Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Artists on Kryl concert trace romantic success stories Profiles of Bohumir Kryl and Mary McCormic; photo.
2 Banner crowd expected for Homecoming; make final plans for celebration Schedule of activities.
3 British debate anticipated David Sealand-Jones and Harold Munro will debate.
4 Cogitations
Jordan--James R. (Class of 1939)
Summarizes the process used to agree on a cut system; awaits release of information gathered on effects of the current system.
5 Drama carries alumni to past Hazel Strayer offers preview of campus production of "Pride and Prejudice".
6 Enthusiastic admirers praise band for pep Marching Band wins praise for recent performances; photo.
7 Nodaks will invade Panthers lair; fleet Sioux backs take spotlight Panthers play their first home game against the University of North Dakota; photo.
8 Will cut system pass faculty meet Monday? Students express opinions; faculty will consider policy at next meeting.
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# Article Article Summary
9 "I's" speak Deciphering the meaning of athletic sweaters and letters.
10 Boost the band Sees the Marching Band as a foundation of school spirit.
11 Campuses coast to coast News from other colleges.
12 Campusmacks Paid advertisement by Mack's containing news from the TC campus.
13 Horns and Langskov attend artists' dinner Have work on display at Ames.
14 In the face of war--peace Speaks out against war.
15 Reviewing the News
Hartlieb--Randall Worth (Class of 1938)
News from around the country and the world.
16 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Aeolian singers ballot for year's officers Patricia Burke is president; list of officers.
18 Alpha Chi Epsilon List of pledges.
19 Art editor Cameon Bohling is on Old Gold staff.
20 Bartlett entertains Held informal teas.
21 Camera Club Elects officers.
22 Catholic students Agnese Dunne elected president; list of officers.
23 Delta Phi Delta Evelyn Hummel pledges.
24 Department dinner To honor Professors Douglas and Van Engen.
25 Douglas to plan commercial dinner For state group.
26 Ellen Richards Held meeting in home economics apartment.
27 Faculty women honored at fall dinner Honor eleven new faculty.
28 Goetch speaks Professor Goetch will speak in Postville on selecting vocations.
29 Greeks slate Homecoming get-togethers Schedule of Homecoming activities.
30 Kappa Mu Epsilon Hazel Guetschow will be initiated.
31 Lutheran group Will meet.
32 Math Club Will welcome Professor Van Engen.
33 New! A Corner for Coeds
Johnston--Rosemary (Class of 1939)
Fashion tips for women.
34 Phi Chi Delta Will meet.
35 Phi Sigma Epsilon List of officers.
36 Phi Sigma Phi Mildred Knowles initiated.
37 Pi Phi Omega List of new pledges.
38 Pi Theta Pi Will hold supper.
39 Posture lecture Maude Moore will speak.
40 Richard Eaton to head Baker Hall Elected council president; list of officers.
41 Tau Sigma Delta Hold tea.
42 Teachers' meet Professors Cram, Shepherd, and Goetch will attend.
43 Theatres Short reviews of the movies "100 Men and a Girl," "Make a Wish," and "Small Town Boy."
44 Women's League entertains at pep rally dinner All faculty women invited; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Called Shots
Dennis--Lawrence Edward (Class of 1940)
Encourages students to attend the Panthers' game against North Dakota.
46 Fall meet starts today List of participants in the all-college track meet.
47 Sioux-Tutor tilt tops loop card Schedule of games in the North Central Conference.
48 Sport Shorts
Riebe--Kathleen (Class of 1940)
Roller skates and bicycles are available for student use.
49 Theory football Teams continue to practice fundamentals.
50 Tutors face potent offense of Nodaks tomorrow; key man is Pollard Panthers have not lost a home opener since 1928; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
51 Iowa State Teachers College football Local merchants support ISTC football.
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# Article Article Summary
52 Interested in honoraries? Here are requirements Criteria for membership in honorary societies.
53 Limited cuts? Yes, but- Students express their opinions on the cut system.
54 Nominees named for various offices List of nominees.
55 Panthers come from behind to tie Pioneers Summary of Panther game against Grinnell which ended in a 20-20 tie.
56 Untitled Faculty works too hard to get information from the student body.
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# Article Article Summary
57 "The ways of God"--chapel Will be topic for Harold Bosley.
58 Campus School to honor Mann During American Education Week.
59 Drama shoppers do "Gooking" Frank Brandt talks about preparing props for a dramatic presentation.
60 Echoes from Central News about campus music activities; list of membership in College Singers.
61 Grid programs Will be on sale before the football game.
62 High School class undertakes city traffic survey At suggestion of Professor Hart.
63 Little Tutors News from the Teachers College High School.
64 New women given check-ups by health service Dr. Anita Green is preparing data about new students.
65 Orchestra Club Plans for the year.
66 Publications send delegates to journalism meets Students and faculty will attend several meetings.
67 Revealing letter Professor Charles finds letters about daylight saving time.
68 Symphony Under direction of Professor Kurtz; should be strong group, including members of faculty.
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# Article Article Summary
69 Alumni interested chiefly in chapel, dance, open house Among Homecoming activities.
70 Directory printed in pig-Latin? No, just good old American names A look at unusual names in the student directory.
71 Epsilon Phi Epsilon Helen Lager pledged.
72 Holmes writes news article On "streamlining the news".
73 More majors Increase in Home Economics majors; increased from sixty-five last year to eighty this year.
74 Myers authority on mimeographing Julia Myers will represent the state at a meeting.
75 New members List of new Rho Epsilon Rho members.
76 Pep meet Will honor football team.
77 Presenting Mr. Kryl Profile of performer.
78 Recital Performance programs.
79 Tennis battle Students compete for the Haddox trophy.
80 Thanks! Student organizations thank local merchants for their support of transportation to the Grinnell football game.
81 Tunnels beneath campus walks prove to be hot Temperature in tunnels can reach over one hundred degrees.
82 Wanted: a girl like Alice Alice McFadden loves the College Eye; photo.
83 Weatherman plays tricks on students Unstable weather makes it difficult for students to decide what to wear.