Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 52 women, 1 man on spring honor roll List of those on Honor Roll.
2 Air command cites I. S. T. C. for good job Commendation cites good work of faculty.
3 Get transcript for certificate renewal Transcript needs to sent to Des Moines.
4 Navy bond performance raises 10,000 dollars in sales Tuesday night more than 5,000 people in stadium see Bond show 5000 attend rally and entertainment at O. R. Latham Stadium; description of program.
5 One-act plays chosen for production Professor Strayer will direct "A Night at the Inn,Night Club", and "The No 'Count Boy".
6 Prof. Russell Baum presents recital Performance program.
7 Symphony plays Tuesday; Lois Miller to be guest soloist with orchestra Performance program and list of performers; photo.
8 Tea initiates art exhibit on Monday Work by Lucie M. Palmer and also the work of branch summer school students will be on display.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Army text books being stored in Lawther attic Over 5000 books will be put in storage.
10 Former director Spooner on campus Catherine Spooner visits friends.
11 From one reader to the next
Neff--Grace K. (Library Faculty)
New books available at the library.
12 Hankamp speaker in conference series Will speak on post war schools.
13 Religious news News from campus religious centers.
14 Six weeks students report to Dr. Durfee For tuberculosis testing and diphtheria immunization.
15 There is a war on
Patridge--Ruth (Student--1943)
Describes the life and feelings of women on campus during the war.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Dr. M. J. Nelson addresses all three Branch summer schools News from the branch summer schools.
17 Durfee advises health measures Dr. Durfee offers advice on proper nutrition and sufficient rest.
18 Kampus to Khaki
Krensky--Josephine (Student--1944)
Updates on students and staff, who are currently in the military.
19 Thelma Martin marries at Schaller, Iowa Married William J. Musselman.
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# Article Article Summary
20 'Lovers' disgrace selves in Lawther Court
21 'Rec' equipment aids relaxation Quick description of recreational opportunities on campus.
22 12 stiff necks on I. S. T. C. campus from stargazing Professor Cable's astronomy class studies the stars.
23 90% student teachers at Teachers College are successful Professor Wagner believes that success is related to a good attitude and social integration.
24 Art teachers speak at Branch schools
25 Emergency teachers want more courses According to survey, teachers pressed into service by the war would like to take more classes.
26 Integration of subjects needed in colleges says Dr. M. J. Nelson Dean Nelson talks about curricular trends.
27 More new students in attendance here 589 new students have registered.