Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Razz' dinner set for April 18 Will hold second Gridiron Banquet; one hundred attended last year.
2 Alumna presents piano recital in Waterloo Profile of Jvone Lowrie.
3 Blue Key elects six upperclassmen List of those invited to join.
4 Bovee receives first award in physical science Lambda Delta Lambda initiates award and trophy.
5 Children prefer film to radio Professor Ritter analyzed leisure activities of school children.
6 Conference play, 'Moor Born' "Moor Born," is about the Bronte family. It has three talented sisters and a brother and shows their lives through their privately written poems.
7 Faculty Dames Will meet.
8 John Cross new Council president; Student Council plans revision of constitution List of committee members.
9 Kamm announces plans for fall orientation Outlines selection and training procedures.
10 New Yorker speaks here twice Sunday Charles Webber is chapel speaker; photo.
11 Spring weather preludes spring sports; nothing true but the ads next week; Danielle Darrieux and Charles Boyer in French film Spring sports will begin with an opening contest in each sport; there will be sports stories and discussions of spring prospects; April fool addition of the College Eye will be published next week; French film will be shown in the Auditorium.
12 Templeton, Tostlebe elected managing editors by board Roster of College Eye and Old Gold staff.
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# Article Article Summary
13 'College student should have genuine interest' Dr. Brown talks on the radio about who should go to college .
14 Campusmacks Paid advertisement by Mack's containing news from the TC campus.
15 Douglas speaks at commerce meet For regional group.
16 Iowa State man to lecture on segregation O. R. Sweeney will speak.
17 Reception marks fiftieth Cecilian year Alumni return for party.
18 Russell talks in Detroit On building a band library.
19 Survey reveals American students oppose return of colonies to Hitler
20 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
21 'Mayerling,' French movie will be shown, March 20 Preview of the film.
22 Display children's murals In Vocational Building.
23 Dorothy Vogt heads Bartlett
24 Give academic award at Bartlett Hall scholarship dinner To corridor with highest GPA.
25 Off-campus girls have teas in Commons Attempt to get off-campus students involved.
26 Pi Omega Pi List of initiates.
27 Seerley Hall sponsors Friday varieties tonight at Commons
28 Spring fashion vocabulary
Johnston--Rosemary (Class of 1939)
Begin to get familiar with fashion vocabulary.
29 The Greek Rendezvous
Zeiger--Marjorie J. (Class of 1941)
News from campus fraternities and sororities.
30 Timely Tid-Bits
Rickert--Mary E. (Student--1938)
News on and around campus.
31 To show slides At German Club meeting.
32 Women's League, Men's Union name new committee heads List of committee chairs.
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# Article Article Summary
33 'Hiawatha' pleases audience Present water show.
34 Around the School There are two new sports added to the winter program; handball and volleyball. Students wanted a larger intramural sports program.
35 Coaches name golf a minor sport Coach Nordly starts plans for the organization of a golf team; tennis team will not be organized this year.
36 Early spring football Warm weather starts off an early football practice.
37 From the Bench
Riebe--Harland A. (Class of 1941)
Sports news from various college campuses (including TC).
38 Jensen loses to champion TC wrestlers entered in the national tournament, the biggest wrestling show of the year.
39 Leaders in spring sports Leading athletes in spring sports; photo.
40 Leading 1938 film to be shown here Will show "You Can't Take it With You".
41 Looking back Freshmen athletes are not making good grades.
42 Plan announced Baker and Seerley Halls will attempt to beautify campus.
43 Serves first year with prep team Three out of four teams that reached the semi-final round of the state high school basketball tournament in Des Moines were coached by former TC students.
44 Trefzger to be one-man team Trefzger will attempt to win the title he just missed last year and there is a possibility that another man might be found to play with him as a doubles team in the conference meet.
45 Tutors take fourth place in relays TC takes fifteen points for fourth place at the Armour Tech Relays at Chicago.
46 Tutors take fourth place in relays TC registered fifteen points to take fourth place at the Armour Tech Relays at Chicago. Five men contributed to the scoring.
47 Twenty-five teams are expected High school teams in tournament. The Waterloo team will probably be one of the strongest according to season records. Cedar Falls will put a team with several high school stars on the floor and will have a good chance.