Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Books now available for leisure time Description of the new browsing corner in the Commons.
2 Carpenter chosen to head new magazine Allan Carpenter will edit Teachers' Digest.
3 Hanson will conduct here Howard Hanson will conduct the Symphony Orchestra performing his own composition.
4 It's drama day tomorrow; 1,000 are expected to attend Program for the annual drama conference.
5 New records slated for Relays; 'Chuck' Fenske to race Lengthy preview and description; photo.
6 Orchesis will give recital List of members.
7 Palmer attends safety council
8 Real drama here daily Description of the activities of Jocko the monkey.
9 Roll out the bottle!
Durfee--Max L. (Health Services Staff)
Informs students that they need to return bottles for medication given by the Health Center.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Douglas, Beard, and Bender will speak At vocational guidance conference.
11 Frosh report for baseball practice Thirty-three freshmen men participated in baseball practice.
12 John Dennis Brown takes position on 'Varsity' magazine Profile of John D. Brown.
13 The Line Campus gossip.
14 Thompson makes charts as hobby Profile of Professor M. R. Thompson; photo.
15 Track team trips Grinnell Panthers defeated Grinnell by winning nine of twelve events.
16 Vegetables up; hope posies next Students start small box of vegetables.
17 You said it! Criticizes the importance of grades in a college education.
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# Article Article Summary
18 A Peek At the Greeks
Mulcay--Kay (Student--1940)
News from Greek organizations.
19 A Social 'I'
Faris--Josephine Helen (Class of 1942)
Briefly comments on Minnesingers' concert, Teachers College Relays, and the social activities of the Greeks.
20 Campusmacks Paid advertisement by Mack's containing news from the TC campus.
21 Faculty Dames meet Professor Divelbess will speak.
22 Frosh women hike Tuesday Will have picnic at Dry Run Creek.
23 Greek social organizations entertain at spring dances Preview of the dances.
24 Isabelle Rohrer is 'I' queen Will be crowned at Teachers College Relays; photo.
25 Minnesinger Glee Club commemorates golden anniversary; members to present concert next Thursday Have several concerts planned for the spring.
26 Music students attend conclave List of Phi Mu Alpha members who will attend national meeting.
27 Off-campus officers will be introduced at annual Flower tea List of officers.
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# Article Article Summary
28 'Winterset' production is realistic
Hake--Herbert Victor (Broadcast Services Director)
Review of the play; photo.
29 Bacon, former student visits alma mater Noel Bacon completed naval air training; will be stationed on aircraft carrier.
30 Frosh committee plans prep prance audition Will include variety acts.
31 Grant's birthday is commemorated Pi Gamma Mu will hold banquet.
32 Seating chart posted for sophomores For sophomore testing; description of the tests.
33 Seniors offered health check-up Will include blood test, tuberculosis test, and vaccinations.
34 Sigma Alpha Iota elects officers List of officers.
35 Tea dances are resumed today Preview of the dance.
36 Women's League head announces chairmen List of appointments; planning for convocation.
37 Work available to students Dean Reed has some work from local merchants.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Douglas will be association head Will head regional business education group.
39 Extension division advisory plan is reported success Many faculty members have been consulting for as many as five days in Iowa schools.
40 Fenske coach is past Tutor athlete T. E. Jones, former Tutor track athlete, is now the track coach for the University of Wisconsin.
41 Gym Shorts
Hanson--Dorothy J. (Student--1940)
Briefly comments on the baseball team, Orchesis, and the kineseology class.
42 Honorary referee Track coach at University High in Iowa City is pictured; photo.
43 League sponsors senior forum Part of series of vocational presentations for women.
44 Panthers win, tie in series with Cyclones UNI tied Iowa State University, 2-2, and then defeated them, 4-1.
45 Registration procedure changed; students will not go to instructors Students will report to advisor rather than visit each instructor; outline of the procedure.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Fenske exhibition to highlight Relays; premier miler to face frosh star in special event University of Wisconsin alumnus 'Chuck' Fenske will face Tom Johnson in an exhibition mile at the Teachers College Relays; photo.
47 Golfers in triangular meet here tomorrow ISTC will face Cornell and Coe.
48 Gridders work hard in early scrimmages Spring football drills continue.
49 Panther DENotations Paid advertisement by the Panther Den containing news from the TC campus.
50 Prowling Around
Hellie--Theodore Q. (Student--1938)
Comments on track and field and baseball teams.
51 Relay records Present Teachers College Relays records for individual events are posted.
52 Six report daily for tennis workouts Tennis drills have begun, although no varsity team will compete this year.
53 Teachers Relay preliminaries begin at 10 a.m. Saturday Schedule for Teachers College Relays is posted.
54 Track letter awards announced by coach Requirements for receiving a track letter are announced.