Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Byers, Grant win in speech; Wick and Lawrence place second; women will compete tonight In extemporaneous competition.
2 Chemistry Seminar officers are chosen
3 Four girls head fall Honor Roll with A average; seventy-two students earn over fifty grade points List of those on women's Honor Roll.
4 Fraternity Council plans annual dance
5 H. L. Eells dedicates Floyd County school
6 Holiday dance starts weekend of Yule parties; students will be hosts to faculty at Christmas party Preview of the dance.
7 Lillian Sheppler plays violin made by her father Father is noted violin craftsman.
8 Local professor is author of new psychology text Professor Brown publishes workbook on elementary psychology.
9 Messiah is theme of church services
10 Messiah to be given Sunday; two hundred students and four soloists to present Oratorio Description of the "Messiah" and the upcoming production.
11 Music fraternity to broadcast program Phi Mu Alpha will present fifteen minute program.
12 New musician bows to campus Saturday Professor and Mrs. Hill have a new baby daughter.
13 Painters to begin Aud. Redecoration Should complete work over the holidays.
14 Picture taking for annual starts today
15 Producer Tutor Ticklers producer Donald Kelley; photo.
16 Skar passes C. P. A. tests in Wisconsin
17 Special holiday rail fares are announced
18 Teachers debaters drop first contest to Coe Wednesday Summary of debate.
19 Ten societies enter Old Gold sales contest All seeking $50 prize.
20 Tutor Ticklers tryouts to be next week; ten girls are chosen to make up Vaudeville chorus List of judges and chorus members.
21 Wanted! Vegetables at 'Canned Dance' Admission price will be cans of food to be donated to the needy.
22 What will Santa put in their stockings now? Flails maybe! Social Science Club debates existence of Santa Claus.
23 What? Scholarships four year olds? Scholarships are available for Nursery School students.
24 Youth peace group selects name for local organization Organized in wake of visit by Paul W. Harris.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Editorials; courtesy Courtesy is important to women.
26 Editorials; razzing the coeds Appearance of women on campus.
27 Editorials; wanted: tips The College Eye needs assistance from more advanced students who know the professors, administrative offices, and activity leaders.
28 Forum
Gutz--Marcella (Class of 1935)
Students should be more friendly with their fellow students.
29 Literat = Eye Student short stories and poems.
30 The Line Campus gossip.
31 This campus et al. News from ISTC and other campuses.
32 Warning to dreamers
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# Article Article Summary
33 Bartlett closes year with dinner dance, supper and coffee Description of the party.
34 C. S. A. plans party as Xmas celebration
35 Chinese party YWCA party will feature Chinese theme.
36 Choir party honors Westminster singers
37 Christmas parties, dance, ring out old year of college social affairs Campus social calendar.
38 Delphians have party, election of officers List of officers.
39 Kappa Phi girls have initiation, banquet List of initiates.
40 Special guests read for Writers' Club Margaret Hoffman and T. R. Adams read.
41 Two become pledges of Sigma Tau Delta Grace Frost and Ray Papke pledge.
42 Two faculty women to vacation in Cuba Professors Hafkesbrink and Ruegnitz will make trip.
43 Women's League has dinner and meeting Celebrate Christmas.
44 Yes we have our witches; a strain of superstition runs in the veins of even the sanest person A look at common superstitions.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Basketball coach Melvin E. Fritzel graduated from TC and played on sports teams; now is coaching basketball; photo.
46 Death ray force behind 'Chandu' film at Regent Will show "Chandu the Magician".
47 Eighteen grapplers are on frosh squad List of team members.
48 George H. Holmes exhibits equipment before Camera Club Club may set up laboratory soon.
49 Girls' teams to be independent; new type of competition in women's intramurals will be tried Program will not allow organizations to enter competition; teams must organize and name themselves.
50 Little Tutors play tonight; Training School will face Grundy Center in first loop contest Gundy Center is a tough match for Little Tutors. Little Tutors did beat Eagle Grove, 46-36.
51 Panthers play Coe College in initial game; three veterans and two new men selected to start contest Men's basketball season has started. The Panthers played against Coe College in a non-conference game.
52 The walking alarm clock
Hesse--Beverly Gertrude (Class of 1936)
53 Vindictive vamp on trail of scorners Will show "Thirteen Women".
54 Why we need good schools for children of Depression; schools play major part in stabilizing life during financial stress Convincing others that children need good schools.
55 Wrestlers will stage annual home tourney; finals of elimination meet open to student body Wrestling meet will consist of the finals of the elimination tournament.