Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "When hard work begins" is chapel topic Advice on dealing with difficulties in college.
2 As the Editor sees It
Culbertson--Ruth Cubby (Class of 1939)
Encourages students to become involved in the upcoming elections.
3 Campanile sing tonight Representatives of three dormitories gather around Campanile for rehearsal; photo.
4 Custard's last stand Junior Garrett and senior Erwin Gaede eat at the Men's Union play day; photo.
5 Drama shop gets a fall cleaning Mr. Hake has developed a plan to store props more efficiently and to give drama faculty and staff more working room.
6 Election October 11; petitions available Tuesday Rules for class elections.
7 Freshmen to attend Blue Key Dinner Gives annual dinner to freshmen men; list of officers.
8 Illustrated lecture today On Smithsonian Institute.
9 Industrial Arts Guild convenes
10 Latham to be host to leaders; tenth annual banquet For campus leaders.
11 Men vie at play tomorrow Men's Union will sponsor Play Day.
12 Rae Kreussel edits Pen; Rutherford heads fraternity News from Sigma Tau Delta.
13 Verse speakers Will present program at Methodist Church; will include work by James Hearst.
14 Women musicians, four flag twirlers join Marching Band Band will feature improved uniforms and new performers.
15 Women-men ratio reduced Enrollment approaching 1900; ration of women to men is about 2:1.
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# Article Article Summary
16 A clearing house! Likes the idea of faculty-student meetings.
17 Campusmacks Paid advertisement by Mack's containing news from the TC campus.
18 Frosh men counselors List of counselors.
19 New women counselors List of counselors.
20 On the Outside
Kepler--Edwin C. (Class of 1940)
News from Europe.
21 Seerley resident "baptizes" new hall Water main problems produces small flood.
22 Still introducing the Eye staff of 1938-39 Brief profiles of Eye staff.
23 The Line 'News' from around the campus.
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# Article Article Summary
24 A Corner for Coeds; time-out for trends
Johnston--Rosemary (Class of 1939)
Fashion trends on campus.
25 Faculty Dames meet
26 First college sing is this evening Will feature Baker, Seerley, and Bartlett Halls.
27 Kappa Phi elects Dona Olden is president.
28 Nelson is president of commerce majors List of Commercial Club officers.
29 New officers elected by Catholic students List of officers.
30 Social usage classes meets
Shepard--Raymond R. (Class of 1939)
Learn about campus etiquette.
31 Super-sleuth tells latest on jamboree Ray Sheppard gives a report on the jamboree.
32 Ten faculty men are Arcturus Club members Membership limited to twenty-four distinguished men of Black Hawk County.
33 The Greek Rendezvous
Lenz--Cleo Marie (Class of 1940)
News from campus fraternities and sororities.
34 Timely Tid-Bits
Rickert--Mary E. (Student--1938)
35 Van Engen discusses survey at Math Club Talks about new mathematics survey course.
36 Women's League tea will be courtesy to new faculty women Will honor new women faculty and wives of men faculty.
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# Article Article Summary
37 "Con" man operates at T. C. Freshman gives academic advisor a dollar for his services.
38 Debate coach plans, builds, wires own home "as a pastime" Professor Lambertson is completing a new house on Franklin Street.
39 First Eye offers contrasts A look back at the first issue of the College Eye in 1911.
40 Grant speaks at Waverly Woman's Club Will speak on experiences in South Seas.
41 Hamilton Club meets Held dinner.
42 Here are the fundamental facts; on class elections Eligibility rules.
43 Mach, Hart to preside over conference On commercial education.
44 Pressmen confer October 1 Mr. Holmes will oversee meeting of student publication faculty advisors.
45 Upperclassmen to supervise frosh debaters
46 Van Engen writes for math journal Professor Watson also publishes an article; Professors Van Engen and Lambert are working on mathematics curriculum.
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# Article Article Summary
47 'Dad' expounds on love and diet Quick interview with Dad Aldrich.
48 Faculty changes announced Brief profiles of new faculty.
49 Frogless froghunt found fascinating
Bovee--Eugene Cleveland (Class of 1939; Science Faculty)
Humorous account of a field trip to Hartman Reserve.
50 Rickert heads club Activities of the Press Club; list of officers.
51 Science fraternity opens eighth year Lambda Delta Lambda opens year with dinner; list of officers.
52 Social scientists to convene For annual Social Studies Conference; many faculty will participate.
53 Terry describes her visit abroad Miss Terry visited England and Scotland.
54 Yell leaders tryout peppy, says Weller List of those trying out for cheerleader.
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# Article Article Summary
55 From the Bench
Riebe--Harland A. (Class of 1941)
Sports news from various college campuses, including TC.
56 Frosh squad reduced to 29 Forty-two freshmen cut from team.
57 Improvement demanded of Panther squad; shakeup may come this week Scrimmage will be held with freshman.
58 Little Tutors open season Will play against Traer.
59 Mickey's Musings
Dirks--Muriel C. (Class of 1942)
News from the Department of Physical Education for Women.
60 Pep meeting Classes shortened for pep assembly
61 Teachers grad gets college job William C. Schultz will become assistant football coach at Dubuque University.
62 The men behind the scenes This year's sports coaches; photo.
63 Wrestlers in first workouts Twenty men begin practice.