Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "The show must go on, trouper!" Tommy Quire broke bone in arm during Tutor Tickler show.
2 "Today, the issues of the times demand action"--J.C. Gilchrist; booklet found in Central Hall eaves contains sermon of '79 Commencement booklet found.
3 Ball for President attracts many to Commons Tuesday Raised money for polio.
4 Come up to shoot with me sometime! Student hopes that a rifle club will organize; keeps shotgun in room.
5 Dr. Beard talks to university women at Tuesday meeting On women in higher education.
6 Eighteen groups will gather for annual pictures
7 Inter-frat dance expected to draw 150 couples
8 Lowther's Casa Nova band to play for ball; selected as orchestra for annual Washington celebration Preview of the Washington Ball.
9 Panthers set for tilt with Simpson five; Deanmen enter fieldhouse tomorrow night as circuit threat Panthers in the middle of a slump after losing four consecutive games.
10 Phi Sigma Phi wins Tutor Tickler cup Results of Tutor Tickers competition.
11 Rubber-legged girls, wild cats in intramurals Women's intramural sports underway.
12 Ruegnitz gives recital Sunday; will present selections of modern pianoforte composers Performance program.
13 Shield Club dinner to be held tonight Faculty will honor students.
14 Spring, caramels, Commons, an "A" baying dog, etc., thrill students; ten tutors list the things that appeal to their aesthetic natures Students tell what they like.
15 T. C. loyalty song is heard over NBC Heard on Rudy Vallee show.
16 T. C. popularity contest begins Tuesday, Feb. 6, no nomination will be held before regular elections Winners will appear in 1934 Old Gold.
17 To preach Sunday D. W. Kurtz will speak at CHIC; photo.
18 Tutor debaters back from tour; win ten out of sixteen victories in tournament Description of recent competition.
19 Victors named in speech tilts; Curtis, Grant, Ferreter, and Moore win fist places and Drake trip Results of recent contests.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Books
Lillibridge--Merl Clarian
A book review of "Fanny Penquite" by Edith Saunders and "To the North" by Elizabeth Bowen.
21 Campuses from Coast to Coast News from campuses around the United States.
22 Forum Observations of students.
23 The Greeks have a letter for it! The number of Greek groups has increased significantly.
24 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
25 'Clothing' discussed at school assembly Training School group tours local woolen mill.
26 "Out goes the bad air, in comes the good," drones class Women take water safety training.
27 Alert citizen is hero for night Citizens in Hudson avert what they thought was going to be a crime.
28 Annual swim show ready February 21 Twenty-five students will present exhibition.
29 Dr. Luse entertains teachers at dinner Will entertain faculty and local educators.
30 Dr. Sage to discuss "Hitlerism" at forum
31 Four changes made on editorial staff of student annual
32 He grapples with men in the winter; cuisine in summer Bruce Warner serves as chef at Chicago area country club.
33 Inter-fraternity dance tonight is social highlight of weekend Campus social calendar.
34 Lorinne Crawford appears in Regent film, "Mr. Skitch" Served as double for actress Rochelle Hudson.
35 Mullins gives review of books at coffee Evelyn Mullins reviews books.
36 News briefs Information on students, alumni, and faculty.
37 Password please? "Deuteriumdeu--" Alembic group meets.
38 Pi Theta Pi sorority entertains rushees
39 Ralph Moritz will give piano recital Performance program.
40 Untitled Professor Fahrney will speak at Kiwanis Club.
41 Veiled education found interesting Student uses book to cover what she is really reading.
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# Article Article Summary
42 "Familiarity breeds attempt" is way of Minnie Mouse
43 Alpha Chi's trip Chi Pi Theta; tie for league lead Upset leads to tie between Chi Pi Theta and Lambda Gammas.
44 Chi Pi's victors in intramurals; successfully defend their 1933 basketball crown Chi Pi remained the only undefeated team.
45 Duhawks spill Panthers 36-20; shove Tutors from title race in upset contest Rematch between the teams proves to be another loss for the Panthers.
46 F. D. Cram honored by Mason City group High school journalism society named for Professor Cram.
47 Iowa State scores mat victory over Panther wrestlers Panthers win only the first and last matches of the meet and lose, 28-6.
48 Panther frosh lose to Cornell by 32-29 score Panthers lose their opening game.
49 Tarzan's rival in Tutor Tickler act Don Stout appears in silhouette in show.