Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Saint under fire" is next Sunday's sermon by Bosley At CHIC.
2 Chas. H. Meyerholz, former department head, dies recently Obituary for Professor Meyerholz.
3 Classes to be dismissed as students join faculty in anniversary Oct. 8, 9, 10 Schedule of Sixtieth Anniversary celebration; photo.
4 Committee planning entertainments for annual Frosh Night
5 Dr. Lambertson picks debaters Phil Connell and Randall Hartlieb will debate British debaters.
6 Dr. Luse voices new educational theories, methods Will attempt to relate history to the lives of modern students.
7 Enrollment exceeds all previous years in Campus School Enrollment is 457.
8 Erbe and Bacon name temporary cheerleaders Description of this year's uniforms.
9 Financial Secretary is given new title of Business Manager Benjamin Boardman assumes new title.
10 Fraternity plans honor organization Kappa Delta Pi plans include organization for freshman and sophomore students.
11 Getchell appointed magazine manager Professor R. W. Getchell will manage Iowa Science Teacher.
12 Glee clubs announce membership List of members of the glee clubs.
13 Marching Band joins forces with Ames at Saturday game Will perform in several formations with the host band.
14 Men's orientation programs begin next Monday Will learn about music, drama, science, publications, and the heating plant.
15 Slack-rope walking, digging graves are but part of Mr. Holmes' past George Holmes talks about his early life.
16 Strauss waltzes are featured in film German Club presents "Walzerkrieg".
17 The World this Week
Boysen--Paul James (Class of 1938)
National and international news.
18 Two managers sought for Tutor Ticklers
19 What is the student body going to do about it Strongly urges students to stay on campus for the Sixtieth Anniversary activities.
20 When in Japan: with vigour tootle horn at foot-passenger Professor Ruegnitz shows driving directions for Japan.
21 Work on new green will end this week Putting green located south of Campanile.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Chips and Quibs Campus observations.
23 Editorial Board of the College Eye
24 Stop the press! apple tree blossoms in fall Professor Watson's tree is blooming out of season.
25 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Baker Hall residents to organize council Will constitute a permanent organization with those already elected; will meet twice a month.
27 College movie is "Lady of Secrets"
28 Commercial Club to be organized Will elect officers and make plans.
29 Debate coach will attend conference F. W. Lambertson will attend meeting of regional debate association.
30 Discussion at forum will be world religions Religious Forum will discuss merits of many religions.
31 Officers chosen for Chemistry Seminar Roster of officers and upcoming speakers.
32 Pep Club pledges six new members Roster of pledges.
33 Reigns at dance Myrtle Telleen named Pep Queen; photo.
34 Rushing activities still hold center of campus activities Campus social calendar.
35 Writers' Club makes plans, elects manager Helen Lager is manager.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Athletes' Foot-Notes Good interest in this year's football team.
37 Campus wide Golf Club announces tournament plans Golfers met on Friday to discuss a possible permanent golf club at Teachers College.
38 Coach 1936 Tutor football edition This Saturday's game will be the first test for new Panther teamed turned out by the three Tutor coaches pictured here; photo.
39 Entries due for annual cinder meeting Track Coach Arthur Dickinson announced that the annual intersquad track meet will be held October 15, 16, and 22.
40 Haddox trophy tournament play gets under way Four stars from last year's tennis squad begin the fifth annual tennis tournament for the Haddox Trophy this week.
41 Little Tutors squad opens loop season against Traer High School Coach Schneider expressed little optimism as the Teachers College High School will take the field against Traer this afternoon at 3:30 p.m.
42 Panthers encounter Iowa State eleven tomorrow in season grid opener; dopesters concede tutors little chance against Ames team An undersized Panther team will give Iowa State a run for their money in season opener.