Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Eye' seeks news hawks Looking for reporters and editorial assistants.
2 'Eye' sponsors essay contest Topic will be "How advertising benefits the consumer".
3 Broadcast Maroon-Tutor game; hook-up at championship I-M cage battle Saturday night Panthers face Morningside in conference championship; photo.
4 Collegians like to read home-town gossip Survey of student reading habits.
5 Debaters busy between terms Will go to St. Paul, Minnesota, and Iowa City.
6 Forum discusses teacher relations
7 In the spring fancy turns to conferences Survey of upcoming events.
8 March brings arithmetic and art teachers here Highlights of the conferences.
9 Play-goers amused
Pritchard--Norris T. (Class of 1939)
Review of the student play "Call It a Day."
10 Purple Pen publishes winter term issue; Popeye, cookies, martyr, headgear furnish subjects Survey of contents.
11 Quarter ends Friday noon 1289 are registered for the next term.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Advertising essay contest To be sponsored locally by College Eye.
13 Campusmacks Paid advertisement by Mack's containing news from the TC campus.
14 Rebuttal:
McIlroy--Baird C. (Class of 1938)
Responds to letters written by Gordon Hoxie and N. E. Hyland in the February 15 issue of the College Eye.
15 Reel Dope Mixture of movies and campus events.
16 Reviewing the News
Hartlieb--Randall Worth (Class of 1938)
News from around the country and the world.
17 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
18 'Liquid lifetime' found at Hieber's New fountain installed at Hieber Drugstore.
19 Arrow initiates List of those initiated into Purple Arrow.
20 At the Theatre Short review of the movie "The Big Broadcast of 1938."
21 Aunt Sara's bustles may win award At Mardi Gras dance.
22 Bel Cantos sing for the luncheon
23 Fashion shop scoops from Johnny Snoops Survey of clothing stores in Cedar Falls and Waterloo.
24 Industrial Arts Professor Russell speaks.
25 Martha and George step out of history to dance; patriotism prevails at ball tonight Preview of Washington Ball.
26 Phi Sigs, pops swing out for weekend frolics
27 Pi Phi Omega Grace Decker and Irene Swanson selected.
28 Skar speaks In Waverly and at Parlor Reading Circle.
29 Units schedule spring sprints Several housing units schedule dances.
30 V. O. V. Sigma Phi Will hold dinner.
31 Wesley Players Will present "Mud Walls".
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# Article Article Summary
32 All conference squad; selected by College Eye sports department TC players Bob Curtis and Roman Yatchak make the first team.
33 Beans meet Xanhos in I-M finale Summary of semi-final games.
34 Cub grapplers down Waterloo Results of TC match against the Waterloo Y. M. C. A.
35 Loop title at stake tomorrow Panthers will play Morningside.
36 Panther matmen whip Nebraska Results of the meet.
37 Panthers confront potent Morningside in title encounter Preview of conference championship game.
38 Sport Shorts Freshmen women are the first to swim in the new Women's swimming pool.
39 Tutor cubs oppose Coe frosh tonight Preview of basketball game.
40 Wisconsin faces Tutor grapplers Panthers participate in the final match of the season.