Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 All that remains now is for the district winners to arrive and the State Basketball Tourney could be underway Carpenters have been adding to the seating capacity, and the Teachers College gymnasium will now hold 4,500 spectators.
2 Coach David McCuskey announced that he will enter four men in the National A. A. U. wrestling meet The meet will be held in Omaha, Nebraska on March 15 and 16.
3 Coach David McCuskey will take four men to the National Intercollegiate wrestling meet Headlining the Panther entries will be the two undefeated lightweights, Jimmy Steiner and Ray Cheney.
4 Jesse F. Williams M. D. will conduct a round table discussion and give an evening lecture The round table discussion will be for physical education majors, while the lecture will be open to the public.