Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Civil Air Patrol may begin at the college
2 College players pick 'Papa is All' for October play Preview of the play; list of cast members.
3 Garrison speaks Sunday; educator of prominence here Oct. 10 Profile of Winfred Garrison; photo.
4 KXEL story hour program makes hit with children fans Children write in for a picture of Miss Arey.
5 Men get tough for battle with Hitler Men undergo rigorous physical training in class.
6 Personnel for music department named List of orchestra and band personnel.
7 Val Jeanne rings the bell as official Campanile chimer Profile of Val Jeanne Fairlie; description of playing the chimes; photo.
8 War Council, various committees appointed by Student League List of those named.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Flying heroes
Berninghausen--David K. (Library Faculty)
New books available at the library.
10 Goodbye to Teachers College
Newton--Thomas R.
A member of the Army Air Corps detachment writes to say Thanks.
11 Let's wake up the students
Smith--Beverly Anne (Class of 1945)
Asks students to take a bit more responsibility in the classroom.
12 Watching the World
Gray--Basil D. (Class of 1944)
Gives his opinion of how the U.S. Treasury is being used, and how it should be used.
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# Article Article Summary
13 'Dorm nights' planned for Lawther Hall girls Will have informal get-togethers on Friday nights.
14 Dial Dope 1540 Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
15 Ex-Champs to be featured in W. A. A. tennis tournament News about women's intramural sports.
16 Rendezvous
Wentland--Jane (Class of 1946)
News about Greeks and their organizations.
17 Tutor Timetable Events and meetings scheduled; games; life saving in Women's pool; playnight in Women's Gymnasium.
18 Untitled Shirley Ramsdell will golf against John Chew.
19 We Women
Fairlie--Val Jeanne (Class of 1945)
Encourages students to be flexible in their activities.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Army air cadets present varsity show Wednesday
21 Jungles, mountains easier obstacle than T. C. course A look at the local obstacle course.
22 Kampus to Khaki
Major--Dorothy (Class of 1945)
Gives updates on students and staff, who are currently in the military.
23 Meet the Army! Profile of 1st Lieutenant John Morris.
24 New Army contingents arrive in Cedar Falls to augment air crew Two groups arrive for training.
25 Ninth group of cadets graduate Headed for San Diego.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Library art room holds answers to many questions
27 Religious activities News from campus religious centers.
28 Untitled Alumnus in the mail.
29 Waves hit the deck at odd hours when fire drill is called WAVES have regular fire drills.
30 Waves present play on Sunday Will present series of skits.
31 Waves, Army awed by squash, corn on cob, in Commons cafeteria
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# Article Article Summary
32 Ellen Richard Club has second meeting See baking and flower arranging demonstrations.
33 Phi Mu begins plans for new year
34 Series of mid-week chapel services initiate Wednesday morning
35 T. C. High School gridsters down Eldora team 19-2
36 The Line Comments on people and happenings on campus.
37 The rural teachers Hold picnic and elect officers.