Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Botanical Gardens are little-known part of campus Brief history and description of the College Garden, started by Professor Arey in 1916; located at east end of 26th Street.
2 Business men to have pep section About 150 Cedar Falls businessmen will parade across the field tomorrow with their wives before the start of the game to show their support.
3 College Choir is now vested; has fifty members College Choir will have robes for Sunday services; list of members.
4 Council vetoes May Day fete; votes to abolish freshman and sophomore class elections Believes Tutor Ticklers has replaced May Day; believe abolition of elections will enhance unity of the school.
5 Eight new courses in philosophy and religion announced Short description of the courses; will be taught by Harold Bosley.
6 Fagan says plan of private property is opposed in practice Excerpts from remarks by Professor Fagan to forum group.
7 Fluttering Bessie is teacher's pet! Bessie the Bat flutters around the Auditorium and brings good luck to dramatic productions.
8 Frosh to frolic next Friday eve Will feature celebration and dance.
9 Hart appointed to state educational committee position Will be coordinator of the education committee of the Iowa State Planning Board.
10 Here's early fame for 3 little boys Professor Ruegnitz dedicates three of her compositions to little boys.
11 Latham fetes campus leaders at annual dinner Gayle Howe summarizes changes in the school over the last ten years.
12 Leisure hours to begin Sunday; Miss Barker, Mr. Hill to be on first program at Commons Performance program.
13 Prep leaders meet in Commons today For leadership conference.
14 Student editors attending national press convention Highlights of the Chicago meeting.
15 The World This Week
Finlayson--Donald E. (Class of 1935)
Discusses Europe's turmoil, news on the Lindbergh kidnapping, and fighting in Spain.
16 Two college men's vocal clubs name sixty in personnel List of members of the Minnesingers and the Troubadours.
17 Wanted: a date, by man with a dime Women want a man who can dance and has some money.
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# Article Article Summary
18 "Slanting Lines of Steel" tells story of war correspondent
Schmidt--Robert R. (Student--1934)
Review of book.
19 Campuses from Coast to Coast Happenings at other campuses around the United States.
20 Chaos, fascism, or socialism is Thomas' choice for the future
Byerly--Helen (Student--1934)
Review of "The Choice Before Us".
21 Freshmen! Are you men or mice? Considers seeming acceptance of freshmen for their purple caps.
22 Student Council minutes Considers May Day, bulletin boards, and class elections.
23 Student thinks Library is more for visiting than for studying Believes that many men use the Library only as a place to meet women.
24 The Line
Bovee--Victor (Class of 1935)
Campus gossip.
25 Un-American is not anti-American Discusses Professor Fagan's speech on the "American System" and private property.
26 Upperclaswoman proposes eight o'clock curfew for freshmen Female student suggests an early curfew for freshmen so that upperclasswomen have a chance to meet some men and go on dates.
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# Article Article Summary
27 "Mexico City" theme of Thomes' lecture At meeting of Romance Language Club.
28 Bartlett Hall girls get helpful hints through new advisers Advisors offer advice to new students.
29 Campus this Week Campus news.
30 Coming events Upcoming events on campus.
31 Date set for annual publications banquet to be at Commons Roster of speakers.
32 Eleven sororities grant membership to eighty women List of new pledges.
33 Frosh party next Friday night finds social prominence of class
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# Article Article Summary
34 "Treasure Island" is new Regent picture
35 Cross country run event of Coe game Interested track aspirants are encouraged to participate in the first 1 1/2 mile cross country event to be held at halftime of the TC-Coe football game.
36 Flash card system to be inaugurated Women are being asked to hold purple and gold flashcards at the Michigan State Normal game to show their school spirit.
37 Freshman team mocks Ypsilanti against varsity Freshman football team practices against varsity to prepare the varsity for their upcoming game against Michigan State Normal.
38 Games for women are 'going British' TC women are playing cricket.
39 Getchell presents views on science
40 Girls hike miles to explore quarry at end of tramp Women's Athletic Association sponsors new activities program and the sports club begins hockey practice for women.
41 Men's athletic participation is nearly doubled Almost two hundred students are engaging in sports on the TC campus.
42 Orville Nichols outstanding in Panther victory TC's speed demon Orville Nichols helped the Panthers to a 18-0 victory over Cornell.
43 Panther Portraits Athletic profile of football player William Schultz.
44 Panther ready for Ypsilanti tilt tomorrow TC faces a challenge as they face Michigan State Normal at home tomorrow.
45 Richman defeated in faculty tournament Finkenbinder defeats Richman in the faculty golf tournament.