Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Alfred Comito and Axel Anderson figured in the easy triumph of Phi Sigma Epsilon over the C. S. A. Comito scored eight points and Anderson scored four.
2 Although Spears House was defeated, two Grandview players were the leading players Carter and Thompson scored thirteen of their team's eighteen points.
3 Bob Curtis closed the gap between first and second place in the individual scoring race Curtis' second place total is now only six points behind Tolan.
4 Calvin Chase played the leading role in his team's attack last week Chase scored three points and contributed directly to almost every score with his floor work.
5 Charles Dayhoff was the high scorer for his Phi Tau Theta basketball team Dayhoff scored four points.
6 Clay Varner led the Alpha Xi Delta quintet to a win over the Spears House Varner scored a total of five points.
7 Comedy, song, and dance will take their places when the 1936 Tutor Ticklers show is presented Photos.
8 Dan Barry jumped into the lead in the scoring race in the intramural basketball tournament Barry scored thirteen points.
9 Dr. H. A. Riebe spoke at the regular faculty meeting Dr. Riebe spoke on the subject, "Extra-Instructional Responsibilities."
10 Dr. M. J. Nelson will return to his alma mater next summer Profile.
11 Edwin Nash led his team to an easy victory over Spears House Nash scored nine points.
12 Graduate scholarships and teaching fellowships are being offered for the 1936-37 school year Qualifications for the scholarships.
13 Harlan Calhoun was the defensive star of the Phi Sigma Epsilon team against the C. S. A. The game was a first round contest in the annual intramural basketball tournament.
14 Harold B. Church led his team to a win over the Co-Ed five The Xanho team beat the Co-Ed five twenty-two to fourteen.
15 Helen Crawford has been named assistant costume mistress for Tutor Tickers "Historical Quirks" is the theme for this year's show.
16 Henry Dodson led the Tiger Aces to a win over the Phi Tau Theta quintet Dodson only scored one point.
17 Hubert Missildine led his team to an easy victory over the Phi Tau Theta quintet Missildine scored seven points.
18 James Mathews led his fraternity basketball team to a win Xanho defeated the Co-Ed Inn twenty-two to fourteen.
19 John Beebee led his team to an easy victory over the Spears House five Beebee scored four points.
20 John Healy was the leading figure in his team's defeat in the opening round tournament The Co-Ed Inn was defeated by the Xanho fraternity.
21 John Tolan held a six point lead over Bob Curtis in the individual scoring race Tolan is also one of the five leading scorers in the North Central Conference race.
22 Joseph Stone was the second high scorer on his team Stone scored three points.
23 Leonard St. Clair led his team to an easy victory over the Catholic Student Association St. Clair was the high scorer with ten points.
24 Loren Allsup scored three points as his team bowed to the powerful Xanho Allsup was second high man for the Co-Ed five.
25 Malcolm Goldsberry played the leading role in the Phi Sigma Epsilon triumph over Co-Ed Inn Goldsberry scored four of his teams forty-four points.
26 Melvin Bamesberger led Xanho fraternity to a win over the Co-Ed Inn five Bamesberger scored five points to rank as second high scorer on the team.
27 Melvin Kensinger led his Alpha Xi Delta basketball team to a win over Spears House Kensinger scored five points to rank as second leading scorer on the team.
28 Melvin Mohr scored thirteen points in the opening round of the intramural basketball tournament Mohr plays forward for the Tiger Aces, which defeated Phi Tau Theta.
29 Men students were thankful that Dr. Nelson called off all classes at the Men's Gymnasium Men arrived at the gymnasium frozen after walking in the twenty-eight below zero weather.
30 Norris Pritchard was the star of the recent Spears House-Alpha Chi Epsilon basketball game The contest was an opening round game in the annual intramural basketball tournament.
31 R. Earl Klinzman led the Xanho fraternity to a victory over the Co-Ed Inn basketball team Klinzman scored six points during the game.
32 Ray Cheney risks his perfect dual meet record against Dale Brand Photo.
33 Raymond Cheney will face the biggest test of his intercollegiate wrestling career on Thursday Cheney has won eight straight matches, and was picked as most valuable wrestler last year.
34 Six women were chosen as the most beautiful of the twelve who were presented at the prom Short profiles of the contestants.
35 Stephen Sanders was the second high scorer for his Phi Tau Theta team The game was a first round contest in the annual intramural basketball tournament.
36 Terry Olin led his Phi Sigma Epsilon team to an easy victory over the Catholic Student Association Olin scored three points for his team.
37 The Board of Education approved of the 1936 Branch Summer School Dr. Ritter will be the director.
38 The Teachers College wrestling team heads straight into its toughest aggregation The wrestling team will meet Cornell tomorrow night.
39 There will be a Regular Student Recital in Gilchrist on January 23 Program for the event.
40 These action pictures of the vaudeville performers were taken at student practices Photo captions.
41 Victor Collard turned in a brilliant guarding game in the opening round of the intramural tournament Xanho defeated the Co-Ed Inn twenty-two to fourteen.
42 William Devine was the high scorer of the game between the Co-Ed Inn and Xanho Devine scored six of his team's fourteen points.