Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 1945-'46 red letter days are marked A look back at significant events of the year.
2 Campus School spring festival to be May 22 Will include May programs.
3 Couplers Club gathers at Hartman's reserve--get-acquainted party Enjoy humorous quiz program.
4 Examination schedule, spring quarter
5 Finish first Quonset-huts by July; plan total of 111 Applications being accepted; families in difficult circumstances will be given priority.
6 Formal dance hosts seniors; Art Stocks plays until one o'clock
7 Plans complete for graduation week exercises Schedule of Commencement activities.
8 Student forums to start next year Hamilton Club outlines plans for next fall; list of officers.
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9 Faculty members discuss campus leadership training; a good person is a prerequisite for good leadership training
Bodein--Vernon P. (Religious Activities Director)
Faculty members give their opinion on how to have better leadership at Teachers College.
10 Religious News News from campus religious centers.
11 Social events head list for music frats Sigma Alpha Iota and Phi Mu Alpha hold picnic.
12 World View
Porter--Donald L. (Class of 1946)
Gives opinion on the idea that the United States should offer help to less fortunate countries, especially in terms of food.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Home ec study shows students drink little or no milk in average diet
Grubb--Ruth Maxine (Class of 1948)
Professor Randolph finds that students do not eat what they should.
14 Lecture-Concert artists chosen for next season Professor Sage describes the events of the 1946-1947 program.
15 Library's juvenile room holds adventure for all grades Description of services and books available to Campus School students.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Campus high runners qualify for state Campus School qualified for five events in the state tournament while winning fourth in the team standings.
17 Diamond men to play at Ames TC defeats Luther, 2-1, and hopes now to travel to Ames to win against Iowa State.
18 Jean Jungen champion of tennis tourney Jean Jungen plays Peg Boemecke in the finals of the physical education tennis tournament; Jungen wins 7-5, 6-4.
19 Teachers trackmen defeat Cornell Saturday, 90-41 TC takes eleven of the fifteen track and field events.
20 Trackmen have open date; close season with Beloit Relays Any TC trackman may enter the Amateur Athletic Union meet and a select few will travel to the Beloit Relays.
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# Article Article Summary
21 258 campus school gardeners await bumper crop of food and flowers
Belt--Marjory Z. (Class of1947)
Garden project began three years ago; each grade has section of garden.
22 Friday recital features nine music students Performance programs.
23 Sigma Eta Chi church sorority gives dinner
24 Ten students attend Congregational Ames conference with other schools
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# Article Article Summary
25 She's simply gotta' give 'details' at her sorority five pound party Engagements call for a five-pound box of chocolates; news from Greek organizations.
26 The Line 'News' from around the campus.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Placement Bureau sends many teachers into field Roster of students and their new jobs.