Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Catch step' says Dr. Price President Price welcomes freshmen to ISTC; photo.
2 College Eye saves paper for Uncle Sam Will save paper for the war effort by offering a smaller, more compact format.
3 Convocation held Friday for all student, faculty A look at the ceremony; will be first of series of convocations.
4 First events fete freshmen; parties, tours scheduled for new students Lengthy look at efforts made to welcome new students to campus.
5 Polishing party will climax week of fall's first social activities Will hold watermelon feast, chuck wagon picnic, and meeting with faculty.
6 Schneider is appointed as N. Y. director N. O. Schneider will direct driver's training for New York State; lengthy profile; photo.
7 Sounds of marching feet will soon be familiar to freshmen A look at the differences in a war-time campus; one big difference is the presence of the WAVES.
8 Students will donate to T. C. blood bank on September 21 Sponsored by Torch and Tassel.
9 Thar's gold in them hills dig-dig if'n yuh want it
Fairlie--Val Jeanne (Class of 1945)
A look at what a student can expect to get out of college.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Church night planned for Friday; Dr. Gerald Knoff will speak at first meeting Students will meet and then go to their own downtown churches.
11 Miss McClelland replaces Duncan as library head Miss Duncan resigned effective at the end of the summer term.
12 Notice from Dean Reed Men should meet to select members of Men's Union board.
13 Three swats with towel gets bats Bats have been entering a faulty chimney in the President's House.
14 Tutor Timetable Meetings and events schedule; placement and training tests to be given; Jamboree and Polishing Party to be held.
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15 Dial Dope 1540 Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
16 New social director is Teachers College graduate Elizabeth Emerson will be social director of Lawther Hall; Mae DuPree will be Commons day hostess; photo.
17 People you should get to know Pictured is the Dean of Women, the Dean of Men, the Dean of Faculty, and the Registrar; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Campus school has new supervisors Mildred Luce will supervise music; Ruby Junge will supervise social studies.
19 Cogitations
Lyon--Bernadette A. (Student--1943)
Talks about ways in which the campus and the College Eye will be handling the war effort.
20 Cure for jitters is hard work Miss Campbell says that women can ease their worry about men in the service by getting down to work.
21 Interim committee examines college Members of General Assembly visit campus.
22 It tells you when The largest bell of the Campanile weight 5,000 pounds; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Campus School opens as fall registration continues Registration procedures.
24 Miss Hult is new teacher in education Profile of Esther Hult.
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25 Air Corps men on new schedule A look at the schedule.
26 Army, Navy list regulations for campus trainees Rules and regulations for governing relations between men of the Army Air Corps and ISTC students.
27 Eighth graduating class leaves for A A.F. Classification Will be classified as pilots, bombardiers, or navigators.
28 In the Army now; Frank Hill, Nelson Men in Army Air Corps have same names as ISTC faculty.
29 Kampus to Khaki Gives updates on those students and staff, both current and former, who are currently in military service.
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30 Baby girl is born to Myron Russells Margaret Marie joins Marilyn.
32 We women
Fairlie--Val Jeanne (Class of 1945)
Discusses ways to cope with wartime difficulties.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Price speaks to senior counselors Advises that students will get the most out of college by participating in religious activities, keeping a strong scholastic record, and attending lectures and musical performances.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Dr. Ernest Fossum takes speech post Replaces E. H. Henriksen.
35 Teachers College grads treasure alumni magazine Many enjoy the Alumnus.
# Article Article Summary
34 Fit to fight on home front is slogan; sports program makes students physically fit There will be no intercollegiate athletics, but Miss Wild outlines many opportunities for women to keep fit.