Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Around the Campus Sophomore cotillion entertainment and semi formal, football game held will be last of season, and advance registration shows largest enrollment.
2 Co-directors select staff for "Jumbo" List of staff for Tutor Ticklers.
3 Cub reporters edit this week's Eye; Shepard heads staff as journalism class takes over Journalism class edits this week's Eye; list of staff members.
4 Debate purpose questioned; coach suggests motive Considers possibility that British debaters are propagandizing in favor of Anglo-American alliance.
5 Do gentlemen prefer blondes? Charlie McCarthy puppet shown by Dolores Blesie to two freshman; photo.
6 Dormitory contract re-awarded Paul Steenberg Company of St. Paul awarded $301, 590 contract.
7 For us to decide---are we professionals?
Shepard--Raymond R. (Class of 1939)
Considers whether or not teaching should be classified as a profession because of low salary and low certification requirements, etc.
8 Gwynne speaks at assembly; celebrate twentieth Armistice Brief description of program; John W. Gwynne will speak.
9 Kurtz conducts ninety piece symphony Performance program.
10 Purple Pen, on sale November 15, has new cover Helen Laipple and Leona Smith work on cover.
11 Speech section to have recording and audition room Will check progress in fundamentals of speech.
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# Article Article Summary
12 A coed speaks; to the editor:
Schnepf--Virginia (Education Faculty)
Would like to see less griping in the paper.
13 Announce syphilis campaign Group announces effort to curb venereal disease.
14 Campusmacks Paid advertisement by Mack's containing news from the TC campus.
15 On the Outside
Kepler--Edwin C. (Class of 1940)
Conversation between two men and what is going on in the country.
16 Red Cross appeals to colleges Offers opportunities to serve.
17 Social Science Club elects 11 to membership List of new members.
18 Special staff and jobs List of staff members for special issue of the College Eye.
19 The Line Campus gossip.
20 Timely Tid-Bits
Rickert--Mary E. (Student--1938)
News on and around campus.
21 Where, oh where is that date? Showed November 31 date on Tutor Tickler calendar.
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# Article Article Summary
22 "Future Evils" lose at Kappa Delta Pi initiation dinner Description of the dinner program; list of new members.
23 A Corner for Coeds; hands are in evidence
Johnston--Rosemary (Class of 1939)
Cold weather is coming; get out your warm clothes and colorful mittens for warmth.
24 Formal dinner scheduled by honorary Sigma Tau Delta will hold banquet; list of new members.
25 Irwin lists dance aids List of staff for sophomore cotillion.
26 Librarian talks for primaries Clara Campbell will speak to group.
27 Mitchell, Marsh give Primary club program Tell stories and sing.
28 Placement discussed by Goetch at forum of Women's League E. W. Goetch talks about teacher placement situation.
29 Seerley residents have first autumn dinner
30 The Greek Rendezvous
Lenz--Cleo Marie (Class of 1940)
News from campus fraternities and sororities.
31 V. O. V. invites delegates to dance tonight Description of dances.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Alumni dinner held in Des Moines One hundred attend.
33 Bands to honor vets at game this afternoon Description of Marching Band routines.
34 College "soldiers" rolled out early Quick look at the World War I Student Army Training Corps.
35 Debate seasons open in Kansas A look at the schedule.
36 Donato is violinist at leisure hour Performance program.
37 Fresh Facts
Goldschlag--Harry (Student--1938)
Coverage on freshmen football players.
38 Golden Ledger initiates six commercial students List of new members.
39 Lecture time changed Beauty school representatives will speak.
40 Math fraternity initiates members Selmer Larson and Charlotte Davis spoke.
41 Math teachers select Van Engen Chair of state curriculum committee.
42 Record number enrolls at teachers convention Nine thousand attend ISTA meeting.
43 To observe book week Will display children's books.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Argentinita to appear in Waterloo soon Spanish dancer will perform.
45 Four women take Atlantic debate trip Schedule for Eastern trip.
46 Graduates Should register for placement information.
47 Grinnell professor chapel speaker Edward A. Steiner will speak.
48 Knife and Fork Club attracts seven men Several faculty are members of after dinner speaking group.
49 Magazine conducts contest Vogue magazine contest.
50 Phi Gamma Mu elects seven to membership List of new members.
51 Point system four Blue Key reorganized Hope to increase Blue Key membership.
52 Publications honored At national press meeting.
53 Scientists begin broadcast series Six science faculty will broadcast over WOI and WSUI.
54 Students urged to analyze voices at speech clinic Professor Henrikson hopes that students will try to correct their speech problems.
55 Waterloo host to navy band
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# Article Article Summary
56 Armistice Day encounter to be viewed by 6,000 Football game preview.
57 Cubs lose 9-0 The TC freshman lacked the blocking and scoring punch to swing their elusive backs into the open.
58 George Dutcher leads scorers Dutcher has scored in five out of six games this year for a total of 31 points. He has made five touchdowns and drop-kicked a point after touchdown.
59 Is woman the weaker sex?
Wood--Betty Lou (Class of 1941)
Women play field hockey at TC in the women's physical education department.
60 Mickey's Musings
Dirks--Muriel C. (Class of 1942)
News from the Department of Physical Education for Women; Women's Gym undergoing renovations..
61 Teachers 14, Emporia 13 TC won third game of the year. Second quarter TC scores points.
62 Their final appearance here Eight football men play their last football game here at TC; photo.
63 Theory six-man football Holding classes on six man team play.