Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A Christmas carol composed by Mary Templeton was played on the bells of the Campanile The carol was composed as part of the course in Harmony I.
2 Erva Mae, Felter composed the words for two Christmas carols played on the Campanile Miss Felter is involved in many musical organizations on campus.
3 Geraldine Schmitt has had the honor of having her Christmas carol played on the bells of the Campanile Her carol was composed as part of the course in Harmony I.
4 Leone Steuben is the composer of a Christmas carol, "Christmas Bells" "Christmas Bells" was played over the chimes of the campanile as part of the pre-Christmas program.
5 Lloyd Ruby composed two Christmas carols played on the Campanile Erva Felter wrote words for the carols, and Fredrick Feldman played the music on the bells of the Campanile.
6 Margaret Vandenburgh has had the distinction of having her original Christmas carol played on the Campanile Miss Vandenburgh was a soloist in Bach's Christmas Oratorio.
7 Marion Parr has had the honor of having one of her own compositions played on the Campanile The composition was part of regular class work in her Harmony I class.
8 Nellie Coffin composed an original Christmas carol played on the Campanile chimes Miss Coffin also sang in the Bach Oratorio
9 One of Doris Parsons' original compositions was played on the Campanile The composition was written as part of her class work in music Harmony I.
10 The Teachers College basketball players hang up their attack weapons and suspend practice until January 3 There are eleven games remaining in the season.
11 The Teachers College basketball team will settle down to a series of hard games that will last into March Schedule of games left this season.
12 The Teachers College looked back with some satisfaction on the past year in athletics The basketball team has eleven more games left in the season, while the wrestling team is still having schedule difficulties.
13 The Teachers College wrestling team opens the season at Madison tonight Injuries, ineligibilities, and failure to return to school have cut the Panther outfit to a mere handful.
14 The veteran Maurice Carr spurted into the lead in scoring among the members of the basketball team Ranking of athletes by the number of baskets they have scored.
15 The wrestling team looks none too confidently to a season full of tussles with strong opponents Coach McCuskey will attempt to whip his men into shape for the first meet against Wisconsin.
16 Three Teachers College athletes will not return to school following the Christmas holidays The three men will be unable to continue because of lack of funds.