Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A Cappella Choir, ensembles present combined recital Performance programs.
2 Camera Club to sponsor exhibit
3 Campus leaders to be instructed Student Council will hold classes for student organization officers.
4 Cecilians depict "A Mother's Dreams"; childhood, teen age and future Lengthy description of program; list of performers.
5 Dietrich will speak to Industrial Arts guild On polishing agates.
6 Examination schedule
7 Graduating English majors compete in national tests Twenty-one seniors took the test.
8 MacLean addresses 700 on Recognition Day program Malcolm MacLean speaks; list of seniors who were honored.
9 Mothers feted this weekend; concert, dinners planned Schedule of activities.
10 Notice Seniors should report for Commencement instructions.
11 Open house dates set for West Hall Students, families, staff, and the general public will be welcome.
12 Ratio is 3.7 for summer More women than men have registered for summer session.
13 Seven girls in honor group List of Torch and Tassel charter members.
14 Spring edition of student magazine on sale Tuesday Survey of contents.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Dr. Hanson explains music appreciation Interview with Howard Hanson.
16 Sorority schedules dance this weekend
17 Summer Eye staff incomplete Still seeking staff members.
18 The Line Campus gossip.
19 Three student plays will be broadcast Work by Florence Hansen, Ed Kepler, and Winson Wallace will be on radio.
20 Wilkins to teach at Northwestern During summer session.
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# Article Article Summary
21 A Social 'I'
Faris--Josephine Helen (Class of 1942)
Briefly comments on Mother's Day, Blue Key, and Torch and Tassel initiates.
22 Bessie Nelson is hall president Will be first president in the new women's dorm.
23 Campusmacks Paid advertisement by Mack's containing news from the TC campus.
24 Committee picks freshman rooms Honor those who show the most attractive rooms.
25 Dinner to honor mothers Saturday evening; President Latham to give keynote address Six hundred expected to attend.
26 Kappa Delta Pi to give scholar tea Will honor freshmen and sophomores who have maintained a B average.
27 Pan Hellenics to entertain mothers Schedule of activities for Mother's Day.
28 Phi Tau Phi sorority wins scholar trophy Ceremony honors sororities with highest scholastic achievement.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Golfers prepare to avenge Grinnell loss Four Panthers will travel to Grinnell to battle the Pioneers.
30 Panther DENotations Paid advertisement by the Panther Den containing news from the TC campus.
31 Panther nine faces Luther Panthers will face the Norsemen at Decorah.
32 Prowling Around
Hellie--Theodore Q. (Student--1938)
Comments on intercollegiate baseball and track and field.
33 Spring intramurals to begin next week Intramural softball and track and field competition will begin.
34 Sweep two games with Illinois nine Panthers defeated Illinois Normal University, 14-5 and 11-3.
35 Tutor four second on Cedar Rapids links In a triangular against Coe and Cornell, ISTC took second place with fourteen points; individual scores are posted.
36 Tutors crush opposition in Dakota Relays ISTC took first place at the sixteenth annual Dakota Relays in South Dakota.
37 Wayne is track foe on Monday; Nebraskans face Teachers in last home meet here Wayne Teachers of Nebraska will battle the Panthers; participants are listed.