Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Give best you have," says F. T. A. speaker F. R. Kenison speaks.
2 "Wren" director addresses WAVES Lieutenant Nancy Pyper will speak; photo.
3 Advanced registration
4 College symphony to give concert Recording will be broadcast on radio.
5 Men's Union variety show promises wit, fun for all Preview of the show.
6 New radio courses offered students gives actual experience in radio Radio survey course will be taught by those professionally involved in radio work.
7 Servicemen find beauty contest 'a tough choice' Many respond to opportunity to vote in Old Gold Beauty contest.
8 Tutor Timetable Events and meetings scheduled; games; war stamp sale; play night.
9 William Chamberlin to appear Wednesday Will speak on Soviet Union; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
10 American women in modern society New books and exhibits available at the library.
11 Student League information Recent history of the Student League.
12 Watching the World Makes observations about the war in Europe, and predicts the defeat of the Republican candidate for 1944.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Call for cheerleaders! come February 2
14 Carl Wirth presents weekly educational program over KXEL Description of Professor Wirth's "Program Notes".
15 Cedar Falls art gallery opens for second in series of exhibits Will feature work by art students.
16 Dial Dope Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
17 Dorm girls enjoy weekly features
Flathers--Reba Gaile (Class of 1946)
Enjoy meditations and snacks.
18 Religious activities News from campus religious centers.
19 Theta Theta Epsilon serve home economists Agnes Nielson will speak.
20 Women's League nominees revealed; 1944-45 election to take place during registration List of nominees.
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# Article Article Summary
21 'Eye' want reporters and copyreaders
22 Alumnus magazine sent to former T. C. students, servicemen included
23 Aviation students show their talent; Wednesday night entertainment brings cheers
24 Dr. Riebe writes play on letters Will use messages sent home by service personnel to write drama
25 Kampus to Khaki
Cullinan--Delores (Student--1943)
Updates on students and staff, who are currently in the military.
26 Meet the Army! Profiles of William Horsman and James E. Gunning.
27 Navy women's wardrobe restricted; no cocky hats, two-threads included Description of WAVES uniform.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Huge furnaces of heating plant awe eye reporter who sees 'witches brew'
Holm--Irene (Student--1943)
Description of power plant boilers; photo.
29 Intramurals again on Friday entertainment list; experienced Cranny Crumbs, Ramsdell Rats scheduled for tonight's game Announces men's intramural basketball game, and tells of the last women's game.
30 Music students will broadcast over KXEL on February program List of performers.
31 Speech enthusiasts discuss radio Hamilton Club members speak at Humbert School.
32 Student forum helps meet campus demand Group discusses Soviet Union.
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# Article Article Summary
33 'Put your best food forward' to library weekly book display
34 Changes in the class schedule
35 Food class helps with Campus School lunches Serve lunch to about 85 students.
36 Golden Ledger initiates four new members at ceremony Thursday List of new members.
37 Music recital today in Gilchrist at 3:45 List of performers.
38 The Line Comments on people and happenings on campus.