Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Continue education" says Roosevelt Urges students to stay in college.
2 Campus leaders convene For Iowa student leadership conference.
3 College to sponsor High School Band Day
4 Faculty members slated to speak at convention A look at the topics that they will address.
5 First symphony concert scheduled for Sunday Performance program.
6 New fish story; pike hadn't had breakfast Mr. Mendenhall caught a 16-pound pike this summer; photo.
7 Pulitzer winner lectures tonight; Frost is guest of school Profile of Robert Frost.
8 Students take crack at circling wild geese Geese circle campus all day.
9 Tutor Timetable Meetings and events scheduled; Tri S to meet.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Burow and Overgaard are 1941 Tutor Tickler directors A symphonic choir and 24-piece orchestra will be used in this year's production.
11 Fagan suffers attack Professor Fagan has heart attack.
12 Foundation notes News from campus religious centers.
13 Health service starts immunizing Several vaccinations and tests available.
14 Hyde Park; something lacking
Bottom--Mary Ellen (Class of 1941)
Feels cultural events are just as important as athletic events.
15 Tutor Tickler meeting slated
16 Watching the World
McConeghey--Harold (Student--1940-1941)
Comments on the upcoming elections.
17 Women's League's new Tri S offers help in reorganizing study habits
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# Article Article Summary
18 Carnival and dancing to entertain students at Fall Fun Fest Saturday
19 Dad's Day plans are underway Lengthy description of planned activities.
20 Ellen Richards Club has Halloween party
21 Plan more informality for Commons Hope to make dances and atmosphere less formal.
22 Senior counselors are favorites of freshmen Description of responsibilities.
23 Senior women are honored Women's League sponsors dinner.
24 Sorority girls model new styles
25 Students attend Ames convention For home economics topics.
26 Theta Gams win Contest for sale of Homecoming buttons.
27 Tips and togs for sophisticated pedagogues Fashion tips.
28 Xanhos take lead with 21 pledges List of pledges for all fraternities.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Frosh surprise varsity trackmen Results are given from a recent meet between the varsity team and the freshmen track members.
30 Maroons bar title path; seek to halt Panthers win string tomorrow ISTC will play Morningside College; photo.
31 Panther Denotations Paid advertisement by the Panther Den containing news from the TC campus.
32 Panther runner injured on Saturday hunt Injuries plague the men's track team.
33 Purple claws Gorillas 13-6; McCabe turns in 95 yard run Entire Panther squad leads team to victory over Pittsburgh, Kansas.
34 Saturday forecasts Predictions are given for the upcoming football games.
35 Sports briefs for gals in shorts A hockey game was held between alumni and students; Women's Gym is available for parties.