Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A bit of Scotland to come with "Spring O' The Year," winter play; young love, family feud featured in dramatic production Preview of the play.
2 Abundant life is topic of Eastman at chapel service Fred Eastman will speak.
3 Applicants wanted for staff positions On College Eye staff.
4 Carl Sandburg, Chicago poet, to speak in Auditorium Monday; writer to give program of his original verse; will strum on his guitar Profile of Carl Sandburg; photo.
5 Changes in college faculty beginning with spring term; Petersen, Humiston granted leaves; Jopson added for science
6 Coal, coal, coal, and yet more coal Power plant has been burning an average of fifty tons of coal per day during January; seems to be an adequate supply on hand or on the way.
7 Debaters from twenty towns to meet here For Brindley competition.
8 Fagan will speak at forum Wednesday On leisure reading.
9 Invitation issued to teachers for music conference
10 Kappa Theta Psi wins loving cup Judged best of six main acts at Tutor Ticklers.
11 Miss Terry speaks to forum on poetry; reads noted works
12 New Purple Pen now in making Magazine is at printer; brief survey of contents.
13 Sandburg's poetry is expression of mood; "Fog" one example
14 Students will frolic at annual play night in Men's Gymnasium
15 Teachers College faculty committee picks Who's Who Student Welfare Committee makes selections.
16 Who are most representative? Students to decide issue at Crossroads election next week List of candidates.
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# Article Article Summary
17 'Eyes' of the past News from old college newspapers.
18 Do we agree?
Wescott--Gwendolyn N. (Class of 1937)
Claims that Teachers College ranks very high when compared to other schools of its kind across the United States and Canada.
19 Girls of Ellen Richards Club get big kick from social welfare work Women assist families on relief.
20 New college bulletin lists recent changes Includes campus and curricular changes.
21 The Line Campus gossip.
22 Why vegetate? Encourages students to get involved in student organizations because of the numerous benefits they would receive.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Alpha Chi, Xanho fraternities top intramural race Results are posted from intramural basketball competition.
38 Conference standings North Dakota teams are tied for first place, both having undefeated records for the season.
39 Curtis passes Tolan; takes fourth place in league scoring Bob Curtis takes fourth place in the North Central Conference for individual scoring with seventy-nine points for the season.
40 Gopher grapplers turn back Tutors by 18-12 score ISTC was defeated by the University of Minnesota.
41 Have yet to taste defeat Raymond Cheney, Davis Natvig, and Ivan Moore, all undefeated wrestlers, will hold the 135, 105, and 126-pound spots, respectively; photo.
42 Little Tutor five drops 40-22 game Teachers College High School was defeated by East Waterloo, 40-22.
43 Panthers play loop leaders tomorrow; Tolan lost to quintet for Saturday's game with N. Dakota State Forward John Tolan will not play in the game against North Dakota State due to a knee injury.
44 Soph center tops mates in scoring Robert Curtis takes first place from John Tolan in Panther individual scoring.
45 Tutor matmen meet Cyclones; three undefeated Panthers risk records against Iowa State Panthers will travel to Ames to compete against Iowa State University, whom ISTC has never defeated on the mat.
46 Tutor quintet drops two contests with North Dakota teams ISTC defeated by North Dakota University, 31-23, and North Dakota State, 52-29; individual scoring is posted.