Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 ". . . is Peterson, is Gertrude Stein--" Peterson family entertains each other.
2 "Allie" now rated plant equipment College Eye had difficulty in locating recent articles.
3 "The Late Christopher Bean" proves heart-warming comedy; large first night audience enjoys plot twists, acting
Severin--Betty (Class of 1935)
A review of the school play "The Late Christopher Bean."
4 Accident injuries will keep two from school three weeks Several injured in car accident.
5 Behrens will play for Friday dance
6 Bible conference enlists student, faculty players Several ISTC faculty and students will assist at Cedar Falls Bible Conference.
7 Birss Curtis talks on advances made in business studies Norman Birss Curtis will speak.
8 Charles to discuss adolescent morals before symposium
9 Earlier mailing of Eye planned; Friday morning delivery by carrier awaits postal consent Attempt to deliver College Eye earlier in order for the advertisements to have greater value and use.
10 Faculty writings, statistics compiled; books, articles lead ISTC faculty members have written 316 books and articles since 1912.
11 First summer session started here in 1896 with 180 enrolled; faculty divided tuition fees as their salaries History of summer session at ISTC.
12 Girl Scouts to plan local, college group Girl Scouts representative hopes to organize college women for Scout work.
13 Hill will play at song hour; to present special violin selections July 17 in Auditorium Performance program.
14 New Deal "3R's" is forum topic; Dr. Robinson to discuss relief, recovery, and reorganization Will assess first sixteen months of the New Deal.
15 Sage will sing at services for July 15 At CHIC.
16 The World This Week
Finlayson--Donald E. (Class of 1935)
News from around the world.
17 Three hundred join in Music Hour sing Professor Fullerton leads singing; Professor Samson performs on organ.
18 Today is the day to expect anything Watch out for Friday the Thirteenth.
19 Vesper sparrows photographed in nest by Dr. Lantz Photographs two nests at Ingawanis.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Alice in school land A parody of curricular debate.
21 Cabell writes on nightmares and calls the result "Smirt" A book review of "Smirt" by James Branch Cabell.
22 Campuses from Coast to Coast News from campuses around the United States.
23 Eye editor now hunting new alligator yarn (and reporter) Editor responds to last week's letter concerning alligator stories.
24 Reporter Johnson likes ping pong, painting, sitting down Profile of Wiert Johnson.
25 The Line Campus gossip.
26 Untitled
27 Up-to-date ideas plentiful in Mark Twain's literary essays A book review of Mark Twain's "How to Tell a Story."
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# Article Article Summary
28 All-college dance, music hour, forum scheduled for next week Campus social calendar.
29 Boatman, Johnson go vagabonding Maurice Boatman and Alvin Johnson are traveling in the East; will bring Dick Sucher and his band back home when they return from Europe.
30 Branagan discusses garden's color plan At local women's club meeting.
31 Branch briefs News from the Branch Summer School.
32 Buxbaum, Peterson at Hampshire, England Visited Winchester Cathedral.
33 Canoeing course provides thrills Description of skills acquired in canoeing course.
34 Corrections Ruth Borthwick will marry Erskine Blair in August.
35 Dowden-Lewis rites performed July 10 in Waterloo church Pearl Lewis married Milton Dowden.
36 Dowden, Steele feted by Kappa Theta Psi's Pearl Lewis married Milton Steele; Gladys Clark married Hugh Steele.
37 Euterpeans entertain guests at Commons Professor Fullerton performs at tea.
38 Finlayson, Vonglan elected as members of Sigma Tau Delta
39 News briefs News about students, alumni, and faculty.
40 Untitled Ruth Samson will teach in Lewis.
41 Yerkes Observatory's director states faith in nature's laws; Barker reports informal talk by Doctor Frost Don Barker reports on remarks made by observatory's former director.