Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 All-Iowa art exhibit starts here today Description of some of the work; will include work by Marvin Cone.
2 Announcements ready soon For Commencement.
3 Don't look now! The Communazis are coming soon Preview of the Press Club banquet.
4 Dr. Knoff speaks at last of Holy Week services this morning
5 Louis Crowder to give recital Recital program.
6 Need women work on conversational ability? Purple Arrow will meet; women will carry on assigned conversation with partner.
7 Notice!
Henrikson--E. H. (English Faculty)
New students should report for speech check.
8 O. R. Wessels accepts commerce post here; to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Kuykendall Profile of O. R. Wessels.
9 Palmer speaks at dinner celebration Speaks to Alpha Phi Omega on safety education; list of initiates.
10 Reads plan to travel O. B. Read will move to Galesburg, Illinois; will use trailer to travel extensively.
11 Schneider, Palmer attend state clinic On industrial arts.
12 South Dakota U. to debate here
13 Three join honor club Initiated into Sigma Tau Delta.
14 Two Waterloo students injured in accident on way to school Willis Mevis and Robert Stephenson injured in car accident.
15 Will present 'Winterset' here; is for drama meeting Preview of the play.
16 Winter Honor Roll released List of those honored.
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# Article Article Summary
17 April Fool to all next week College Eye will put out April Fool's Day edition.
18 Ides of March
Richards--Mary E. (Student--1938,1940)
Comments on the coming of spring.
19 Marguerite Kelly to organize musical programs in Commons Will be in charge of the Music Lounge.
20 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
21 A Peek At the Greeks
Mulcay--Kay (Student--1940)
Announces recent and upcoming activities of fraternities and sororities.
22 A Social 'I'
Faris--Josephine Helen (Class of 1942)
Briefly comments on Holy Week, Mardi Gras dance, and graduating teachers.
23 Campusmacks Paid advertisement by Mack's containing news from the TC campus.
24 Carnival atmosphere to prevail Wednesday at sophomore party Preview of the party.
25 Kappa Pi Beta Alpha initiates new members Roster of new members.
26 Miss Plaehn to speak for Faculty Dames Will speak on trip to Europe.
27 Noted educators may visit campus during next year Kappa Delta Pi has plans to bring in speakers.
28 Queen of Mardi Gras ball to be selected next week Preview of the dance.
29 Sigma Alpha Iota honors MacDowell Program will consist of reading and performances.
30 Special Easter services are planned for students by Cedar Falls churches Survey of Easter services around town.
31 We're sorry! Correction of Mardi Gras notice.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Bogen pays off Max Bogen pushes a marshmallow across the floor using only his nose; pays off debt for losing game; photo.
33 Coaches to attend conference meeting Coaches will attend the North Central Conference officials' meeting in Minneapolis.
34 Grapplers end season in victory ISTC defeated Wisconsin, 26-6.
35 Intramural finals scheduled tonight Results are announced from semifinal competition.
36 Leon Martin crowned Iowa A. A. U. mat king Undefeated wrestler Leon Martin took first place at the Iowa A. A. U. tournament in Gilmore City.
37 Lofquist, Lambertson, Dodd on 'All' teams ISTC players received honors by being selected for either the North Central Conference team or the A. A. U. all-state team.
38 Panther DENotations Paid advertisement by the Panther Den containing news from the TC campus.
39 Prowling Around
Hellie--Theodore Q. (Student--1938)
Comments on wrestling and football squads.
40 Record grid squad is announced; to release four-year card soon Comments on spring training and the outlook for next year's squad.
41 Tutors place fourth at relay meet ISTC took fourth place again this year at the Armour Tech Relays in Chicago; photo.