Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Americans are very much alive," English debaters tell interviewer; Oxford men discuss America, give views on politics and debate State views on America and the world situation.
2 Avalonians to play at Turkey Strut tonight
3 Boeing scholarship is again offered to flying enthusiasts
4 Britishers declare U. S. Constitution needs flexibility Believe American must respond to progress.
5 Campus groups file acts for Tutor Ticklers Six sororities and three fraternities have filed.
6 Clyde L. Herring to attend game here tomorrow; will make weekly broadcast from Commons at noon hour Will be honored at banquet.
7 Commons will close during vacation For Thanksgiving holiday.
8 Debaters chosen for Kansas meet
9 Dorothy Thompson boasts colorful journalistic career; noted foreign correspondent will be speaker here December 4 Profile of Dorothy Thompson.
10 Faculty members to attend meetings During Christmas holidays.
11 Forum policy announced; new forum series will stress student appreciation of the arts Series topics and speakers.
12 Lambertson to lead speech clinic today at Manchester, Iowa
13 Lester flays crime in U.S.; twenty-five students hear talk by Department of Justice agent W. H. Lester talks about crime in America.
14 New programs ready for Saturday's game Sixteen page programs will go on sale.
15 Publication Board lets contract for Old Gold engraving Minneapolis company wins bid.
16 Rabbi Joseph Baron gives Jewish view at religious forum Offers Jewish view of Jesus.
17 South Dakota State to be North Central foe in final grid encounter of season; Jackrabbits come to Panther's den with strong team and fine record
Burch--Leslie H. (Class of 1937)
A record-breaking crowd is expected for the Panthers' final football game of the season; photo.
18 Thousand students enroll in advance
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# Article Article Summary
19 A girl talks back
McKitrick--Helen (Student--1935)
Criticizes Randall Hartlieb's comments on dating women students at Teachers College.
20 Freedom; Ohio gives example of control by political group Discusses recent problems at the University of Columbus.
21 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Advanced pupils present recital List of performers.
23 Dr. Wilhelm Pauck to talk at chapel Speaker profile; photo.
24 Epworth League Professor Riggs will speak.
25 Fraternities and sororities have social affairs Social calendar.
26 Home Economics Club elects Kathryn Mak head of Iowa group
27 Last of fall term social events figure in pre-holiday week-end Meetings and activities planned.
28 Lost Pair of gloves.
29 New equipment added to newly named game room Offers opportunities for recreation.
30 Selina Terry reads at poetry meeting At Ames.
31 Stowaway Club Will hold dinner.
32 Tau Sigma Delta Will have Thanksgiving buffet.
33 Untitled Correction.
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# Article Article Summary
34 "To Beat the Band" at Iowa next week
35 In final appearance tomorrow Ten senior football players will play their final game; photo.
36 Panther cagers to play sixteen basketball games 1935-1936 season schedule is posted; ISTC will open season at home against Coe.
37 Panthers defeat Morningside for first loop win; Nichols leads attack with eighty and thirty-five yard sprints Panthers defeated Morningside College, 41-7.
38 Tutor frosh, Grinnell battle to 6-6 deadlock Grinnell freshmen tied the game, scoring in the third quarter.