Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Campus leaders to be guests at dinner Will emphasize contribution of extracurricular activities to college life.
2 Commercial fraternity makes plans for year
3 Enrollment figures show increase of 200 Enrollment for fall 1935 is 1752.
4 Fourth estate mourns loss of Dr. Harrington; veteran journalist dies of heart attack; well known here Harry F. Harrington, of Northwestern University, died; photo.
5 Frats announce pledging of 75; twenty-five pledge Lambda Gamma Nu; Xanhos sixteen List of pledges, by fraternity.
6 Geographers transform United States; annex Canada and Mexico; Carolinas in New England; several fail to place state of Iowa Results of survey show significant lack of knowledge about US geography.
7 Hampton's band to play tonight for pep dance; second annual Jamboree held in Commons tonight Will select Pep Queen.
8 Lambda Delta Lambda elects new officers Professor Watson speaks.
9 Members read at first meeting of Writers' Club Members read from own work and elect officers.
10 Men's play day renamed, now "Booster Day" All men invited to Men's Union activities.
11 Official Notice Dean Nelson has information for those who are thinking about graduate study.
12 Pedersen, Sloan will have lads in "Post Road" List of cast members.
13 Personnel chosen for women's glee clubs this week List of Cecilian and Bel Canto Glee Club members.
14 Remodeling of Gilchrist Hall is near completion Project will cost about $6000; will include renovation of the Chapel.
15 Seaberry Peace Oratorical tryouts to be October 8 Several ISTC students have been prize winners in the past.
16 Senator Nye, fighter for little fellow, is "old fashioned liberal"; farmer class, rather than industry, interest of Dakota man Profile of Senator Nye.
17 Students' identification photos are put to a variety of uses; photographs of students useful in personnel selection Practice of photographing each student began in 1932; primary use is by administration and student groups.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Bosley shrinks from flat tires, tomato soup; but likes to cook Profile of Harold Bosley; photo.
19 Campuses from Coast to Coast
Pritchard--Norris T. (Class of 1939)
News from other campuses.
20 Fire when ready, freshmen Claims that giving the freshmen their own section at football games will spark school spirit better than a class in football would do.
21 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
22 4-H Club girls in college unit Organize new group.
23 Cast your dough upon the waters Recovers lost wallet after canoeing on river.
24 College Chorus will give two oratorios Schedule of performances.
25 Ellen Richards choose theme Theme is "Developing personality and charm".
26 Faculty women honored at tea College Club honors new faculty.
27 Freshmen to be feted at dance
28 Lambertson to attend debate conference
29 Preliminaries for speech competition will be October 9 For after-dinner speaking.
30 Sororities give rushing parties for new girls Schedule for rush.
31 Week's social program includes Booster Day and Frosh Night Campus social calendar.
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# Article Article Summary
32 "We Live Again" is this week's movie
33 Beverly Hesse elected editor of Purple Pen List of other officers.
34 Five music students present selections at Thursday recital List of performers and programs.
35 Gwynne addresses local faculty club Congressman Gwynne speaks on support for education.
36 Homecoming plans formed by leaders List of committee members.
37 New tennis courts nearing completion; plan skating rink Women's courts should be completed in October; will build putting green; hope to pave men's courts in several years.
38 Two men's glee clubs combined in Minnesingers; group of sixty-four voices result of recent combination Minnesingers are sole male glee club this year; will form College Chorus when combined with Cecilians and Bel Cantos; list of members.
39 Unusual facts are found in the fall term "Herd Book" A look at some of the unusual names and addresses in the directory.
40 Women's sports Discusses the first round of the women's tennis tournament, a meeting of the Women's Physical Education Club, and announces the upcoming Outing Club meeting.
41 Work progressing on new dormitory Report on progress on Baker Hall; should be enclosed for the cold weather season.
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# Article Article Summary
48 Frosh football team to meet little Kohawks The freshmen squad will face the freshmen team of Coe College.
49 Panthers may meet Grinnell, Morningside cross country teams Coach Arthur Dickinson is trying to establish meets for the cross country team.
50 Reeves, McNabb win in Haddox tourney The men's tennis tournament continues.
51 Sport Shorts Briefly comments on the football team and upcoming game, the new tennis courts, and recreational swimming.
52 Tutor coaches stress defense in scrimmage; Panther varsity rounding into shape for the Cornell tilt The freshmen and varsity squads have been tuning up by scrimmaging against each other.
53 Two fall golf tourneys now in first round The faculty men's golf tournament and a foursome tournament have begun.