Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Prexy's Pond View to the east over Prexy's Pond; aerial view from the east; photo.
2 We dedicate this issue President Latham looking at building plans; photo.
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3 Orval Ray Latham Third President of the College died July 9, 1940; administration covered the period of the Great Depression; accomplishments involve every phase of the institutional life and policy: the physical plant, courses and curricula, and the administration.
4 The October sun floods again the campus he loved
Furry--Leroy W. (Class of 1935)
Tribute to President Latham; photo.
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5 An unsurpassed record of accomplishment
Hart--Irving Harlow (Extension Faculty and Archivist)
Professor Hart outlines President Latham's achievements in overcoming the Depression and making extraordinary developments in administration, curriculum, the campus physical plant, student social life, and scholarship.
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6 In his hand the torch is given Profile of new president Malcolm Price; photo.
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7 Darkness into darkness
Wescott--Gwendolyn N. (Class of 1937)
Memory of brief meeting with President Latham.
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8 He asked less, gave more Governor Kraschel's tribute to President Latham; praises Latham's conservative financial policies.
9 Our hearts speak
Wilson--George A. (Governor of Iowa)
Governor Wilson's tribute to President Latham.
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10 His mission was leadership for the common schools Tribute to President Latham as leader during difficult times.
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11 He was a selfless leader Tribute to President Latham as tenacious leader.
12 Untitled Latham tribute issue of Alumnus features photos scattered throughout the issue of most of the new buildings on campus; photo.
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13 It was a title of honor Praises President Latham's work as school superintendent.
14 The best tribute is to give our best Tribute to President Latham as leader in teacher education.
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15 His influence was profound Praises President Latham's work as educational examiner.
16 Would that he had another quarter century Praises President Latham as college teacher and advocate for teacher education.
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17 If he had a shortcoming, it was his modesty Charles Juss praises President Latham's attention to detail and logical thinking.
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18 He never evaded his responsibility George Works recalls work with President Latham on accreditation procedures.
19 We are greatly indebted George Zook praises President Latham as inspiring proponent of teacher education.
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20 His death is a real loss
Hilliard--George H. (Classes of 1910--1914--and 1915)
George H. Hilliard is grieved to hear of President Latham's death.
21 Little did I anticipate what tragedy lay ahead A. J. Brumbaugh praises President Latham as leader; found him calm and reserved in manner.
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22 His work will long abide C. H. Oldfather praises President Latham as excellent educational examiner; recalls accreditation trips.
23 No fair weather fan this man President Latham enjoyed football no matter what the weather.
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24 I remember his boyhood day Old friend recalls President Latham as a farm boy.
25 It is always later than we think V. W. Johnson recalls final talk with President Latham as he planned for his family in the event of his death.
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26 He trusted his unshaken will Roland Merner, as a member of the Chamber of Commerce, recalls working with President Latham; amazed at his attention to detail.
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27 Young man, write your mother Account of President Latham's first day on the job.
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28 The mark he left can never be erased Dean Nelson's tribute to President Latham; praises his attention to the welfare of others; photo.
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29 His personality made an indelible impression Professor Cable's tribute to President Latham; praises his attention to developing the physical plant, the faculty, and the students.
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30 I like to see a man gaining at every stride Professor Mendenhall praises President Latham's support of athletic teams in general, but especially for supporting conference membership, sectional contests, player awards.
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31 He knew well the traditional problems Professor Riebe's tribute to President Latham as a problem-solver.
32 His contribution is outstanding and eternal Professor Condit's tribute to President Latham as constructive, analytical thinker.
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33 The faculty remembers him Professor Beard praises President Latham's leadership qualities.
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34 His inspiration will always remain Fond memories of meetings with President Latham; photo.
35 His tall figure was woven into our memories Former student recalls meetings with President Latham.
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36 Student tributes to President Latham Students recall incidents in their lives in which President Latham helped them.
37 The devotion of his every hour Look at the campus to see a tribute to President Latham.
38 With great joy we watch visions become realities Appreciated dreams of President Latham for campus.
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39 A life of service Biography of President Latham.
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40 You were a big leaguer! Tribute from local sports writer to President Latham; photo.
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41 College mourns death of beloved teacher Professor Riggs died September 18, 1940.
42 College mourns death of beloved teacher Sara Riggs died September 18, 1940. She came to the campus in 1881 as a student of the Iowa State Normal School, and completed a two year course; she served as librarian and faculty secretary.