Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 We'll remember 1944-1945 Title page of the 1945 Old Gold; photo.
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2 Remember 1945 Memories of 1944-1945; photo.
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3 And how many times . . . we followed the "six steps" Outlines the six steps and difficulties of the registration process; photo.
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4 To the seniors . . . . A senior looks back on his college career.
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5 The Campus Walk Women's Gymnasium and Physics Building; photo.
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6 The Administration Building The Administration Building; photo.
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7 Book worm's hangout - the "Libe" The Library Building; photo.
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8 The "Voc," refuge of artists, homemakers The Vocational Building; photo.
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9 The Women's Pool and Gymnasium The Women's Pool and Gymnasium; photo.
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10 The Commons, recreation headquarters The Commons; photo.
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11 Administration
Colson--Elsie Lorine
The administration process is further complicated by the presence of the WAVES women's military group; photo.
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12 President's message President Malcolm Price comments on the changing times; photo.
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13 M. J. Nelson, Dean of Faculty The responsibilities and writings of Dean M. J. Nelson; photo.
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14 Benjamin Boardman, Business Manager The responsibilities of the business manager; photo.
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15 Leslie I. Reed, Dean of Men An overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Dean of Men; photo.
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16 Sadie B. Campbell, Dean of Women The duties of the Dean of Women; photo.
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17 Marshall R. Beard, Registrar An overview of the duties of the Registrar Marshall Beard as compared to his work in the social science department; photo.
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18 I. H. Hart, Extension Director The responsibilities of the Extension Director; photo.
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19 E. W. Goetch, Director of Placement Bureau A review of the duties of E. W. Goetch, director of the Placement Bureau; photo.
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20 A. C. Fuller, Director of Alumni Affairs The duties and responsibilities of A. C. Fuller, director of the Bureau of Alumni Service, are reviewed; photo.
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21 J. B. Paul, Director of Research A review of the studies and duties of J. B. Paul, director of the Bureau of Research; photo.
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22 George H. Holmes, Bureau of Publications An overview of the duties and responsibilities of George H. Holmes regarding the College Eye and Old Gold publications; photo.
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23 Vernon Bodein; Religious Director A review of the responsibilities of Vernon Bodein, director of religious activities and pastor of the College Hill Interdenominational Church; photo.
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24 Max L. Durfee, Health Director An overview of the duties of Doctor Max L. Durfee and Miss Maude Haines; photo.
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25 Eldon E. Cole, buildings and grounds The responsibilities of Eldon E. Cole; photo.
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26 Marybelle McClelland, librarian The duties and responsibilities of librarian Marybelle McClelland; photo.
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27 Student administration The Student Welfare Committee and Student League plan activities and recommend solutions to student problems; photo.
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28 Student administration The Men's Union and Women's League work together to promote school unity; photo.
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29 Student administration Elizabeth Emerson, Director of Lawther Hall, leads both the upper and lower councils during the fall and winter quarters; photo.
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30 Student administration Clara Wheeler and Mary Haight act as house mothers for Seerley and Baker Halls; photo.
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31 Faculty
Colson--Elsie Lorine
Though many faculty members have left for the Army or Navy, the present staff continues to hold high standards in education; photo.
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32 Teaching Departments--Art and Music The Departments of Art and Music are headed by Professors Harold Palmer and Edward Kurtz, respectively; photo.
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33 Teaching Departments--English and Language Professors W. B. Fagan and Ingebrigt Lillehei head the Departments of English and Language; photo.
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34 Teaching Departments--Mathematics and Science Professors Henry Van Engen and Emmett J. Cable head the Departments of Mathematics and Science; photo.
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35 Teaching Departments--Social Science and Education The Departments of Social Science and Education are headed by Professors M. R. Thompson and E. C. Denny; photo.
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36 Teaching Departments--Home Economics and Commercial The Departments of Home Economics and Commercial Education are headed by Professors Lloyd V. Douglas and Elisabeth Sutherland; photo.
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37 Faculty Faculty; photo.
38 Teaching Departments--Women's and Men's Physical Education The Departments of Men's and Women's Physical Education are headed by Mr. L. L. Mendenhall and Miss Monica R. Wild; photo.
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39 Faculty Faculty; photo.
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40 Faculty Faculty; photo.
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41 Faculty Faculty; photo.
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42 Faculty Faculty; photo.
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43 Faculty Faculty; photo.
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44 Faculty Faculty; photo.
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45 Faculty Faculty listed; photo.
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46 Faculty Faculty listed; photo.
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47 Faculty Faculty; photo.
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48 Faculty Faculty; photo.
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49 Our faculty--their hobbies and interests Faculty members discuss their hobbies.
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50 "Briefing" for democracy's greatest mission--teaching A student recalls her experiences with the facilities of the Teachers College; photo.
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51 Teaching is the foundation of progress A student recalls his time in field experience and practice teaching; photo.
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52 Seniors
Colson--Elsie Lorine
The senior class shares their memories; photo.
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53 Even the busy senior finds time to relax Seniors spend their free time; photo.
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54 Seniors Seniors; photo.
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55 Seniors Seniors; photo.
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56 Seniors Seniors; photo.
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57 Seniors Seniors; photo.
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58 Seniors Seniors; photo.
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59 Seniors Seniors; photo.
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60 Two year students Elementary education students; photo.
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61 Two year students Elementary education students; photo.
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62 Two year students Elementary education and kindergarten primary students; photo.
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63 Two year students Kindergarten primary students; photo.
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64 Two year students Kindergarten primary education students; photo.
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65 Two year students Kindergarten primary education students; photo.
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66 Two year students Kindergarten primary education students; photo.
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67 Rural students Rural students; photo.
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68 Honoraries
Colson--Elsie Lorine
Various honorary organizations are available for students who are willing to put forth the effort; photo.
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69 Honoraries pursue wisdom with happiness Torch and Tassel members push sales, Pi Gamma Mu listens to election returns, and students go to the library and find teaching positions; photo.
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70 Beta beta beta The Tri-Betans partake in scientific research using the microtome; photo.
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71 Delta Sigma Rho Ann Garver and Frances Faust make up the Delta Sigma Rho debate honorary society; photo.
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72 Golden Ledger Dorothy Nagle is president of the Golden Ledger honorary society with Professor R. O Skar serving as faculty advisor; photo.
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73 Iowa Teachers First Iowa Teachers First, whose honorary members include both Malcolm Price and Sadie B. Campbell, works to interest high schoolers in ISTC; photo.
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74 Kappa Delta Pi The Kappa Delta Pi national honorary society in education celebrates its thirty-fourth year; photo.
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75 Pi Gamma Mu The Pi Gamma Mu honorary society meets to discuss Russian and Chinese politics, discuss contemporary affairs, and initiate new members; photo.
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76 Pi Omega Pi The Pi Omega Pi national honorary club studies professional magazines and publishes their own booklet titled "Gamma Progress"; photo.
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77 Purple Arrow Ruth Fischer acts as president of the Purple Arrow honorary organization; photo.
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78 Social Science Honors The Social Science Honors Club serves as a preliminary group to the Pi Gamma Mu national honorary society; photo.
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79 Sigma Tau Delta Jeanne Todd acts as president of the National Honorary English Fraternity for the fall semester with Reba Flathen acting as president during the spring quarter; photo.
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80 Sigma Alpha Iota Ruth Larson serves as president of the Sigma Alpha Iota musical fraternity, which sponsors caroling events and a January sleigh ride; photo.
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81 Theta Alpha Phi Theta Alpha Phi inducts four new members into the national honor dramatic fraternity who play major roles in the productions, "Cry Havoc" and "By the Skin of Our Teeth"; photo.
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82 Theta Theta Epsilon Byrdine Hartman acts as president of the Theta Theta Epsilon home economics honorary society, with Professor Elisabeth Sutherland serving as faculty advisor; photo.
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83 Torch and Tassel Frances Faust serves as president of the Torch and Tassel honorary organization, with Miss Sadie B. Campbell serving as sponsor; photo.
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84 Interest
Colson--Elsie Lorine
A variety of student groups are available to those seeking to find others with common interests; photo.
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85 Departmental socialites The Student Christian Association, Commercial Department, and Ellen Richards Club discuss activity programs; photo.
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86 Art League Anna Chapin acts as president of the Art League, with Professor Palmer serving as faculty adviser; photo.
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87 College Players The College Players spend the year studying the works of Henrik Ibsen and William Shakespeare; photo.
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88 Beta Alpha Epsilon Mr. Reibe and Miss Sparrow guide the Beta Alpha Epsilon education fraternity which specializes in preparing picnics, barn dances, skating parties, and Christmas get-togethers; photo.
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89 Two year elementary Two year elementary graduates listed; photo.
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90 Kindergarten - Primary B. A. The Kindergarten-Primary Club sponsors such events as the Mother's Day Banquet; photo.
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91 1st year kindergarten-primary First year kindergarten-primary students listed; photo.
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92 2nd Year Kindergarten-Primary List of second year kindergarten-primary students; photo.
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93 Mathematics club Brief description of the group; photo.
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94 Campus 4-H Brief description of the group; photo.
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95 Rural Teachers Brief description of the group; photo.
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96 Hamilton Club Brief description of the group; photo.
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97 Ellen Richards Club Brief description of the group; photo.
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98 Future teachers Brief description of the group; photo.
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99 F. B. L. A. Brief description of the group; photo.
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100 Women's P. E. Club List of members; photo.
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101 W. R. A. -Life Saving List of members; photo.
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102 Student Christian Ass'n Brief description of the group; photo.
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103 Religious emphasis week Brief description of the week; photo.
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104 Student religious centers Photo.
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105 Catholic - Congregation List of members; photo.
106 Catholic - Congregational List of members; photo.
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107 Gamma Delta List of members; photo.
108 Lutheran student association List of members; photo.
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109 Phi Chi Delta Photo.
110 Presbyterian Fellowship Photo.
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111 Theta Epsilon Photo.
112 Wesley Photo.
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113 Kappa Phi Photo.
114 Kappa Phi Photo.
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115 Sisiters in arms Photo.
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116 Inter Nos Brief description of the group; photo.
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117 The Dating Delts Brief description of the group; photo.
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118 The "K - G" Kappas Brief description of the group; photo.
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119 Nu Omicron nee "V O V" Brief description of the group; photo.
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120 The Peppy Phi Sigs Brief description of the group; photo.
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121 The Pulchritudinous Pi Phi's Brief description of the group; photo.
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122 The Pi Tau Pippins Brief description of the group; photo.
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123 The Particular Pi Thets Brief description of the group; photo.
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124 The Tantalizing Tau Sigs Brief description of the group; photo.
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125 The Theta Gams Themselves Brief description of the group; photo.
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126 the dance of the year the old gold beauty dance Brief description of the dance; photo.
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127 Ruth Fischer Brief description of the beauty; photo.
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128 Miriam Hansen Brief description of the beauty; photo.
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129 Mary Esther Spitzmiller Brief description of the beauty; photo.
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130 Carol Wilson Brief description of the beauty; photo.
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131 Betty Bazel Brief description of the beauty; photo.
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132 Janice Dagenaar Brief description of the beauty; photo.
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133 Margaret Edwards Brief description of the beauty; photo.
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134 Delightful, delicious, delovely Old Gold Beauties; photo.
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135 Who' Who on T. C.'s Campus Brief description of the committee and nominees; photo.
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136 Who's Who Brief description of nominees; photo.
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137 Who's Who Brief description of nominees; photo.
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138 Who's Who Brief description of nominees; photo.
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139 Girls keep busy Photo.
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140 CampuScamps Brief description of students; photo.
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141 CampuScamps Brief description of students; photo.
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142 Board of Control Brief description of group; photo.
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143 The Pen Brief description of group; photo.
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144 Old Gold on the job Brief description of the group; photo.
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145 College Eye on the beat Brief description of group; photo.
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146 Highlights Dr. Sockman's visit and lecture; photo.
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147 Spotlights Eleanor Steber visits and sings; photo.
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148 Music maestro, please . . . . Alexander Brailowsky and the Westminster choir; photo.
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149 Music hath charms . . . . The Budapest String Quartet and Isaac Stern; photo.
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150 Chorus Brief description of group and list of members; photo.
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151 Choir Brief description of group; photo.
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152 Symphony Orchestra List of members; photo.
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153 Concert Band List of members; photo.
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154 K X E L Brief description of the radio station; photo.
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155 The Iowa State Teachers College of the Air Brief description of the radio station; photo.
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156 to be or not to be . . . that is the question Brief description of the debate team; photo.
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157 Drama Brief description of productions; photo.
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158 Drama Brief description of productions; photo.
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159 The Commons Brief description of the building; photo.
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160 Women's Intramurals Brief description of the group; photo.
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161 Campus Cubs Brief description of the group; photo.
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162 Orchesis Brief description of the group; photo.
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163 Gymnastics Brief description of the activity; photo.
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164 Physical recreation Brief description of the activity; photo.
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165 Fall fun Brief description of the activities; photo.
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166 Winter wonders Brief description of the activities; photo.
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167 So proudly we hail . . . Brief description of the importantance of the flags; photo.
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168 Service Brief description of faculty serving in the war; photo.
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169 War activities . . . around the campus Brief description of the activities; photo.
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170 The Navy Brief description of the navy at the college; photo.
171 Wartime Visitors Brief description of the visitors; photo.
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172 Kampus to Khaki Brief description of the War Acitivities Council; photo.
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173 The Navy Brief description of the navy at the college; photo.
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174 Lawther Hall Brief description of the dormatory; photo.
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175 Seerley Hall Brief description of the dormatory; photo.
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176 Baker Hall Brief description of the dormatory; photo.
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177 Dorm Life Brief description of life in the dormatories; photo.
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178 The Greenhouse Photo.
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179 The heating plant Photo.
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180 Passing over a beautiful scene Photo.