Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Alumnus writes of first class at Iowa State Normal School; twenty-seven students and four instructors in initial normal Survey of most recent issue.
2 Architectural books shown at the library Description of display.
3 Co-eds' wardrobe problems are lightened by Women's League; suggestions are given for benefit of puzzled freshmen
Homan--Elaine C. (Class of 1936)
Advice on what to wear.
4 Employment fund is again available No word on amount of National Youth Administration money that will be available.
5 Former student's school ranks high in Rangoon, Burma Mabel Reid's school does very well.
6 Invitations sent for conference on languages Highlights of the October conference.
7 Jim says au revoir to gym this fall James Halpin will retire.
8 Livestock class visits Rath plant Professor Scott's class has made several field trips.
9 Music conference set for February
10 Nursery school is aid in increasing I. Q., tests prove
11 Plans complete for remodeling Women's Gym; addition to be built for housing swimming pool Keffer and Jones are architects; project will cost about $109,000, with $49,000 from federal government; basement to be rebuilt; swimming pool built; hope to begin work in spring 1936.
12 Summer students enroll last week Enroll for fall term.
13 Swimming draws largest number of sportswomen Survey of recreational activities in which women participated.
14 The World This Week Happenings around the world.
15 Thumbs and flies; sees western Iowa Wilbert Bornholdt makes quick trip via hitchhiking.
16 Two hundred to graduate this evening; directions for procession are announced for commencement Description of ceremony; list of graduates.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Beginning is half the battle Even in hot weather, students should make time to study.
18 Campuses from Coast to Coast
Cross--Jerome Ryland (Class of 1938)
News from campuses around the United States.
19 Can't even fix the sink! Advocates more industrial arts programs; feels they provide practical knowledge.
20 Gus unpeels his inner soul for the love of potatoes
Mohr--George H. (Class of 1937)
Gus peels potatoes with love.
21 In summer school, life is just a bowl of "A" students Students enrolled in summer school are challenged more by practicing teachers.
22 Should we wear blinders? Students are encouraged to keep open minds.
23 The Line
Mathison--Margaret /S. (Class of 1938)
Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Campus This Week News and notes.
25 Church wedding for McClelland, Geraldine Fisher Geraldine Mae Fisher married Tom McClelland.
26 Close of term finds instructors planning vacations; many picnics Campus social calendar.
27 Crosby, Shipman wed in Clarksville Maxine Crosby married Kline Shipman.
28 Dr. Tascher, family visit friends here Profile of former faculty member Harold Tascher.
29 H. Rider Haggard's "She" plays at Iowa
30 Louise Schepker is park picnic guest
31 Majority of faculty members will spend their vacations in Chicago, eastern states; some, however, prefer the Minnesota, Wisconsin lakes Faculty outline vacation plans.
32 V. Ahrens, D. Maxson are married at Osage
33 Women's Sports Results of semi-final tennis matches.
34 Writers hold final meeting of term Ramona Teisinger will read.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Backs plentiful on Tutor squad; nine lettermen counted on for Panther offensive
Hovey--Graham B. (Class of 1936)
Season preview; photo.
36 Campus This Week News and notes.
37 Construction of ten new Laykold net courts begun To be built southwest of the Women's Gym; will be primarily for use of women's classes; should be complete by October 1.
38 Frost-Men win final game in league series Kittenball play results.
39 Geertsma rites read August 20 at Parkersburg Richard Henry Geertsma died.
40 Miller, Jacobs, and Frost lead in tennis meet Results of intramural tennis competition.
41 Sixteen obtain coaching posts; two-thirds of coaching graduates of 1935 are placed List of those who have found jobs.