Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Better teachers' cries committee on certification; State Teachers Association group frames bill for legislature Several ISTC faculty members involved in developing legislation.
2 Accidents lead causes of death, speaker says Marian Telford speaks on accidents.
3 All-college dance to be given tonight in Women's Gymnasium
4 Choir presents Sunday concert at Muscatine Performance program.
5 Committee makes plans for summer graduates' dinner
6 Construction on Commons is to be started soon; contracts are awarded to three Iowa building companies Should begin within two weeks; Anderson Construction is general contractor; budget is about $200,000; hope to complete work by May 10, 1933.
7 Dr. Hanson speaks from station WMT On "Devotional Hour".
8 Dramatics honorary is to initiate seven at Saturday dinner List of Theta Alpha Phi initiates.
9 Etiquette book is completed; Inter-sorority council to issue "good form" bulletin Highlights of the new booklet.
10 Geographists locate Hollywood in Alps, and flow Mediterranean into Nile River; professor declares science today proves man's relationships Professor Aitchison talks about some of the myths about geography.
11 Graduates will meet Wednesday For Commencement instructions.
12 Karl Nielsen gives recital in college Auditorium tonight Performance program.
13 Minneapolis voice professor appears at Tuesday 'sing' Robert Fullerton will perform.
14 Music professors will clash in finals of golf tournament Luther A. Richman will compete against George W. Samson, Jr.
15 Play production students to give drama program; one-act plays and scenes from Shakespeare will be presented List of directors and their work.
16 Rachel Rosenberger will present violin recital on Tuesday Performance program.
17 Riebe to show slides at meet; professor will present his nature photos before wild life school Description of his presentation at McGregor.
18 Three students are initiated into honor English fraternity Roster of Sigma Tau Delta initiates.
19 Two will join honor mathematics group Helen Umbaugh and Olive Sinclair will join Kappa Mu Epsilon.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Literat Eye
Ferris--Bertha E. (Classes of 1929 and 1932)
Reviews of "One Came Out," by Margaret Wilson, and "The Sound and the Fury," written by William Faulkner; poem is printed.
21 Mamie mosquito is chief offender Female mosquitoes do the biting.
22 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
23 "No Admittance" entrance is open Telephone system control room is off limits.
24 Bartlett, East, girls entertain at final summer breakfast
25 Iowa City firm gets annual printing bid Economy Advertising will print Old Gold.
26 Irving Hart marries fellow student at University of Texas Married Caroline Williams.
27 Lenore John to be honored at dinner tomorrow evening Professors Lambert, Gaffin, and Myers entertain.
28 Southern professor demonstrates proficiency as singer of ballads; member of English faculty has widely varied repertoire Professor Buckley talks about his study of folk and popular music.
29 Summer initiates are honored at Pi Omega Pi banquet Helen Barber and Elsan Morris honored.
30 Tenth week only brings on increase in social activities Campus social calendar.
31 Twelve students are initiated into Kappa Delta Pi Program highlights.
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# Article Article Summary
32 "Sky Devils" is now at Regent; Olympic film starts Sunday
33 Barrymore picture is current feature at college movie Will present "State's Attorney".
34 Commercial classes investigate methods of Waterloo firms Classes visit four Waterloo businesses.
35 Direst interurban street car service curtails bus line Schedule for the interurban line to Waterloo.
36 Geography fraternity members take trip; make practical study Gamma Theta Upsilon maps Guttenberg.
37 Metropolitan pastors will give addresses at Bible Conference Several ISTC faculty will assist with music.
38 Youthful students to present recital here Monday evening Performance program.