Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Canoeing--for relaxation Students canoe on Prexy's Pond; photo.
2 Dr. G. E. Knoff to speak at Baccalaureate; Commencement chorus to furnish special music
3 Fair visitors to see college Description of Iowa State Fair exhibit.
4 Music faculty members write college workbook
5 Tutor Timetable Meetings and events scheduled, roller skating, reception for graduates, and the end of summer term.
6 Two hundred 'better teachers' graduate Thursday; special events planned to honor graduates Description of Commencement activities; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
7 'Eyeing' golf
Sturges--Herbert (Student--1941)
Comments on the sport of golf.
8 Coeds approve extension of the draftees' tenure Survey question answered, do you think it was right for Congress to extend the time of the draft to two and a half years?
9 The Line 'News' from around the campus.
10 Today in Hyde Park; teachers are real human beings
Kammeier--James (Student--1941)
11 Watching the World
Bro--H. Edwin (Class of 1942)
Comments on the news from around the United States and the World.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Iowa State Teachers; home of champions Photo essay on ISTC athletic teams and facilities; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Home of good teachers Photo essay on campus scenes; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Back-to-classroom fashion notes
Advice on fall wardrobe.
15 Bartlett to have vespers
16 Beta Alpha Epsilon initiates new members at dinner List of new members.
17 Correct dress for graduates is suggested Advice on Commencement dress.
18 Elementary B. A.'s hold formal dinner at Woman's Club
19 Prices honor summer graduates at reception; parents of graduates, alumni and faculty members are to be special guests Description of reception.
20 Primary club dines Spanish way Have dinner with Spanish theme.
21 Refugee children appreciate America Shirley Bergum reports on her work with social service agencies in New York.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Demand for elementary majors exceeds supply
23 Hurry! Last dip into dad's billfold Graduates must pay final fees.
24 Jackson, Peterson, of Campus School staff are awarded promotions Cyril Jackson will be principal of grades 7-12; Marna Peterson will be principal of grades K-6.
25 New voice instructor will assume duties in September Profile of Jane Birkhead; photo.
26 Semi-finals are late Faculty golf tournament has finally reached semi-finals, winners of this round will advance to the finals.
27 Six week session to be offered again Will offer a larger selection of courses in summer 1942.
28 Treat promised patrons in dress rehearsal Preview of the one-act plays.