Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Atomic bomb blasted military security', Dr. Bodein stressed Believes that questions on use of force now are social rather than strictly military in nature.
2 All-college dinner features turkey
4 Eight speech students represent teachers at Iowa City meet List of those who will participate.
5 Empey, president of Bartlett Hall Jeanne Marie Empey elected; list of other officers.
6 English faculty sends delegates to annual meet To NCTE meeting in Minnesota.
7 Friends secretary is campus visitor Betty Mansfield visited campus and spoke to classes.
8 Goetch to conference At Iowa Farm Bureau meeting.
9 Jewish Church scene of brotherhood trip Will visit synagogue in Waterloo.
10 Price and Paul speak to league on smoking issue Student League Board gathering information in order to make recommendation to the college administration.
11 Teaching is not 'Life of Riley' stresses speaker C. H. Munson speaks at rural education convocation.
12 Three speakers added to series for winter Roster of additions to Lecture-Concert Series.
13 Who¿s Who members elected; chosen for outstanding capabilities
Henry--Harriett Ann (Class of 1946)
List of those who were honored; photo.
# Article Article Summary
3 Campus School juniors present class play Will present "The Ruggleses in the Rear".
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# Article Article Summary
14 Religious News Schedules of activities at campus religious centers.
15 The Line
Boemecke--Margaret Yvonne (Peggy) (Class of 1948)
'News' from around the campus.
16 The News Call
Hall--Rosemary C. (Class of 1947)
Truman and Attlee meet with the Canadian prime minister to discuss British plan for control of the atomic bomb.
17 Time for tests--shall we start our 'cramming'? Students comment on the question, does cramming work for you?
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# Article Article Summary
18 Christmas Seal sale sponsored on campus by Torch and Tassel Dr. Durfee is county chair.
19 Jensen shows pictures to elementary majors Shows photos from trip to Guatemala.
20 Not much time left to order Old Golds says business manager
21 Poor Willie presents woes of registration A poetic look at registration; photo.
22 President attends New York meeting Of American Council on Education.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Athletes' Footnotes Comments on the TC football season as it comes to a close.
24 Basketball intramural meeting November 28 Women interested in intramural basketball should attend an upcoming meeting.
25 Cage sport takes over at T. C. High Campus School ends football season and begins preparation for basketball.
26 Former Hawkeyes join cagers Paul Siglin transfers to TC from the University of Iowa and hopes to help the Cagers win a few games.
27 Panthers end hectic season; Dutcher, with 49, top scorer Panthers win last football game of the season.