Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 As the Editor Sees It
Culbertson--Ruth Cubby (Class of 1939)
Disgusted with nomination process; most petitions were invalid.
2 Blue Key announces honor list Four students honored.
3 Freshman debaters compete in additional tournaments; Lambertson announces enlarged freshmen forensic program Will put more funding into freshmen debate activities.
4 Full program planned for Dad's Day Activities include football game, luncheon, and social activities.
5 Holst announces A Cappella Choir Consists of thirty-eight women and thirty-one men.
6 Mach, Mendenhall at state meet Attend state recreation conference.
7 New girls' dormitory to be built Will take bids for improvements in Women's Gymnasium, new combustion control system for power plant, and a new women's dormitory; new dorm will house 293 women and cost about $400,000.
8 Propose forum on campus; world topics Mr. Holmes makes suggestion; Professor Sage approves.
9 Second honor in week for Latham; book by faculty 'ten years' Faculty pay tribute to President Latham's achievements; present him with book of photos of improved campus facilities.
10 Shows slides of "Eye" at Ames Mr. Holmes will demonstrate development and production of the paper.
11 Teachers College men active at conference Many on program at Northeast Iowa Teachers Conference.
12 World-famous pianist scheduled; Egon Petri comes here November 1 Performer profile.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Campusmacks Paid advertisement by Mack's containing news from the TC campus.
14 Drum major struts Lucille Nissen stands for her picture as drum major; photo.
15 Effective living subject of chapel discussion
16 On the Outside
Kepler--Edwin C. (Class of 1940)
Believes newspapers do not give true presentation of the news.
17 The Line Campus gossip.
18 What are we waiting for? Are class officers necessary?
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# Article Article Summary
19 A Corner for Coeds; coiffure cares
Johnston--Rosemary (Class of 1939)
Hairstyle tips and discussion.
20 Call for musicians Orchestra Club seeking to fill positions.
21 Freshman council of Bartlett Hall honored at party Upperclassmen host freshmen.
22 Kappa Phi has rush parties
23 LeVan Schugart heads Tri-Beta fraternity List of officers.
24 Rufus Rose Marionettes will come to campus Will present plays and features.
25 Stan Stanley's band to play this evening at Men's Union Dance Description of the entertainment.
26 The Greek Rendezvous
Lenz--Cleo Marie (Class of 1940)
News from campus fraternities and sororities.
27 Timely Tid-bits
Rickert--Mary E. (Student--1938)
Campus observations.
28 Varieties will feature choir and orchestra Will perform for Dad's Day activities.
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# Article Article Summary
29 "Hon" Nordly goes hunting Coach Nordly scouts out Panther opponents every weekend this fall.
30 Basketball men report There are eighteen games scheduled for the men's basketball team this year.
31 Fresh facts
Goldschlag--Harry (Student--1938)
Recap on the latest sports activities.
32 From the bench
Riebe--Harland A. (Class of 1941)
Sports news from various college campuses (including TC).
33 Injured lettermen Gordon Bute and Carroll Cook are injured and will not be playing in the next game; photo.
34 Mickey's Musings Events and happenings of the Department of Physical Education for Women.
35 No-handicap golf Faculty men playing in the no-handicap golf tournament; roster of winners.
36 Notice Motion picture high points of last week's football game will be held.
37 Panthers travel to Kalamazoo Panthers travel to Kalamazoo, Michigan, to play Western State Hilltoppers.
38 Teachers 10, Grinnell 0
Hellie--Theodore Q. (Student--1938)
TC beat Grinnell in a football game.
39 Two six-man football tilts Four high school teams engage in a doubleheader.