Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Girls register sooner than boys" At this time 515 women had registered for class and only 121 men had.
2 Dancing lessons offer practice and things Classes have been offered since 1929.
3 Fahrney talks on constitutionality at forum Speaks on intent of the framers of the constitution.
4 Flash! Governor Herring to visit campus Will attend football game.
6 Hovey resigns from College Eye staff; to attend Minnesota
7 Legion sponsors Armistice Day program Brief description of the ceremonies.
9 Not aggressive enough, girls?; you made men what they are today--you heah me?
Hartlieb--Randall Worth (Class of 1938)
Claims that certain women at ISTC want only to date men who are in fraternities, sports, or I-Club.
10 Play casts announced; studio production will be presented by students next week Class will present scenes from "The Importance of Being Earnest" and "Till the Day I Die"; list of cast members.
12 Scrap the Constitution?; this week we tell about Tutor debaters; Boysen and Sorensen to uphold honor of Purple and Gold Paul Boysen and Raymond Sorensen will face British debaters; photo.
13 Shades of Caesar to stalk stage in Tutor Ticklers Planning underway.
14 Snyder and Telleen to represent T.C. in speech contest At state peace and extempore contests.
15 Story about publicity book (some fun) Schedule of publication for department bulletins.
16 To College Eye readers Announces experimental issue of the paper; might presage a daily newspaper.
17 What's the matter with T.C.? "YOU ARE!" declares reader in criticism of campus spirit; school spirit requires human beings says M. Spurlock
Spurlock--Francis Marion (Class of 1937)
Comments on the lack of school spirit at ISTC.
# Article Article Summary
5 Fry's band to play for rec dance
8 Life and laughter lie within pages of Purple Pen
Wescott--Gwendolyn N. (Class of 1937)
Quick look at the contents.
11 Rollins writer of week's best story On review of leisure time address.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Faculty members write The Line Campus gossip.
19 Girdle? Grrr!
Fagan--William Brock (English Faculty)
Comments on a poem discussed in his literature class, and papers turned in by his English I students.
20 Here's more line Poem about a teacher who daydreams of leaving the classroom behind in exchange for brighter places.
21 The vanishing pedestrian Comments on the alarming rate at which automobiles collide with children.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Art League Mildred Rice spoke.
23 Campus this week
24 Inter-church Council to sponsor matins With Thanksgiving theme.
25 Inter-church sorority tea
26 Lassies show laddies frolicsome evening at Femmes Fancy Friday Review of the dance.
27 Lull after Femmes Fancy filled with parties, debate, and dances Meetings and activities planned.
28 New waves, curls decorate the girls Beautician speaks to women.
29 Parties planned by fraternities, sororities Description of parties.
30 Sigma Alpha Iota pledges three List of pledges.
31 Strayed! Blue gentian among the corn rows Professor Lantz finds unusual flower.
32 Twenty-two take pledge vows of Phi Chi Delta List of pledges.
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# Article Article Summary
33 "Overcoat" bridge, "fifty-fifty" ride feature Coe trip Account of trip to Coe College for football game.
34 Article by Fahrney printed this month On Horace Greeley.
35 Faculty members give views on cheating and ways of "getting by" Professors Denny and Riebe talks about trends in and methods of cheating.
36 Juvenile library to offer display during Book Week A look at some of the books that will be on display.
37 Leadership parley to be on campus next week end Meeting for high school leaders.
38 Panthers tie Grinnell, 7-7; stout scores on pass to overcome early lead Panthers scored a touchdown in the fourth quarter to tie Grinnell College.
39 Phys. Ed. girls drop dignity; learn all about kid games; idea is to prepare themselves to know the youngsters Students actually play children's games.
40 Purple Arrow elects six (6) new members List of new members.
41 Reviewer thinks you should see new college movie
Yoseloff--Joseph (Student--1935)
42 Scientists gather here tomorrow; conference groups to see exhibits, hear talks by specialists Will hold conference on teaching of the sciences.
43 Six Orchesis members are to make debut at Waterloo dinner Performance program.
44 Students see modes in window drapery At Waterloo store.
45 Untitled Lillian Goodwin is financial secretary in Washington.
47 Untitled Professor Wolfe appointed to national music education position.
# Article Article Summary
46 Untitled Department of Science acquires equipment for measuring alternating currents.
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# Article Article Summary
48 Alexander discusses conditions in Haiti Arch Alexander spoke in Waterloo.
49 American Red Cross welcomes services of college graduate
50 Geography students map Cedar Heights Will show land utilization.
51 Members and guests of child study club hear radio lecture Campus pre-school group meets.
52 New material sent to alumnus who is teaching in Orient Sends teaching material to Mabel Reid, who is in Burma.
53 Rabbi Baron to be speaker on Sunday Rabbi Joseph L. Baron will speak; photo.
54 Second annual Panhellenic essay contest announced
55 Teachers College forensic feats break into print National magazine recognizes work of Delta Sigma Rho chapter.
56 Wellborn discusses war situation At International Relations Club meeting.
57 Who are the best teachers? Critics won't say, but give a few hints; men and women students O.K. but fourth graders outshine both Critic teachers offer their observations of good teachers.
58 Writers' Club met yesterday (that is--reporter says so)
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# Article Article Summary
59 A's defeat B's in first theory game Discusses the results of the first round of intramural football competitions.
60 Huv picks Illini over Buckeyes
Hovey--Graham B. (Class of 1936)
Comments on college football, and makes his picks for the season.
61 Iowa to have double feature next week
62 North Central standings
63 Panther cub airs views of ups and downs of freshmen football Freshmen comments on the strong points of freshmen football.
64 Tigers trip little Tutors, 21--0 in annual battle TCHS defeated by the Cedar Falls High School team.
65 Tutor cubs play Pioneer freshmen here today at 3 Freshmen will compete against Grinnell College.
66 Tutors battle Sioux in first conference tilt; dope favors Panther squad to win away from home the week-end ISTC will open their conference season against Morningside.
67 Women's sports Ruth Nykvist won the women's tennis tournament; briefly comments on the field hockey game and the women's soccer game.