Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Carroll Glenn, violinist, interviewed by student
Wood--Eva (Student--1941)
Profile of the performer.
2 College plans music festival Clinic will bring hundreds of high school students to campus in conjunction with Coolidge String Quartet appearance.
3 Debaters are tops in local tourney Results of contests.
4 Display Nuhn paintings Work by Marjorie Nuhn will be shown on campus.
5 Do you believe in cramming? Manville Bro, Bob Kurtz, and Russ Thorpe prepare for finals; photo.
6 List members of choir and chorus
7 Mrs. Bender to fill language vacancy Will fill in for Isabel Thomes.
8 Notice
Boardman--Benjamin (Business Manager)
Lost and found items on display at Crossroads.
9 Observe art week with gallery exhibit Will include work by ISTC students and faculty.
10 Pedersen accepts Miami University speech position Profile of Ray Pedersen; photo.
11 Salesmanship class hawk 'Purple Pen'
12 Speakers leave for Kansas debate meet
13 Student heads plan student records Health Services attempts to put its files in order.
14 Women's Chorus plans initial performance List of members.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Application photographs Should be furnished to Placement Bureau.
16 Are we adequately protected from fire? Believes that the Teachers College needs to install some kind of fire alarm system.
17 Birkhead to make Cedar Falls debut Profile of Jane Birkhead and performance program.
18 Credit unions serve as middle class band H. W. Vetter addresses Professor Nyholm's class.
19 Follow these rules for your term tests
Paul--Joseph B. (Research Bureau Staff)
Encourages students to be careful when filling in answer sheets for exams.
20 For these things we are thankful Wide survey of students and faculty about things for which they are grateful.
21 Illness brings year's leave to Dr. Plaehn Has been unable to teach for several weeks.
22 Meal planning class cooks foreign food
23 Publications editors to attend convention Josephine Faris and Roland Wick go to St. Louis.
24 Social scientists initiate members List of new members.
25 Thanksgiving Food Lispings Describes the way that healthful eating can help students study for finals.
26 The Line 'News' from around the campus.
27 Watching the World
Finch--Charles (Student--1941)
News from around the country and the world.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Await council's O.K. of local club chapter Awaiting national approval for change from Commercial Club to FBLA chapter.
29 Budget instruction given to co-eds Women's League will sponsor series of meetings.
30 Contest deadline nears For Old Gold Beauties.
31 Eventide fellowship
32 Florence Nelson dies Former student died November 12, 1941.
33 Four women pledged to Baptist sorority List of new members.
34 Home 'Ec' instructor elected state official Agnes McClelland elected secretary of state group.
35 Interfraternity dance features Dick Mills
36 Make warpaint display Displays children's books and cosmetics.
37 Miss Houk speaker at Wesley League
38 New term initiated with rec dancing and matinee dance
39 Paintings exhibited in Vocational Building From WPA program.
40 Suggestions given for Christmas decorations by Mrs. Leo Leeper
41 The Greek Rendezvous News from campus fraternities and sororities.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Blue Key picks men List of new pledges.
43 Panthers keep title; drub Indians 34-13 Panthers defeat Omaha University and win the North Central Conference championship; photo.
44 Plan Midwest meeting of Rural Life Group
45 Prep coaches convene here during tomorrow Iowa High School Wrestling Coaches Association will hold their annual state meeting in the Men's Gymnasium.
46 Six Tutors place in scoring race Panthers have four of the top ten scorers in the league; photo.
47 Statistics favor grid team during season Summary of Panther statistics for the 1941 season.
48 Versatile athletes Football players Leon Martin and James Christianson also participate in Panther wrestling; photo.