Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Northeast walk in winter Student pats dog on way to class; photo.
2 Untitled Alumna Lillian Holmes directs her students as they prepare the set for a play; photo.
3 Untitled Student Vera Stutsman observing etiquette at tea; photo.
4 Untitled Women's Gym in 1910; tennis courts removed five years ago; renovation began in November 1938 and will include new stairs, remodeled offices, and modernization; photo.
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5 New buildings Construction under way on new dorm west of Commons; will cost $400,000 of which $180,000 is granted from Public Works Administration; should be complete in fall; $125,000 renovation also underway on Women's Gym; PWA will finance 45% of cost.
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6 Tragedy in China . . . . War continues in China; fate of alumna Eugenia Hsia Chen unknown.
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7 Forecasting success in college
Holly--Mildred (Publications Staff)
Professor Paul analyzes correlation between placement tests taken by over three thousand ISTC students from 1929-1933 and their academic success; finds that placement tests are good predictors.
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8 The life one teacher lives
Horns--John W. (Art Faculty)
Imaginary letters of new teacher to friend.
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9 A pension plan for Iowa teachers General Assembly will again consider measure; similar plan defeated in last session.
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10 Cecilians plan golden jubilee; will honor friends and alumni Professor Olive Barker will organize reunion.
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11 Youth goes to college
Kraft--Shirley Ann (Class of 1934)
Several creative pieces on college life from recent Purple Pen.
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12 College invites 155,000 alumni to spring reunion, May 28 Invitation to graduates; photo.
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13 Record of placements reaches ten-year high Bureau locates 615 positions for 631 graduates for 97% success rate; breakdown by major course of study.
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14 The Prowl . . . . Sports round-up for basketball, wrestling, and football; photo.
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15 Homecoming hockey Students play alumnae in Homecoming field hockey game; photo.
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16 Debaters go East . . . . Women head for Eastern schools.
17 Opportunity in education . . . . Bureau of Publicity produces booklet showing alumni in their occupations; will distribute to high schools.
18 Professor E. E. Watson Teaching class; photo.
19 Tutor Tickler circus Preview of acts.
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20 New counseling plan . . . . Faculty Senate recommends formation of advising board to help freshmen in choice of major.
21 Odds and ends . . . . Current students come from twenty-five states and the Philippines; fall quarter enrollment was 1926 and winter term was 1885; students note their favorite activities.
22 The winning house Alpha Delta Alpha wins first prize for best off-campus Homecoming decorations; photo.
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23 Dr. Clifford P. Archer Was elected president of the Minnesota Education Association on October 27, 1938. The new president was awarded the master's and doctoral degrees from the State University of Iowa; January 1, 1938, became associate professor in the College of Education.
24 Eunice Acheson Married George Pugh on August 25, 1938; resides in Bradford, Massachusetts. Eunice is retaining her position as assistant to the president and instructor in psychology at Bradford Junior College.
25 Helen Barber Married Walter W. Voss on October 15, 1938. Helen has been doing secretarial work for the Baker Paper Company in Chicago, and Walter is manager of the instruction department of the Utilities Engineering Institute. They reside in Chicago.
26 Mr. Kramer A former student at the College and a former member of the football team; is in the regional office of the Farm Security Administration in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Kramers reside in Little Rock.
27 Mrs. Charles T. Kramer, (Esther G. Shoemaker) Is president of the Arkansas State Home Economics Association. She is also national chairman of the department of Home Economics in Extension, elected at the meeting of the American Home Economics Association in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in June.
28 Mrs. William H. Harwood, (Jennie Macy) Resides in California. Her husband died July 3, 1935, five years after they had celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Her son, Herbert M. Harwood, is engaged in public relations work in Los Angeles.
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29 '92 From Hawaii to College Hill, Romanzo C. Adams, C. A. Fullerton, T. B. Morris, Forest C. Ensign Adams has been professor of sociology at the University of Hawaii since 1919. He and C. A. Fullerton revived many personal and group reminiscences recently including T. B. Morris, Professor Albert Loughridge, and Forest C. Ensign.
30 Alumni officers elected in annual business session The following officers were elected at the annual business meeting, October 29. President: F. Eugene Mueller; Vice President: Mildred E. Smith; Director, three year term: Tommy D. Priest; Member of re-union committee, three year term: Jane Eccles Merner.
31 Carrie McLeod Of Central City, Iowa, taught in the Marion, Iowa, Public Schools for several years. She visited the office of the Bureau of Alumni Affairs during recent weeks.
32 Margaret J. Busch Is first grade teacher at Aaron Palmer School in Marshalltown, where she resides. She visited the office of the Bureau of Alumni Affairs during recent weeks.
33 Mrs. H. C. Fugl, (Thursa E. Slattery) Has taught in Los Angeles for eighteen years.
34 Mrs. M. A. Hadsell, (Katherine Jenness) The Hadsells of Boston, Massachusetts, have three children, Tom, Donna, and Ben. During recent weeks, Katherine visited the office of the Bureau of Alumni Affairs.
35 Mrs. Paul Menzel, (Muriel E. Swarts) Residing in Janesville, Iowa; visited the office of the Bureau of Alumni Affairs during recent weeks.
36 Mrs. Robert M. McDowell, (Mary D. Anderson) Of Denver, Colorado, served as stenographer in the President's office at the College for several years previous to her marriage in August, 1937. She visited the office of the Bureau of Alumni Affairs during recent weeks.
37 Mrs. W. M. Peterson, (Gertrude B. Riefe); Mrs. W. A. Carter, (Lura Mae Wentworth); Mrs. Edna Liek Wilson Gertrude and Lura, both of Mason City, Iowa, were en route to Waterloo to meet another member of the Class of 1911, Edna Liek Wilson, of Green Bay, Wisconsin. The Carter's have three children, Wentworth, Elizabeth, and Richard.
38 Raymond H. Smalling Raymond is coach in the high school at Ames, Iowa, where he and his family reside. He visited the office of the Bureau of Alumni Affairs during recent weeks.
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39 Arthur J. Calderwood Has been engaged in farming on the family homestead in Tama County, near Traer, Iowa. He has served upon the Tama County Board of Education and has exercised helpful community leadership in many lines. His brother William S. is deceased.
40 Charles C. Mantle Is now teaching social science at Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah. He was formerly in Ames, Iowa.
41 Chloris Anderson Has retired from teaching after twenty-two years of junior high work in Riverside, California, where she resides. She now enjoys owning a delicatessen shop in Riverside.
42 Florence A. Fallgatter Has been appointed professor and head of Economics Education at Iowa State College, Ames.
43 H. A. Mueller Now an agent for the Hartford Fire Insurance Company in St. Charles, Iowa; sends in memories called forth by a recent picture in The Alumnus. "You could not smoke on the campus," and asks: "Wonder if the co-eds smoke cigarettes these days there?
44 Mary Alice Sinn Hall Is now teaching in the Robert E. Lee High School in Jacksonville, Florida, where she resides. In 1922 she was graduated from the University of Chicago with a Ph. B. degree.
45 Mrs. G. B. Cumming The former Lulu Montgomery is working in the Department of Home Economics in the high school of New Brunswick, New Jersey. Mrs. Cumming has received her B. A. and M. A. degrees from Columbia University. She was married in New York City three years ago.
46 Mrs. Otto F. Burgess Mrs. A. B. Johnson, the former Minnie Lane, now lives with her daughter in Louisville, Kentucky. Minnie lost all of her records, diplomas, cherished letters, and pictures in the great flood that devastated Louisville in 1937.
47 Owen Hamersly Is owner of a café in South English, Iowa.
48 Professor C. A. Fullerton, P. G. Fullerton, Robert Fullerton, A. M. Fullerton, H. J. Fullerton, J. E. Fullerton, and J. K. Fullerton Seven Fullerton brothers, ranging in age from sixty-six to eighty years, attended a reunion recently at the home of Professor C. A. Fullerton, Teachers College's "grand old man of music," now a member of the Extension Service. Three brothers are alumni.
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49 Ann Hoover Is teaching at Emerson School, Gary, Indiana, where she is residing.
50 Anna Sampson Has for ten years been a teacher of history at a Chicago high school.
51 Arno Carl Halbfass Is operating a general travel bureau and summer tours to Europe, with headquarters in Shreveport, Louisiana. After his graduation, he was assistant educational director of the Central Y. M. C. A. in Minneapolis, Minnesota, until 1926.
52 Eldred A. Ash Is coordinator in the vocational school at Muskegon, Michigan. He was married to Julia Louise Rawson on June 26, 1937.
53 Ella Mae Williams Is now teaching first grade in Prescott, Arizona.
54 Helen Forney Is now teaching foods and nutrition at Kansas State College in Manhattan, Kansas. She received a master's degree from Columbia University in 1936.
55 Miller Christiansen Recently became a stockholder in the Security State Bank at Mt. Ayr, Iowa. For the last two years he has been in charge of a CCC camp. The Christiansens have two children, Curtis and Joan.
56 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Labor They and their nine year old son are enjoying their own home at Dallas Center, having made some important and worthwhile improvements this spring. She was formerly Doris Husband.
57 Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Trachsel Are now living in Iowa City, Iowa, where Herman is associate professor of political science at the State University of Iowa. His wife will be remembered as Thelma R. Martin and received a B. S. degree from the University of South Dakota in 1931.
58 Mr. and Mrs. Ivon McRae Pike Their home in Anaheim, California, was flooded on March 3, 1938, leaving twenty-four inches of silt in the house and a sandbank two to three feet high all over the acreage. Ivon's wife is the former Onetta Haney.
59 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Abel And son Dickie recently moved to Des Moines after Richard was transferred there from Rock Island, Illinois. Richard's wife is the former Louise Sater.
60 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van Meter They and their two sons reside at Ida Grove, Iowa, where he has a variety store. She is the former Gladys Rogers.
61 Mrs. C. G. Lunoe The former Bernice Wadsworth is a housewife in Lake Mills, Iowa.
62 Mrs. Clifford E. Stewart The former Nellie Hand is living in Newton, Iowa.
63 Mrs. E. G. Lager The former Dorothy G. Niemeyer has moved from 43rd to 49th Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
64 Mrs. George W. Trammell, Jr. The former Norma E. Ley is now living at E. Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, California.
65 Mrs. Harold T. Carver The former Ardis Hareim and her husband are happily married in Atlantic, Iowa. They have one boy, Richard James, three years old.
66 Mrs. Roger Jennings The former Vera B. Shirer is now living in Janesville, Iowa.
67 Mrs. Stuart Meyers The former Alice Stromgren has moved to another address in Davenport, Iowa.
68 Siemers Writes from Scotland H. H. Siemers, is now an exchange professor at the Bell-Baxter School, a semi-private institution, in eastern Scotland about thirty miles from Edinburgh. He says that the landscapes in Fifeshire have a charm not found anywhere in the U. S. A.
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69 Beth E. Webber Is a teacher in the Missoula, Montana, elementary schools.
70 Gladys Head Is teaching in a rural school in Jackson County, Iowa, and is making her home at Maquoketa.
71 Jessie Williams Van Steenwyk Is now living in Pisgah, Alabama, where she is in charge of the commercial department of a consolidated school. She married Williard L. Van Steenwyk of Mitchellville in 1934. They have one son, Billy Edwin, aged two.
72 Kenneth M. Gittins Is teaching arithmetic and physical training in the McKinley School at Des Moines, Iowa.
73 Mr. and Mrs. E. H. White The former Pearl Dwyer and husband are now living in Kansas City, Missouri, where he is a field representative for the C. F. Lytle Construction Company of Sioux City, Iowa. They were married in 1931 and have one son, Robert E. White, age 3.
74 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Adams The former Martha Jennings and husband are living in Wellman, Iowa. They have a son, James Elwin.
75 Mrs. Alma Graham Mann Has retired from educational work after twenty-two years of teaching, the last ten in the Webster City Junior High School.
76 Mrs. E. A. Hellem The former Margery Banton is now living in Waterloo with her daughter, Joyce, nine years old.
77 Mrs. Walter A. Hartung The former Adaline Howe and her husband are living in Omaha, Nebraska. They have three children, Margery, nine; Joan, eight; and John Walter, born 1938.
78 Ruth Aurilla Smith Is teaching music in Taylor School, Davenport, Iowa, where she resides.
79 The Rev. Paul R. Brown Was recently ordained in the First Methodist Church at the annual conference in Cedar Falls. While in college, he worked on the staff of the College Eye. He received his theological degree from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, last spring.
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80 A. Marguerite Graham Will have four of her poems published in the "Mitre Anthology," London, England. She lives in Dubuque, Iowa and has read poetry over several radio stations.
81 Alice Arney Of Green Mountain, Iowa, is now the wife of Dwight E. Lynk, Marshalltown, Iowa.
82 Bonnie B. Bereiter Is now the wife of Glenn S. Jennings. Her home is at Emmetsburg, Iowa.
83 Catherine B. Ascherl Is now director of relief of the Sioux County Department of Public Welfare at Orange City, Iowa.
84 E. A. Ludley Formerly field manager in Madison, Wisconsin, for the Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company of New Kensington, Pennsylvania; now division supervisor for the territory which takes in the entire state of North Carolina.
85 Frank M. Everhart Is now manual arts instructor in the Pleasantville, Iowa, High School. Previously he had taught in the high school at Fontanelle, Iowa, for nine years. His wife is the former Janette Jaeger. They have three daughters, Betty, Ina, and Loraine.
86 Lillian S. Hanson Is teaching sixth grade in New Rochelle, New York, where she resides.
87 Lloyd C. Paul Now resides in Chicago, Illinois.
88 M. H. Hanawalt Is now teaching English in Independence Junior College, Independence, Kansas. During the past summer he studied at the State University of Iowa working toward his Ph. D.
89 Martha A. Meyer Is teaching junior high English in Davenport, where she resides.
90 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Meyerhoff The former Lillian C. Ernsting and husband live in Readlyn, Iowa, where he is a painter and interior decorator. They have two children, Joan Joyce, four years old, and James Lee, two years old.
91 Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Dinsdale The former Virginia Havens and husband live on a farm near Traer, Iowa. They have four children, James Edward, Leah Jean, Darlene Louise, and Shirley Lee.
92 Mrs. Arthur Youtz The former Ruth Carstensen is now living in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
93 Mrs. Bert B. Miller The former Neva M. L. Bailey is living in Hampton, Iowa, where her husband is a florist. They were married in June 1938. Prior to her marriage she taught at the Dumont Consolidated School and at the Waverly Public School.
94 Mrs. Donald Wise The former Evelyn Sorenson and her husband are living on a farm near Newell, Iowa. They were married June 10, 1936.
95 Percy J. Letson Is employed by the Extension Service at Iowa State College. His advice: "What should be taught to teachers is that they should be on the lookout for new things and not be reluctant to try them."
96 Stewart Cooper and Mrs. Cooper The former Esther Thon and her husband now live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he is teaching. They have two children, Stewart, Jr., aged three, and Ann Thon, three months. Stewart has written two articles for the Athletic Journal.
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97 Bradner S. Gilson Recently transferred by Rath Packing Company from Waterloo to its division in Albany, New York. His wife is the former Velda Rath whom he married in 1936. He was a member of the business staff of the College Eye, student newspaper.
98 Edward Lambert Is in his second year as instructor in the Aurora, Illinois, school, where he supervises the high school newspaper, The Auroran. The paper was recently awarded the International Honor Rating, highest award of merit given by the National Quill and Scroll.
99 Elmer P. Christensen Has accepted a position teaching commercial subjects and agriculture in the Arnolds Park High School, Arnolds Park, Iowa.
100 George Lindsay Formerly business manager of the College Eye; now editor and manager of the Mitchell, Nebraska, Index. He has had varied and valuable experience in journalism.
101 Ida Elizabeth Snelling Is now the wife of William Schlichting, residing in Denver, Iowa. Ida Snelling has had five years of teaching experience.
102 J. B. Lake and Mrs. Lake The former Marjorie Snell and husband are now living in Kansas City, Missouri, where he is production manager of station KITE. He was formerly chief announcer at KFAB Lincoln, Nebraska, and station manager at KWBG in Hutchinson, Kansas.
103 Leo A. Martin Has been named to the faculty of East High School, Waterloo, Iowa, as a teacher of dramatics, debate, and speech; was principal of the Mapleton, Iowa, High School for four years. He expects to obtain a master's degree next summer.
104 Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Decker Are now living in Royal Oak, Michigan. She will be remembered as Bernice Graham. He is a relief case worker.
105 Mr. and Mrs. Millard L. Berry Are now living in Alton, Illinois. He is teaching industrial arts in the senior high school there. She is the former Beulah M. Nash.
106 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Huntoon Now holds an instructorship in the Department of Physics, New York University, New York City. He and his wife, the former Olive Sinclair, enjoy living in New York City.
107 Mrs. E. D. Stewart The former Bernice Van De Water is now living at Orient, Iowa. Her former address was Ireton, Iowa.
108 Mrs. John Carter The former Marie Wilson is teaching with her husband at the Eldora Training School, Eldora, Iowa.
109 Mrs. Pete Grimes The former Lorna Smith is now living in Spencer. She taught at Farnhamville, Iowa, for two years, and at Spencer for the last four years. Pete is employed by the Hatten Beverage Company at Spencer. He attended Teachers College in 1932.
110 Ralph C. Evans Formerly superintendant at Agency, Iowa, now lives in Osceola, Iowa, where he is instructor of industrial arts in the high school.
111 Roland G. Ross Is employed as a teacher in the field of special education at Niles, Michigan, where he and his wife reside. He works with twenty-two boys whose chronological ages are about sixteen or seventeen but whose mental ages are about six or seven.
112 Ruth Ewing Is engaged in public school work in Hammond, Indiana, where she resides.
113 Wilma Roben Is teaching in the second grade of the Rochester, Minnesota, schools.
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114 Anson Vinall Shorthand instructor and assistant athletic coach at West Waterloo High School.
115 Dorothy Logan Is alto soloist for the largest Methodist church in the world, located in Los Angeles, according to Professor W. H. Hays. Dorothy Logan is a niece of Professor Hays, under whom she received all her training.
116 Jay Ronald Johnson Is now teaching in the Commercial Department, Central High School, Duluth, Minnesota, where he resides.
117 Lola Schoellerman Is a first grade teacher at the Longfellow School, Iowa City, Iowa, where she resides.
118 Lydia Oberdoerster Is director of the adjustment room of the Elmhurst, Illinois, Public Schools. The pupils enrolled in this room, of various ages and abilities, have handicaps which require individual study and attention.
119 Mrs. Alan Bound The former Irene Starling and her husband are now living in Scranton, Iowa.
120 Mrs. Alice Owens Lovee Began teaching this year at the Braiside School at Highland Park, Illinois. Her address is the Ridgeview Hotel, Main and Maple Avenue, Evanston, Illinois.
121 Mrs. Emma C. Johnson Is teaching at Glidden, Iowa, where she has a position as junior high principal.
122 Neal H. Zike Is now teaching music and social science at Denton, Montana.
123 Rachel Rosenberger Received a teaching fellowship for the coming year at the Eastman School of Music, Rochester, N. Y., where she is working on a master's degree. This summer she was a member of the Gillette Chamber Orchestra, which made a concert tour of colleges.
124 Recene Ashton Is now supervisor of third and fourth grades in the Campus School of Eastern State Normal School at Madison, South Dakota. She received her M. A. in education at Iowa City in August, 1938.
125 Richard Harden Married the former Mary LaDage. He is formerly of Shell Rock, Iowa and is director of a 75-piece band with its own band-house in Aransas Pass, Texas.
126 Richard Sucher Is a member of the faculty of the Amarillo College of Music, Amarillo, Texas.
127 Robert A. Warner Is a new member of the music faculty of the Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, Charleston, Illinois. He is teaching theory and appreciation. During 1937-1938, he took graduate work at the Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York.
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128 Al Heuring Is now working on a master's degree in social work at Notre Dame University. He received a scholarship from the Knights of Columbus.
129 Arvilla Benshoof Was married June 12, 1938, to George O. Michaels of Chicago. She is teaching at Gregg College, and he is associated with the International Harvester Company. They reside in Chicago, Illinois.
130 Dorothy Anne Seemann Is teaching the third grade in Tipton, Iowa, where she resides.
131 Edith E. Gardner Is teaching the second and third grades in the Hansell Consolidated School, Hansell, Iowa.
132 Elizabeth Mast Is working toward a master's degree at Northwestern University, School of Education. She is specializing in personnel and guidance. From Willard Hall, Evanston, Illinois.
133 Floreine Hudson Is teaching second grade in the Whiting, Iowa, schools this year.
134 Frances Mengel Writes that she is now teaching in a Government Indian School at Chilocco, Oklahoma, where there are 700 students enrolled. While the emphasis is along vocational agriculture lines, she teaches vocal music, private piano, and has a special choir.
135 Frank E. Rollins Is now in his second year of graduate work at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
136 Gladys Silsby Married B. L. McFerran in Lamoni, Iowa, June 23, 1938. He is the purchasing agent of the Public Welfare Department for the State of Montana. They reside in Helena, Montana. Prior to her marriage, she was the supervisor of music at Grand Rapids, Michigan.
137 Grace E. Williams Married Frank Field May 26, 1937. She was student health physician at the University of Iowa before her marriage, and is now employed in the city health department in Louisville, Kentucky. Frank is a sanitary engineer in the Department of Health.
138 Gunther Steinberg Is working on his Ph. D. degree at the University of Chicago.
139 Hazel Lincoln Has returned to Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, to teach, after a year's absence.
140 Jessica Lowry is now living in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
141 Laila Eckholm Was recently married to George W. Hall, Northwood, Iowa. They are living in Mason City, Iowa, where he is an employee of the independent schools. She was a primary teacher in the Mason City schools for eight years previous to her marriage.
142 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Simms Have moved from Royal Oak, Michigan, to a farm near Lake City, Iowa. She is the former Elizabeth Ruggles.
143 Norman Mikkelson Is teaching in the public schools of Superior, Wyoming.
144 Opal M. Dunn Is now teaching the primary grades in the Woodside School, Des Moines.
145 Ruth Willard Is now teaching in the Harrison Grade School in Council Bluffs.
146 Shirley Sherman Is vice-counselor at Stephens Junior College for Girls at Columbia, Missouri, where she resides.
147 Sophie Larsen Is doing graduate work in the Department of Classical Languages at the State University of Iowa this year. She resides in Iowa City, Iowa.
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148 Agnes Lenz Married Edward Borchers in March 1937. They are now living on a farm near Maynard, Iowa
149 Amanda Meswarb Married Hans Schmidt in September 1938. They will reside near Clarissa, Minnesota.
150 Dorothy Yeager Married Lawrence J. Turley in September 1938. Now living in Rolfe, Iowa, they plan to move to a farm in Competine Township after March 1.
151 Dr. Lewis E. Hedgecock Married Pauline Davis, Estherville. They are residing in Hampton, Iowa, where he has been practicing medicine and surgery for the last two years.
152 Frances Olson Married John G. Dornon, Harlan, Iowa, in June 1938. They will reside in Harlan, where he is a member of the high school faculty. For the last four years she had been teaching first grade at Laurel School, Harlan.
153 Isabel M. Ryan Of Le Claire, Iowa, married Edwin H. Busching, Olin Iowa, in August 1938. They are residing on a farm near Stanwood, Iowa. She taught at Bettendorf for four years previous to her marriage.
154 Julia A. Nelson Married to Delos H. Walke, Guttenburg, in October. He is employed by the Central States Power and Light Company at Guttenberg, where they will reside. For the past year she has been secretary in the Placement Bureau at Teachers College.
155 Lucile Klasse Married Grant Chapman. They are residing in Belmond, Iowa, where he is in business. Before her marriage, she taught grades five and six at Peterson, Iowa.
156 Marcia Griggs Married Glen Cocking of Manchester, Iowa, in September 1938. She has been employed as secretary in the Horticulture and Forestry Department at Iowa State College, Ames. They will reside in Iowa City, where he will continue his work at the University.
157 Margaret Ann McHugh The daughter of C. N. McHugh of Cedar Falls, married Donald Chehock of Osage, Iowa, in June 1938. He is the son of the late Henry Chehock and the late former Beulah Bryan. He is city attorney at Osage.
158 Marion R. Dierkson Married Wallace W. Mertz in June 1938. The couple resides in Superior, Wisconsin. He is a graduate of Wisconsin State Teachers College at Superior.
159 Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Crouse The former Velma Monroe and husband are now living in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he is an auctioneer in the Little Rock Horse and Mule Commission Company. The couple were married June 30, 1936.
160 Viola Anna Jacobs Was married recently to Thomas B. Hayward, first assistant in the U. S. Weather Bureau, Spokane, Washington, where they reside.
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161 Adaline M. Caslavka Married Fred J. Hushak, Jr., Clutier, Iowa in August 1938. They will reside on a farm one mile northwest of Clutier.
162 Electa Wendland Married to Don Dentel in September 1938. They reside in Waterloo. Before her marriage, she taught in third grade in a Colorado school.
163 Ermyl I. Rowe Married the Reverend John A. Ludemann, in June 1938. They are now residing in Scales Mound, Illinois, where he is minister in the Presbyterian Church of Scales Mound.
164 Hazel Mae Thomas Married Merlin L. McGowan. He is an accountant for Marshall and Swift in Mason City, where they reside. Before her marriage, she taught in the Meservey, Iowa, schools.
165 Helen Witmer Married Roald Amundson, Ames, in June 1938. Their post office address is Colesburg, Iowa.
166 Helga Falkenberg and Terry B. Olin Married in October. They will reside in Newton, Iowa, where he is employed as general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. For a number of years, she was clerk in the office of Business Manager at Teachers College.
167 Jeanne Ballantyne Married Harold E. Alexander in September 1938. He is secretary-treasurer of the H. G. McGee Real Estate Company at Council Bluffs, Iowa, where they will reside. Previous to her marriage, she taught at Arlington, Iowa.
168 Joyce E. Wengert and Edward Wiler Married Edward Wiler this summer. He is an instructor in the Evanston, Illinois, High School, where he is working under the supervision of the Education Department of Northwestern University. He is also taking graduate work at Northwestern.
169 Margaret Cappel Married Ralph McLeod in August and now reside in Stillman Valley, Illinois, where he is instructor in mathematics, physics, and also athletic director in the public schools.
170 Mary Albaugh and Loel Ferguson Married in August 1938. They are living in Eddyville, Iowa, where he is coach and instructor in industrial arts. For two years she taught fourth grade at Woodrow Wilson School, Newton, Iowa.
171 Mildred Kissinger Married June 1938 to Chester M. Hunt. They will reside in Knoxville, Iowa.
172 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Shortall The former Mary McAdams and husband had a baby girl in May 1938. They reside in Chicago, Illinois.
173 Muriel E. Swarts Of Silver City, Iowa; married Paul Menzel in June 1938. They will reside on a farm near Janesville, Iowa. She taught high school English in Finchford for two years previous to her marriage.
174 Myrtle Telleen and Dwane R. Collins Married in June 1938. He was appointed director of education in the CCC camps at Wind Cave National Park, between Custer and Hot Springs, South Dakota. They will reside in Hot Springs. Last year she taught in Fontanelle.
175 Ruth Vande Waa Married Leo H. Grether, Keokuk, Iowa, in June 1938. They are residing in Keokuk, where he is school music supervisor. She had taught for the last year and a half at Emerson School and West Junior High School, both of Waterloo.
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176 Clara Boss Died in a Los Angeles, California, hospital, September 25, 1938. She was retired from the Los Angeles schools June 24, 1938, and had since made her home with her brother, Clarence, in Glendale.
177 George Stuart Dick Died in Madison, Wisconsin, September 21, 1938. He and his wife (Dora Lillian Dobson) had recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary August 30. He had been supervisor of rural education in Wisconsin; was a former registrar at Teachers College.
178 Judge D. R. Perkins Died September 25, 1938, at Altadena, California. He was a former South Dakota state legislator. He is survived by three daughters, Helen, Dorothy, and Margaret.
179 Mr. and Mrs. Allen N. Shaw The former Margaret E. Wilson and husband had a son, Richard Allen, in September 1938. Allen is employed by the State Motor Vehicle Department as a state Driver's license examiner. He is stationed at Creston, Iowa.
180 Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ravlin In June 1938 had a daughter, Kathleen Ann. They have another daughter, Florence Ilene. He is superintendent of schools at Wesley, where they reside.
181 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Halter The former Ethel Mae Cameron and husband of Flandreau, South Dakota, had a daughter, Corrine Anne, in January 1938.
182 Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Nanke The former Aldine Rainbow and husband, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, had a daughter, Janene Kay, in May 1938.
183 Mr. and Mrs. Manford McCunniff The former Marlys Huyck and husband had a son, Monte Joe, born July 1938. Manford is employed by Brown Furniture and Undertaking Company in Cedar Falls.
184 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph LeMoine Have a daughter, Sherilyn Jean, born in June 1938. They also have a son, Blaine, who is three. They live in Washington, Iowa, where he is a commerce teacher.
185 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright The former Shirley Bryan and husband became parents of twin children, Rosemary and Richard in April 1938. Rosemary, however, lived only a short time. Mr. Wright is now principal of the high school in Anamosa.
186 Mrs. Charles Sargeant The former Jennie Slawson, of Cherokee, Iowa, died on March 27, 1938.
187 P. E. McClenahan Died September 24 from injuries suffered in an auto accident near Dodgeville, Wisconsin. Survivors include his wife, the former Alta Birdsall of Cedar Falls, and three daughters. At the time of his death he was a salesman for a Chicago textbook firm.
188 Thomas Stewart Born in Monticello, Iowa, died on September 25, 1938 in Iowa City. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mary Jane, who teaches school in Violet City, and Eleanor, who attends Teachers College in Cedar Falls.
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189 Carl L. Burt Died July 13, 1938, of a heart attack. His wife, the former Mina Griggs, is attending Teachers College this year.
190 Dr. Thomas McManus dies Noted Waterloo physician and Teachers College alumnus died November 5 of lobar pneumonia at age 66. On August 23, 1898, he married Mae B. Loonan. Other survivors are a sister, Alice (Stephen P. Hicks), Minneapolis, and a brother, George.
191 Esther Colburn Died in her home in Clear Lake, Iowa, May 19, 1937. After graduation she taught at Rock Rapids and Northwood, Iowa; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Spencer and Clear Lake, Iowa. Later she was employed at Martha Weathered's in Chicago, Illinois.
192 Louise L. Johnson Died in Austin, Minnesota, July 22, 1938. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. S. A. Smith, and a sister, Mrs. Charles Ward Parsons of Carroll, Iowa. Lillian Lambert, professor of English at the College, was a cousin.
193 Marcia Newton While vacationing at her mother's home, she died July 3, 1938, in Monrovia, California, several hours after sustaining a fractured skull when thrown from a horse. She had been director of art in the public schools of Indianola, Iowa.
194 Mrs. Leo Knepper The former Grace Nolan died in Cascade, Iowa, on February 9, 1938. She had been in ill health for the past few years. Survivors include her husband and daughter, Nancy, age 7.
195 Mrs. Verne Ratcliffe The former Leah V. Junker died March 31, 1936. She is survived by her husband, Verne Ratcliffe, and one son, Ronald, age two.
196 Mrs. Walter Rapp The former Rena Tiedens died March 10, 1937 in Fort Dodge, Iowa, following an operation for appendicitis. For nine years she had been living in Parkton, South Dakota, where she was married to Walter Rapp, September 4, 1934.
197 Pearl Marie Peterson Died in Phoenix, Arizona, March 22, 1930. She taught school for several years following her graduation.
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198 Charles H. Bailey Spoke on "The Changing Conception of Industrial Arts Education," at the Four-State Conference on Industrial Arts, Pittsburg, Kansas, October 6 and 7, 1938.
199 Corley Agnes Conlon Is the author of an article, "Know Your Child Through His Art," published in the Iowa Parent-Teacher magazine for November. She has also given three recent talks.
200 Dora E. Kearney Presented a talk at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, in conjunction with the Northeast Iowa Teachers Convention in Cedar Rapids, September 30.
201 Dr. Dorothy Humiston Talked to social usage classes at the College on "The Interesting Person." She is editor of the Bulletin of the Iowa Division, American Association of University Women.
202 Dr. E. C. Denny Attended the Conference on Administration and Supervision, University of Iowa, and the Conference on Professional Requirements for Teachers, sponsored by the State Board of Educational Examiners, at Upper Iowa Univ.
203 Dr. E. H. Henrikson Spoke on "Speech Criticism," Waterloo Toastmasters' Club, and "Insight and Exercises in Speech Correction," at the Cedar Rapids teachers convention.
204 Dr. Gerald E. Knoff Spoke on "Religion and the New Social Order," Congregational Men's Club, Cedar Falls; "Let Freedom Ring!" before the Cedar Falls Rotary Club; "The Church and Labor," the College Faculty Men's Club; and more listed.
205 Dr. John W. Charles Is the author of a "Safety Bulletin for Elementary Schools," recently distributed in Iowa by the State Department of Public Instruction. A second bulletin on the secondary level will soon be published.
206 Dr. L. V. Douglas Head of the Department of Commerce, sponsored the first College Conference on Commercial Published article on teaching bookkeeping.
207 Dr. Marshall R. Beard Described the College Senate before a gathering of the American Association of University Professors at the Iowa State College, Ames, October 3, 1938. He also wrote the article, "How the Faculty Senate Works."
208 Dr. R. W. Getchell Gave a talk, "Christian Education," before the Westminster Foundation, October 30.
209 Dr. W. H. Kadesch In collaboration with Dr. E. J. Cable and Dr. R. W. Getchell, has published revised editions of "A Survey Course in the Physical Sciences" and "101 Experiments in Physics."
210 Ethel M. Fitzsimons Conducted seminar in education at Pomona College, Claremont, California.
211 Fred D. Cram Assistant professor of education in the Extension Service, was appointed to a national joint committee of the American Legion and the National Education Association. He is also a member of the national executive committee of NEA.
212 G. H. Holmes Presented an address, "Front Page Layout and Design," Iowa High School Press Association, at Ames, Iowa. He planned and edited the booklet "Opportunity in Education," which shows the College graduates at work.
213 Harald B. Holst Presented a recital of German lieder and songs by English and American composers before the College Club of Cedar Rapids.
214 I. H. Hart Spoke before the Cedar Falls Parlor Reading Circle on the topic, "Education in Iowa."
215 John Horns Was the author of the leading article in the last issue of The Alumnus, "Artists Are Not Made in the Schools."
216 W. B. Fagan Spoke on "Usage in English," before the Northeast Iowa Teachers Convention, meeting in Cedar Rapids.
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217 Bertha L. Patt Described several artists in the series of talks, "American Women in the Creative Arts," before the Tuesday Club, Cedar Falls, October 18.
218 Dr. Dorothy Koehring Author of an article, "I Play as I Like," in the National Parent-Teacher magazine, October, 1938; gave a talk, "Trends in the Modern Kindergarten," before the kindergarten section of the Northeast Iowa Teachers Convention.
219 Dr. E. Arthur Robinson Author of an article, "Meredith's Literary Theory and Science: Realism versus the Comic Spirit," published in PMLA, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America for September, 1938.
220 Dr. Eva May Luse Gave a talk, "Life in Norway," before a gathering of Louisa County teachers at Wapello; spoke on "Directed Observation" at Cornell College, Mt. Vernon; attended the Conference on Administration and Supervision at Iowa City.
221 Dr. H. A. Riebe Abstracted three books and two articles for Educational Abstracts magazine. He presented two talks, addressed a Women's League dinner at the College, and was judge of a Waterloo photographic contest.
222 Dr. J. B. Paul Transmitted to the faculty his "Report of the Sophomore Testing Program, Spring, 1938." He also spoke in The Commons, September 24.
223 Dr. Olive Paine Author of an article, "Learning Arithmetic While Living," in Midland Schools for November.
224 Dr. Winfield Scott Was interviewed by the Bureau of Publications on his views concerning the rural schools as an educational force. The interview was published in the Des Moines Sunday Register.
225 Ferne Ashby Married Lowell Moran of Weldon, Iowa, on June 23, 1938. They live on a farm near Weldon. She taught in Osceola, Iowa, in the second grade, for four years previous to her marriage.
226 Grace Van Ness Associate professor of physical education for women, was an instructor at the county institute in Boone County, September 30.
227 James F. Curtis Married Gail Beddow on August 24, 1938. They reside in Elkader, Iowa, where James is social science and debate instructor in the high school.
228 John R. Slacks Author of "The Rural Teacher's Work"; attended the gathering of the State Board of Educational Examiners, Fayette, Iowa, October 15.
229 Lou A. Shepherd Spoke on "What Kind of Schools Do You Want?" at a Women's Farm Bureau gathering. She also addressed the county teachers' institute of Monona County.
230 Margaret Ball Dickson Is compiler of a page of Minnesota poets in the October 1938 issue of the Minnesota Journal of Education. The page is entitled, "Around the State with Minnesota Poets." She is poet laureate of Minnesota.
231 Marna E. Peterson Addressed a conference of teachers of education, Fayette, Iowa, October 15. Her topic: "Directed Observation."
232 Maybelle McClelland Recently presented a talk on new books before a district library convention in Oelwein, Iowa. She also spoke on the topic, "Women Conductors in America," before the Tuesday Club, Cedar Falls, October 4.
233 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jolly, (Marjorie McDowell) Of Knightstown, Indiana, announce the birth of a son.
234 O. B. Read Professor of chemistry, explained "Gases" to the Cedar Falls High School Science Club.
235 Rose Lena Ruegnitz Delivered three talks: "Europe: 1938," Romance Language Club, the College; "The Situation in Germany," Faculty Woman's Club; and "Music Festivals in Europe," Alpha Upsilon chapter, Sigma Alpha Iota, national music sorority.