Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 College fetes returning alumni; today is Hobo Day beginning Homecoming Schedule of Homecoming activities.
2 Dad's Day will feature Panthers vs. Drake Bulldogs Preview of Dad's Day activities.
3 Dr. F. W. Wellborn's book nominated for Pulitzer Prize For "The Growth of Nationalism, 1492-1865".
4 Flight students are early risers for conditioning A look at the daily schedule for flight training students.
5 Hobo costumes will appear at varieties show tonight Preview of the show.
6 Homecoming "Prowl" features fall I Queen A look at the Homecoming football program.
7 Informality will reign at 1942 "I" Club dance Quick look at the Homecoming dance.
8 Men enter service after cure of color blindness Seven ISTC students take treatment from Dr. L. C. Holman.
9 Midwestern colleges plan for Cedar Valley debate meet Eight schools plan to attend.
10 Notice Applications for student loans due.
11 Notice Students must take tuberculosis test.
12 Students appear at leisure recital Soloists and string quartet will perform.
13 Two familiar scenes around Homecoming time Students decorate for Homecoming; "I" Club queen reigns proudly; photo.
14 We're glad to see you, Mr. Homecomer A. C. Fuller greets alumnus Andrew P. Roeder; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Behind Your Front Page
Birenbaum--William M. (Student--1942-1946)
Discusses the progress of the war.
16 Course in radio science offered to civilians here
17 Faculty Dames meet Members should come prepared to sew.
18 Open letter to grads: campus war-minded Writes to those who are not able to return to TC due to their jobs in the military.
19 The Line Comments on people and happenings on campus.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Change in program of Presbyterian forum discussions ISTC faculty will present several of the programs.
21 Church groups News from campus religious groups.
22 Greek organizations will welcome Homecomers Schedule of Greek Homecoming activities.
23 Naval Aviation Cadet Keith Lambertson will take advanced training
24 Red Cross opens nutrition class Home economics students assisting Professor Sutherland.
25 Second program in series given by Trapp family Quick review of the performance.
26 We Women
Entz--Margaret Ann (Class of 1943)
Welcomes the alumni and discusses campus fashion.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Bartlett House meeting Monday Will include panel discussion on dormitory life.
28 Bulletin board features alumni in services Names of all who are in the service will be posted on a bulleting board in the Commons.
29 Dial Dope 1540 Explains KXEL and its activities to the alumni.
30 Dr. John Knox will conduct chapel services Sunday
31 Large group of cage prospects greet Hon Nordly Close to forty men are practicing for the basketball season; photo.
32 Men's military plan tabulated Tabulating survey of ISTC men.
33 Reception for Rev. Dill, new Methodist pastor
34 Second Round-up draws 350 students Students sing and play games.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Michigan Bronco's long runs drop Panthers, 14-6 TC lost to Western Michigan, 14-6.
36 North Central loop standings Reviews the teams in the North Central Conference.
37 Panthers will display prowess before alums; crippled squad will try for sixteenth loop win TC will face Morningside for Homecoming.
38 These Maroon backs---plus a snapper-back The Morningside Maroons pose in their "V" formation; photo.
39 Tutor Tidbits Comments on the injuries and missing players on the football team.