Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Apartment hunting is stressful for returning veterans Returning to college life under the GI Bill has difficult, especially finding a place to live. Apartment demand exceeds supply. Veterans are happy to be home and living in one room with kitchen privileges is ok.
2 Bill Birenbaum receives "superior rating" in debate The Iowa State Teachers College representative was one of only three debaters to achieve this ranking. Over six hundred students participated in the contest.
3 Cutline for Cedar Falls Daily Record story on housing and veterans. Landlady has to turn down a veteran and his wife because their home is not completed. They are remodeling and planning on renting to those returning to college following World War II.
4 Jack Finegan to deliver baccalaureate address Iowa State University professor of religious education and department head to speak. Dr. Finegan obtained his bachelor of divinity and master of theology in Rochester, New York.