Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A festive day as Navy unit celebrates birthday Description of ceremonies.
2 Child health course begins Will hold two-week special workshop.
3 Education's war problems is theme of convocation Will give students an opportunity to learn about educational associations; photo.
4 Fantasy to be repeated tonight; 'Chanticleer' will be given for children Preview of the play; photo.
5 Military style dictates number of squadrons
6 Navy grads told war to be harder Remarks from Captain E. A. Lofquist.
7 Rural teacher paychecks should be biggest, says Dr. Lindstrom
8 Summer graduates to hear talk by Illinois educator Robert B. Browne will deliver Commencement address.
9 Teaching jobs still unfilled in Iowa schools
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# Article Article Summary
10 Advance registration Scheduled for fall term.
11 Buttrick will speak Sunday
12 Campus High's opinion tallied in civics poll Summary of survey.
13 Candlelight Hour on Lawther steps Hold reverence hour.
14 Dial Dope 1540 Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
15 Invitation from Comm. Pettee
Pettee--Everett E. (Naval Officer)
Everett Pettee invites readers to an inspection of the WAVES.
16 Mimeograph room prints office forms A look at the work of the Mimeograph Office.
17 Religious activities News from campus religious centers.
18 The Line Comments on people and happenings on campus.
19 Watching the World
Gray--Basil D. (Class of 1944)
Discusses the possibility of widespread military training after the war.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Corn tops campus tots
21 Florence Anderson, Women's Chorus are in Music Hour
22 Gurney reveals American trend to favor classics more today
Anderson--Florence Lorraine (Class of 1943)
Interview with John Gurney.
23 Kampus to Khaki Gives updates on students and staff, who are currently in the military.
24 Miss Newman attends meets On rural education.
25 Six-week gals busy packing Students busy finishing up summer school.
26 To discuss 'promoting'
27 Untitled Commander E. E. Pettee cuts a birthday cake with the WAVES to celebrate the first anniversary of the women's reserve; photo.
28 We Women
Lyon--Bernadette A. (Student--1943)
Offers suggestions for self-improvement.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Commander Pettee promoted during yeoman review Friday Profile of Commander Pettee.
30 Corning Branch School debates 'Is our history taught well?' News from the branch summer schools.
31 In Army Air show 'All-Campus' band has regular place
32 It's the Army, Mr. Green, keep quarters clean A look at the daily schedule for the Army Air Corps detachment.
33 New Air Crew men arrive on campus after long ride
34 White tells Tutors to play at recess Encourages recreational activity during recess.