Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 April Alumnus is dedicated to late Homer H. Seerley
2 Co-eds hunting feature story rewarded with man-made meal; collegians prove efficient at Culinary Art Men save money by cooking their own food.
3 College movie offers musical comedy and a mystery feature Will show "So This is Harris".
4 Dr. Niven speaks at fellowship luncheon At Westminster House.
5 Dr. Robinson and group of students attend meeting Program for the international relations meeting at Grinnell.
6 Glee Clubs will present sacred cantata Sunday Will present "The Seven Last Words of Christ".
7 Light bridge and projection machine to add reality to play; 'Romeo and Juliet' will feature Elizabethan costumes Description of the set.
8 Magazine gets second honors; Columbia Scholastic Press Association sponsors competition Purple Pen honored.
9 May Day festival set by committee Saturday, May 13 To be held in conjunction with Mother's Day.
10 Nominations due for 'May Queen'; any senior girl may be nominated by any student
11 Professor from China to speak; Vernon Nash, of Yenching University, coming for press meet Will address press association banquet.
12 Senior women to be guests at play; tea next Tuesday To be hosted by AAUW; will see play written by Professor Buxbaum and Bernice Halvorson.
13 Shield Club sponsoring all college mixer; cards, dancing, games and stunts on program tonight Women's physical education honorary will provide variety of activities.
14 Speaking of shipwrecks, deserted islands, books; What's your idea?; Bible, Shakespeare favored by members of faculty Faculty select the books that they would take to a deserted island.
15 Spring term Purple Pen will be ready for sale by April 17
16 State oratorical contest tryouts will begin Friday For state peace oratorical contest.
17 Two instructors tie for Presidency in Men's Club election Will need run-off election between Professors Richman and Slacks.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Alpha Delta Alpha Roster of officers.
19 Claribel Clark is presented in recital
20 Convention reports given at Math Club Dora Kearney and Freda Steinberg report on NEA meeting.
21 Editorials; a university reaction Reaction at Iowa City to bill that would prohibit state institutions from entering into any business enterprise.
22 Editorials; hats off to the navy! Pray for the sailors who died.
23 Members give reviews at Epworth League Grant Hunt reviews book.
24 Ten Iowa colleges send Y. W. delegates To campus meeting.
25 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Baptist girls Hear talk on Yellowstone.
27 Bartlett girls hear nature talk; have Easter egg hunts
28 Dr. R. W. Harbeson will discuss present railroad problems At AAUP meeting.
29 Gamma sorority plans initiation and dance Roster of Alpha Beta Gamma pledges.
30 Kappa Mu Epsilon will entertain new members at dinner List of new members.
31 L. S. A. service Lutherans hold confirmation memorial service.
32 Moore, Gitt elected Bartlett presidents Roster of officers.
33 Pi Beta Alpha Professor Lambertson spoke on speech correction.
34 Pi Phi Omega sorority will initiate Sunday List of initiates.
35 Waterloo girls have Depression party as rest of organizations remain quiet Campus social calendar.
36 Zeta Society Will plan for coming year.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Bender orders outdoor drills; trackmen in preparation for season opening at Drake Relays Tracksters report to workout at the Panther track to get ready for more strenuous workouts later on.
38 Biology Club Professor Gilbert spoke.
39 Dormitory clerk needs pity; coming of males of mails takes up largest portion of desk assistant's time
Johnson--Oscar (Class of 1933)
Desk attendant says that dealing with the mail and with men arriving to pick up dates takes up most of her time.
40 Drama, A. A. U. W. Drama study group met.
41 Faculty quartette plays in Janesville At Methodist Church.
42 Football squad is working on fundamentals Football men are being conditioned by John Baker and Dave McCuskey.
43 George Arliss' wife plays opposite him in 'King's Vacation' This will be the third time Arliss's wife has played with him on the screen.
44 Intramural leaders will meet Monday To organize spring intramurals.
45 Invitations sent to prep schools for Panther Relays About three hundred athletes participated last year.
46 Little Tutors cinder squad enters relays; six veterans head list of fifteen lettermen at drills Weather conditions still a factor; track men practice indoors.
47 Orchesis plans annual recital
48 Panther Cubs; Marion Bragonier Profile of Marion Bragonier.
49 Panther diamond squad hampered by weather Whitford seeks hitting power on ball squad; first base job a toss up; pitchers ready to go; all men in shape Baseball men take it easy on hard throwing outside until weather conditions become better. Outfields positions are still being decided.
50 Playcraft Club Will present "Rosalie".
51 Tau Sigma Delta Hold dinner.