast members.
2 'Huddle' will show at Regent Sunday
3 Bids for new college Commons are to be opened in Des Moines July 27th; building will be used as student center on campus Description of the new facilities.
4 College Band will appear in concert Tuesday, July 12th Following weekly "sing".
5 Columbia graduates will address new local Camera Club John Hildebrand will speak.
6 Doris White attends state council meet On evaluation of physical fitness.
7 Dr. Luse presides at Iowa conference education program At child development and parent education conference.
8 Educational film is shown as feature in college assembly Shows the President and his Cabinet.
9 Erbe reports on Democratic national meet; struggle is indicated over repeal plank, says professor Reports on candidates and major issues.
10 Halvorson has thesis printed at university On Aelfric's homilies.
11 Installation of new piping is now in process on campus Need to provide sufficient fall for sewer.
12 Ione Farber marries Decorah optometrist Married Dr. Arthur J. Headington.
13 Iowa University issues thesis by A. E. Brown On effects of class size.
14 July Alumnus is to be released; cover recalls student days; 13,500 copies will be mailed Preview of contents.
15 No college movie is to shown this week
16 Noted educator lauds Seerley in June journal For work in organizing teachers college association.
17 Orchestra will appear twice this summer; faculty singers will be soloists for symphony programs Will play on campus at Bible Conference.
18 Pairings are slow in second round, faculty golf meet Pairings and match results from second round competition in men's faculty golf tournament are announced.
19 Pipe organ student will present recital in Auditorium soon Anne Morse will perform.
20 Speaker criticizes genealogic mania in Sunday address
21 Theater magazine prints sketches of local scene method Shows revolving and wagon sets.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Forum Comments on the varied moods of summer session students.
23 Heating plant puzzles co-ed reporter; pleasure trip turns out to be assignment and nets this story as result
Norman--Nellie (Class of 1934)
A look at the new Power Plant, now under construction.
24 Literat Eye
Ferris--Bertha E. (Classes of 1929 and 1932)
Review of essay collection written by Charles S. Brooks.
25 On amateur plays Suggests ISTC should present one student-written play per year.
26 The Line Campus gossip.
27 Two Minutes Criticizes students for taking short cuts through the grass.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Alumna teaching in Burma visits campus Hazel Winslow visits.
29 Bartlett Hall girls have varied parties Entertain faculty, hold parties and breakfasts.
30 Co-ed basks, poses on lawn and solves depression problem Dries hair in the heat.
31 Drama group has picnic on Friday Theta Alpha Phi has picnic.
32 Edith McCollum goes to deans' convention; will study this term Will study at Columbia University.
33 Holiday preparation stimulates greater number of sociabilities Campus social calendar.
34 Miss Campbell to return soon Has been visiting her family in California.
35 Pi Beta Alpha girls take in thirteen pledges Wednesday List of pledges.
36 Untitled Hazel Wimer is home from Montana.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Are summer term college movies guilty of capitalizing on four to one situation? Investigation of film bills produces startling deduction Is the selection of movies playing to the ration of women to men?
38 College coal bill is $36,000 for winter College burned 8164 tons of coal.
39 Junior Red Cross display is shown Shows aims and work of the group.
40 Limelight finds turtles at last Family of snapping turtles in the Greenhouse.
41 New Commons building Proposed Commons facility is pictured.
42 Pianistic phantom startles watchman Cats walking on piano frighten watchman.
43 Student breaks ribs while roller-skating Estalene Owens injured.
44 Twenty-five State Teachers students climb to heights A number of students have climbed the new smokestack and left their names there.