Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Class prepares food for test Home economics students will cook for examination.
2 Dan Rhodes, outstanding artist, visits campus Interview and profile of the artist.
3 Debaters tie for first place at Iowa City
4 Examination schedule, fall quarter, 1940
5 Faculty members foster goodwill Three faculty members join others to make recordings in Norwegian to be broadcast to Scandinavian countries concerning international relations.
6 New science book popular Textbook written by Professors Cable, Getchell, and Kadesch to be used in over 60 universities.
7 No time for boredom during winter term Schedule of events for winter term is given.
8 Notice Individuals may try out for Tutor Ticklers.
9 Simpson game rings down curtain; Panthers expect fireworks ISTC seniors play their last game in hopes of beating the Redmen.
10 Students express various attitudes on cut problems
11 Tutor Timetable Meetings and events scheduled.
12 Visitor finds publications dark room is really dark Loring Carl talks about the darkroom; photo.
13 Weekend of cramming scheduled A schedule for events for the next month is given.
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# Article Article Summary
14 It isn't what it ought to be; the editors turn
Templeton--Donald Frederick (Class of 1942)
Comments on Miss Osborne's thoughts about the male students at ISTC.
15 Religious activities on Thanksgiving Theta Epsilon will give out baskets to needy families; a list of pledges is included.
16 Saturday's dance a success--except financially
Templeton--Donald Frederick (Class of 1942)
Men's Union and Dick Abele are to be commended for a well-attended event with 85-90 couples participating.
17 The Line Reports on news from around campus that he feels probably should not be included in a column.
18 Today's Hyde Park; nobody cares about the cut system
Kadesch--Robert R. (Class of 1943)
Discussion between the faculty and students about the status of the cut system.
19 Watching the World
McConeghey--Harold (Student--1940-1941)
Discusses politics in response to the current war.
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# Article Article Summary
20 After a Fashion
Bergum--Shirley (Class of 1942)
Advice on how to maintain a low budget wardrobe.
21 Athletes, former coeds to wed Roger Isaacson will marry Marjory Zingg; Russell Bradford will marry Betty Bramblett.
22 Chemistry of medicine discussed by Alembic
23 Education clubs slate initiation, dinners List of Beta Alpha Epsilon initiates.
24 Five women join Sigma Alpha Iota List of new pledges.
25 Folk dancing is taught Saturday Grace Van Ness will offer instruction.
26 Greek men plan Tutor Tickler acts
27 Sororities end festivities of fall term News from sororities.
28 Sorority rushing program outlined by council; Pan-Hellenic bazaar December 5 A meeting will be held of those freshmen girls who are eligible to join a sorority.
29 Two honoraries have formal initiations List of initiates for Golden Ledger and Purple Arrow.
30 Violate rules suffer results Alpha Delta Alpha actives punish pledges.
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# Article Article Summary
31 63 percent of T. C. need vaccination Breakdown on those who need small pox vaccination.
32 Claude White heads service fraternity List of Alpha Phi Omega officers.
33 Faculty Dames meet Meal planning class will serve tea to Faculty Women's Club.
34 Faculty members are appointed to study committees Appointed by Jessie Parker to help develop new elementary school curriculum.
35 Last issue of the Eye The next issue will be available December 6, 1940.
36 New men key to cage hope ISTC men are being encouraged to go out for varsity basketball.
37 Poet-student spends five minutes on verse hobby Arlette Rugg talks about her writing.
38 T. C. chemists become prominent Notes ISTC chemistry students who have gone on to distinguished careers.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Candidates quizzed
40 Flying students make first solo hop after eight hours in the air A look at the work of students in flight training.
41 Goetch will speak At placement conference.
42 One mile of college tunnels might serve as blitzkrieg protection A look at the campus tunnel system.
43 Van Paassen may speak in city says Lester Lalan
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# Article Article Summary
44 Harriers end season by beating Grinnell Cross country team defeats Grinnell in last meet of the season.
45 Little Tutors lose to city rivals 20-0 TC High School loses to city rival, Cedar Falls.
46 No streetcars, detour; Jenkins takes first ISTC track star, Bill Jenkins, places first in the four mile race at the A. A. U. cross country meet.
47 Omaha submerged 37-7; purple outclass foe Panthers sail past the Omaha Indians for a victory.
48 Panther Denotations Paid advertisement by the Panther Den containing news from the TC campus.
49 Sports briefs for gals in shorts Small turnout at the women's playday.
50 Ten seniors don moleskins for final grid game on Saturday; Tutor fans last ovation for twelve men in Simpson game
Levine--Aaron (Class of 1943)
Farewell to senior football players; photo.