Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'The Scarecrow' is selected as first fall play; Stanley Wood fills Holden's place as technical director Profile of Stanley Wood.
2 Art League plans to have co-eds model for future studies At Art League meetings.
3 Bartlett Hall changes dining service hours; west wing is vacant Portions of Bartlett Hall vacant due to disruption caused by construction of Commons.
4 Blue Key will meet this noon; honor fraternity to elect new members at year's first meeting Local chapter founded in June 1932; list of charter members.
5 Campus Juliets have monumental patience
6 Church honors house mothers this Sunday
7 Coach schedules debate tryouts in two weeks; Brindley sets September 27 for preliminaries to Irish clash Will debate students from Trinity College in Dublin.
8 Council chooses two members for board of control Ruth Latta and Margaret Schrubbe selected.
9 Education magazine features Dr. Seerley in September issue Midland Schools will honor former President Seerley.
10 Enrollment for Saturday classes hits thirty-four Report on Extension Service classes and activities.
11 Fewer freshmen fail English than in 1931 Only seven per cent will be required to take English 0, the remedial course.
12 Fourteen local professors will address group; faculty members invited to Teachers Association Convention A number of faculty will participate in local teachers meetings.
13 Fred Cram publishes an elementary text on use of references Book is about use of dictionaries.
14 Fry's Orchestra will play dance tonight For all-college dance.
15 Michigan police hold brothers suspected of college forgery Men arrested may have been pair who swindled the college and local merchants.
16 Mrs. Schmidt coaches prize wining quartet Group wins American Legion national contest.
17 President will speak to campus leaders at banquet October 5 Presidents of student organizations invited.
18 Press banquet is Wednesday; board arranges journalism party; approves Gilson appointment Board of Control of Student Publications takes care of business matters.
19 Sigma Tau Delta selects magazine officers for year Roster of Purple Pen staff.
20 Sophomores plan to settle frosh cap ruling Wednesday Sophomores will meet to talk about enforcing freshman hazing.
21 Untitled Several initiated into sororities.
22 Weekly music hours will begin Tuesday at freshman lecture Professor Brindley will present lecture on activities of the English Department.
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23 Editorial board of the College Eye Roster of staff and their responsibilities.
24 Editorials; a puzzle in political science Applicants for citizenship fail examinations because they could not tell who actually elects the US President.
25 Editorials; objections to unsettling minds Believes that if authorities try to educate American youth instead of just teaching them, American parents will oppose this tampering with their children's self-sufficient ideals.
26 Editorials; the tragedy of it Education should extend throughout your whole life.
27 Editorials; this book entertains Etiquette book should benefit TC students.
28 Literat = Eye Student short stories and poems.
29 Seven acre garden converted into outdoor class laboratory; campus tract serves as a bird refuge home for native plants Description of the College Garden.
30 The Line Campus gossip.
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31 Bartlett Hall teas honor little sisters
32 Bartlett Hall West House council was held in Bartlett Hall to replace officers.
33 Epworth League party
34 Fraternities entertain before pledging while sororities elect new officers Campus social calendar.
35 Kappa Phi Members of Kappa Phi will entertain Methodist women of the college at teas in the Wesley house parlors.
36 Morris Isle is scene of weekend retreat YWCA will meet.
37 New officers elected by Catholic students Roster of officers.
38 Phi Tau Theta Fraternity will hold an open meeting for all Methodist men at Wesley house.
39 Sorority presidents organize as council to study problems List of Intersorority Council officers.
40 W. A. A. meeting W. A. A. meeting will be held for in the Women's gymnasium.
41 Women's Gym classes will start
42 Y. W. C. A. hike Hike will be held for the Y. W. C. A. members.
43 Y. W. lantern parade will brighten campus during annual party Will end activities directed at welcoming freshmen to campus.
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44 College Eye adds thirty reporters after tryouts week List of College Eye staff reporters.
45 College Eye staff plans reader survey to improve paper Reporters will interview one hundred students.
46 Former student broadcasts poetry over station WSUI Profile of Marguerite E. Hoffman and her poetic work.
47 Kindergarten Club entertains freshmen Holds get acquainted party.
48 Student here from Burma sees little student difference Bridget Wells talks briefly about her experience overseas.
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# Article Article Summary
49 Annual contest is announced; individual completion in ten events to begin in two weeks Men who are enrolled in TC are eligible to participate in the decathlon.
50 Entry list for tennis tourney closes Friday; championship trophy on display in the chase jewelry store Thirty players expected to participate in this first annual singles tennis tournament.
51 No admission fee to be charged for athletic contests Students with identification cards will be able to get into games free.
52 Out for full Art Olsen is considered one of the best passers on the football team. He also played basketball where he won the Berg trophy as the most valuable member on the team; photo.
53 Preps drill on enemy's plays; Fritzel gives frosh Columbia's offense to us on varsity Fritzel works with players to test their defense against Columbia's offense.
54 Schneider has job of building new grid team; five from championship eleven of last year return There were thirteen letterman lost through graduation; high school coach isn't promising an unbeatable aggregation.
55 Veteran end Roger Willert is one of the largest men on the football squad; he participates not only in football, but basketball and track; photo.
56 Whitford and aids push men in work-outs; Panthers will open season next Saturday at Dubuque Panthers getting ready for new season.
57 Whitford explains football changes to high school coaches Coach Whitford of TC spoke at the Northeastern Iowa football conference and talked about new rules for this year.
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# Article Article Summary
58 Chatterton leads college movie cast Will show "The Rich are Always with Us".
59 Co-ed groups discuss campus appreciation at the first meetings First in series of discussions with freshmen women.
60 Former P. T. teacher now with Illinois U. marries in Carolina Emily Mears married Jack Guiney.
61 High school gets new stage settings, seats, repainting Several remodeling and building projects underway; Power Plant should be ready October 1.
62 Huge elephant is encountered and (at) Y. W.'s retreat
63 League presents play at Wednesday session Will demonstrate the freshman experience.
64 Man and wife star in Regent picture Will show "Downstairs".
65 New Central floors are to be laid soon Installing new linoleum in Central Hall.
66 Power plant tunnels are nearly completed Tunnels should be completed in about two weeks; power should be available in about a month; old plant will not be razed until spring.
67 Representative freshman thanks big sister for first day aid Fictional account of freshman's experience.
68 Seventeen enroll at college pre-school Newly-remodeled facilities will be available.
69 Student types at teachers are analyzed at last Stereotypical views of students in various majors.