Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Around the Campus Christmas supper party held in Commons.
2 As the Editor Sees It
Culbertson--Ruth Cubby (Class of 1939)
TC beat Iowa State, but not given enough recognition in the paper for winning.
3 College Singers present carol service; trombone quartet to assist College Singers will present a concert; photo.
4 Debate squad will broadcast on Christmas trip to Atlantic Schedule for debate trip to the East.
5 E. E. Watson speaks at Arcturus Club Will talk on high school mathematics.
6 Faculty members make plans for Christmas Faculty outline their Christmas plans.
7 Laird places third in peace oratory contest In state contest at Coe College.
8 Publish faculty regulations Committee produces new version of rules and regulations; last work had been done in 1929.
9 They ask Santa for world peace Christmas wish lists.
10 Tickler directors select acts; R. Ashley wins as Ringmaster Description of some of the acts.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Campusmacks Paid advertisement by Mack's containing news from the TC campus.
12 Christmas suggestions to our-of-town students May ship baggage by express.
13 Men win four out of five debates In Kansas tournament.
14 Merry Christmas Greetings from the College Eye staff.
15 Music fraternity initiates eight List of initiates.
16 Student Council minutes Would like representatives to attend committee meetings; will publish minutes in College Eye.
17 The Line Campus gossip.
18 Thirty-three girls join Cecilians List of new members.
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# Article Article Summary
19 'I' Club dance planned by Missildine
20 Commercials combine for Yuletide party Pi Omega Pi and Commercial Club have party.
21 Dr. Robinson heads Black Hawk Lodge Of the Masons.
22 Fifty pledged by social sororities List of pledges.
23 Greeks schedule winter dances Schedule of dances.
24 Kappa Delta Pi Robert Haupt spoke at meeting.
25 Kappa Phi initiates List of nine new pledges.
26 League executives dine Women's League executive committee have dinner.
27 Palmer attends two industrial arts conventions Attended both state and national meetings.
28 Recreational game program begins tonight in commons Will have program of games and dances.
29 Representatives invited to Delt dance Invite representatives of other sororities to dance.
30 Talent file is planned Will be used in planning programs.
31 Timely Tid-Bits
Rickert--Mary E. (Student--1938)
News on and around campus.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Basketball bits TC beat Iowa State Cyclones.
33 Final frosh cut made Coach Whitford reduced the basketball squad from eighty to twenty men. Further cuts depend on the performance of the men.
34 From the Bench
Riebe--Harland A. (Class of 1941)
Sports news from various college campuses (including TC).
35 Intramurals begin Monday
36 Panthers after fourth victory The Panthers have winning streak and now will play the Pioneers of Grinnell.