Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Campus groups trek to studio for pictures; Xanho fraternity is first group to "see the birdie" Schedule and arrangements for yearbook shots.
2 Dr. Latham pays tribute to Dr. Seerley at Rotary Club Text of address.
3 E. P. Kuhl of Iowa University faculty will lecture here Will speak on Shakespeare.
4 Five main acts are chosen for Tutor Ticklers; four entrée acts and Tutor Tickler chorus will be featured Roster of groups that will perform.
5 Four Teachers debate teams enter tournament sponsored by Illinois school; eight teams----six states to be represented in contest Description of upcoming debate.
6 Kerosene lamp's fall causes its loss of popularity at Iowa State Normal School; heating plant furnishes heat, light and power History of heat and light systems at ISTC.
7 Memorial number of Alumnus will be issued as a tribute to President-Emeritus H. H. Seerley Tribute to President Seerley, who died December 23, 1932; buried at Fairview Cemetery; photo.
8 Mrs. Reed, wife of dean, dies following pneumonia attack Died December 18, 1932; brief obituary.
9 Old Gold sponsors popularity contest; voting begins today Will select three most popular men and women.
10 Physical Education programs too often built or superior athletes; coach suggests program beneficial to whole student body
Bender--Paul F. (Dean of Students; Physical Education Faculty)
There is a lack of facilities for the Physical Education program. Coach Bender thinks that the real cause is the lack of understanding of the purpose of Physical Education as it applies to all students; suggests program that would include more.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Editorials; school boards need courage Communities that continue to build soundly and surely in their school programs are not making a mistake.
12 Editorials; stealing our credits Believes that class attendance policy still needs serious consideration.
13 Forum
Martin--Leo Austin (Class of 1933)
Urges students to support speech competitions and tournaments.
14 The Line Campus gossip.
15 Twenty-one football men given letters; letter award is made in memory of Martin Luther List of letter winners.
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# Article Article Summary
16 A blessed event! Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Adams have a new daughter.
17 Bartlett girls have coffees and party
18 Blue Key Discuss pep at basketball games.
19 Committee chairmen of Women's League attend dinner party Receive copies of booklet on ISTC recreational facilities.
20 Des Moines minister is church speaker The Reverend E. G. Williams will speak.
21 Founders Club has initiation ceremony Will mock superstitions.
22 Fourteen initiated by Kappa Delta Pi, honorary society List of initiates.
23 John Baker appears in Wheeler-Woolsey comedy here tonight Coach Baker appears in movie.
24 Mr. Stork announces visit to Lynch family Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch have new son.
25 Old Gold staff will give dance tonight; sororities, fraternities entertain soon Campus social calendar.
26 Rev. Young to speak at banquet tonight
27 Sigma Tau Delta may print extra magazine to accommodate Alumni
28 Stork visits Holmes family; brings boy Richard Grant Holmes is born to Mr. and Mrs. George Holmes.
29 Wesley Club plans New Year's party
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# Article Article Summary
30 Eighty women take part in intramurals In basketball and volleyball programs.
31 Home wrestling meet completed; supremacy in six weights gained in tourney December 20 Wrestling men do well at meet.
32 Life saving corps presents swimming carnival Wednesday
33 Little Tutor cagers face strong teams in next two games Little Tutors have won five out of their seven games so far; hope to continue.
34 Madame X succeeds Mr. As foreteller of cage scores Madame X predicts that TC will defeat Luther by a narrow margin; Panthers will win by at least six points.
35 Men's program of intramurals opens Saturday; first round of basketball commences; ninety to compete Form two leagues.
36 Panthers win loop opener; Fritzel's cagers lost first two engagements, then win two TC beat Columbia College 49-17. Panthers played their first game at home and scored a 28-22 win over Hamline University.
37 Teachers will play Norse here on Wednesday; Norsemen are expected to prove severe test to coach Fritzel TC will go up against their strongest competition in the Iowa Conference. Coach Fritzel is satisfied with the defense, but is now concentrating on offense.
38 Wrestlers will combat three Iowa colleges; Iowa, Cornell, Iowa State to face Panthers in dual meets Wrestlers will face two of the strongest college teams in the country; Cornell and Iowa State.