Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A confused freshman greets us all A day in the life of a new student.
2 Bodein, Cowley attend conference at Geneva For YMCA and YWCA leaders.
3 Campanile holds charm for coeds An increased number of men may mean that campaniling activity will once again pick up.
4 Convocation assembly in college auditorium Professor Bodein will speak at Matriculation Convocation.
5 Former health director returns Returns from short stay at University of Oklahoma.
6 Former student here gives violin recital Georgeanne Bairnson will perform.
7 From friend to friend President Malcolm Price welcomes students back to campus.
8 Matson, new director of Lawther honored Reception for Rena Matson.
9 Orientation Week closes; events held in post-war atmosphere A look at the many activities of Orientation Week.
10 Student, faculty rehabilitate campus at 'apple-polishing'
Hermanson--Ruthann (Class of 1946)
Will take part in mock re-building of campus.
11 The call of old Mexico beckoned Miller and Hunter Edna Miller and Mary Hunter study and tour in Mexico.
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# Article Article Summary
12 'Greencaps' view impressive sights of the campus Freshmen are asked about their favorite things at Teachers College thus far.
13 Bro gives all hail to the freshman
Bro--Leona (Student--1945)
The President of Student League welcomes freshmen to their new home.
14 Do we deserve the sacrifice? Students should honor the sacrifices of World War II by devoting themselves to the serious matter of their education.
15 Religious News Religious organizations and activities.
16 Student government outlined Brief look at Student League Board, Men's Union, and Women's League.
17 Summer graduates receive diplomas List of those who received degrees or diplomas.
18 The News Call
Hall--Rosemary C. (Class of 1947)
Comments on the Japanese surrender, what the American Congress will do with the wage scale, and the Big Five Conference.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Met star heads concert series Blanche Thebom will perform; photo.
20 New improvements greet homemakers Department of Home Economics making significant changes in their facilities.
21 Students swap summer occupations, personalities, resume campus life Students talk about their summer jobs.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Clip 'loyalty' words for future reference Words to the Loyalty Song.
23 Ensign Kough sails the Pacific while his wife goes to college Kay Kough will study home economics; photo.
24 Sarah Kirkwood assists Dr. Bodein Profile of Sarah Kirkwood.
25 Students urged to try for music positions Seeking members of chorus, band, and orchestra.
26 The Line
Boemecke--Margaret Yvonne (Peggy) (Class of 1948)
'News' from around the campus.
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# Article Article Summary
27 All commerce picnic to be next Tuesday
28 Dr. Nelson contributes to a recent book Contributed to Dictionary of Education.
29 Freshmen and upperclassmen say green caps are 'sharp' Over 500 beanies have been sold; photo.
30 Open house in dorms feature for Sunday
31 Religious denominations meet Friday night Opportunity for students to meet others of their own denomination.
32 Society of Teachers College welcomes "Green Caps"
Benoit--Mary (Student--1945)
Tips on what freshmen should wear.
33 Society of Teachers College welcomes "Green Caps"
Kaltenbach--Elisabeth (Student--1945)
Introduction to Greek life.
34 Watermelon feast key to note of informality
Sinnett--Marijean (Student--1945)
Chance to eat all the watermelon you wanted.
35 Weekly coffee hour sponsored by S. C. A. Will meet weekly.
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# Article Article Summary
36 New instructors to fill positions this fall quarter Brief profile of new faculty.
37 Trimble returns to staff Had been analyzing military operations.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Athletes' Footnotes Comments about the TC football team and its upcoming meeting with Iowa State.
39 Football opener for campus high The schedule for the football season is printed.
40 Humiston to Arkansas University, leaves physical education position Will direct residence halls for women at University of Arkansas.
41 Panther roster A list of all the TC football players.
42 Panther running game shapes up behind speedy Paul DeVan A look at the TC football team for the upcoming season.
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# Article Article Summary
43 Buxbaum gives time to aid in war work Worked for American Friends Service Committee.
44 My grandfather comes in for another year of use Part of Professor Fossum's speech check; photo.
45 New sport enthusiasts find ample facilities Quick loon at campus recreational facilities.
46 Strayer takes trip Visited parents in Florida.