Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Debate is theme of Hamilton Club spring banquet program Roster of speakers who will talk about debate.
2 Dr. O. R. Latham to speak at Blue Key banquet Wednesday Group will elect officers.
3 Eight girls are named candidates for Queen of May List of nominees.
4 Faculty members to play at music teachers meeting All music faculty will play in symphony performance.
5 Frank Hill to be soloist for college concert; Teachers College Symphony Orchestra to appear May 2 Performance program for Symphony Orchestra presentation.
6 Grant Wilder to be church speaker here At CHIC.
7 Hart will speak to Grinnell graduates Professor Hart will make Vesper address at his alma mater.
8 Harvey Waugh to appear as soloist in Waterloo concert Program for Waterloo Symphony Orchestra presentation.
9 Issuance of Mother's Day invitations begins work of committees in chard; plan annual observance for week-end of May 12-14 Students will receive invitations, which they will mail to their mothers.
10 Music scholarship contest scheduled for this afternoon Will compete for Lalan scholarship.
11 No coffee; no lips that touch coffee shall ever . . . . Dorothy Truitt is not a coffee drinker.
12 Orchesis will present recital Thursday night; interpretation of music, moods is objective of group Performance program; list of members.
13 Pistols, dogs, trees, amuse our teachers A look at some of the hobbies enjoyed by ISTC professors.
14 Practices for May festival begin Monday Work is in the hands of committees.
15 Prep dramatists will see spring play performed; three hundred expected at drama conference tomorrow About three hundred will attend.
16 Presbyterian group will present play Will present "Bread".
17 Press convention date cards are due For those who want dates for the press convention.
18 Press meeting here next week; Vernon Nash will deliver lecture on Friday morning Brief schedule of convention.
19 Publications staff meeting is called To prepare for press convention.
20 Red Cross examiner qualifies twenty in life-saving tests List of those who passed the test.
21 Romance and tragedy are woven into Shakespeare's play, 'Romeo and Juliet'; production o be repeated tonight and Saturday afternoon
Middleton--Caryl A. (Class of 1934; Education Facu
Review of the play.
22 Slacks is chosen Men's Club President Defeated Professor Richman.
23 Tea given for honor women; ten senior students are honored by college club List of women honored by the College Club.
24 W. A. A. elects new officers Tuesday Roster of officers.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Anyhow it's one way to patch up love scenes, so everyone's happy; it's just matter of scissors and cement, and the show goes on
Dutcher--Frank A. (Class of 1933)
A look at the complicated process of showing movies in the Auditorium.
26 Editorials; is your mother coming? Urges students to invite their mothers to campus for Mother's Day activities.
27 Editorials; oh yeah! Urges middle road in use of slang.
28 Forum
Mach--George R. (Commercial Education Faculty)
Professor Mach notes that his comments on what students can learn on weekends was meant to contrast weekends on campus versus weekends at home.
29 John Barrymore is cast in stellar role as college professor Will show "Topaz".
30 Literat = Eye Student short stories and poems.
31 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Believe it or not! College students devise and use their own vocabulary; "Bing" Crosby and Richard Arlen work out list of college slang American college slang.
33 Comedy satire is Regent weekend bill Will show "So This is Africa".
34 Dr. Beatrice Geiger speaks at Bartlett Hall laboratory tea Discusses tea etiquette.
35 Epsilon Phi Epsilon plans sport dance To be held at the Mandalay.
36 Four are initiated into Alpha Society Roster of new members.
37 Neo-Chresto Society has spring banquet List of initiates.
38 Social activities are renewed after lull in pre-Easter social programs Campus social calendar.
39 Soloists at symphony concert Harvey Waugh and Frank Hill will be soloists in symphony orchestra presentations; photo.
40 Untitled Eleanor McMillin initiated into Sigma Phi Epsilon.
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# Article Article Summary
41 'I' Club men plan Friday night dance
42 Frosh baseball squad initiates first of series Freshman baseball players work out daily; will participate in intra-squad games.
43 Panther Cubs Profile of William Schulz.
44 Panther lair to be scene of track relays; twenty-seven high schools, fifteen junior colleges send 350 men Three hundred trackmen representing the elite of the state's high schools and junior colleges will compete at TC in the relays.
45 Panther net squad whipping into shape but lacks schedule Scheduling meets for men's tennis team is becoming a problem.
46 Thirteen enter Drake Relays; relay teams, pole-vaulters, 2-milers, shot man on squad Coach Bender has chosen thirteen men to be on the Panther track squad at the Drake Relays.
47 Whitford drills diamond squad for first game; squad members injured in scrimmage; lineup may be juggled Baseball men get ready for their first game with Iowa State College Cyclones.
48 Yearling cindermen point for triangular Coe and Cornell meet Freshman track squad is now working outside daily; first meet will be with Coe and Cornell.