Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Mayday Heyday' show in Commons next week Off-campus students will sponsor variety show.
2 "Knight" shows Elizabethan satire to packed house Review of "The Knight of the Burning Pestle"; photo.
3 Bartlett dance will be May 3
4 Connelly, Koll elected to Baker exec posts
5 Counselors for freshmen are chosen List of senior counselors.
6 Double Trouble. . .
Tuthill--David (Student--1946-1947)
Two sets of twins enjoy themselves while playing the piano.
7 Old Gold ready for distribution; to be issued next week, says Goslin Procedures for picking up the yearbook; editors comment on production; photo.
8 Plans given for seniors' dinner party To honor about two hundred seniors.
9 Russell granted leave of absence To teach at the University of Michigan.
10 Tea will honor senior women
11 Vet's meeting
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# Article Article Summary
12 Dramatists Shows Hazel B. Strayer and Stanley Wood, co-directors of "Knight of the Burning Pestle."
13 Letter to the editor
Secor--Virginia R. (Class of 1948)
Student shares her anger about the amount of food wasted in the Commons daily by students.
14 Musical Notes
Geary--John T. (Johnnie) (Student--1948)
Discusses music students, faculty members, and upcoming musical events.
15 Roger's Rambling Remarks
Blake--Roger O. (Class of 1948)
Discusses the ongoing topic of keeping of the grass, having a summer sports program, and the spring play.
16 The Line 'News' from around the campus.
17 U. S. lags behind England, Russia, in expenditures for education
Smith--Warren Allen (Class of 1948)
Comments on the lack of funding for education in the United States and the shortage of teachers.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Campus Commentary
Flanagan--James Martin (Student--1946-1947)
Announces Lois Engh as Student of the Week, the showing of the spring play, and the free-thinking of many students on the TC campus; photo.
19 Foreign service jobs offer opportunity for qualified persons
20 Goetch is Civil Service officer
21 Home Economics House gets paint, repairs
22 Reading class will begin in summer Professor Brown will teach class in remedial reading.
23 Survey of Campus Opinion
Smith--Warren Allen (Class of 1948)
Statistics show results of a question asked of TC students concerning the introduction of a marriage course into the curriculum.
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# Article Article Summary
24 K. P. art classes show own movies to guests
25 Live models provide themes for art pupils
26 Metal work displayed by art metal class
27 Mother's Day program is planned by students
28 Rendezvous News and events of campus Greek organizations.
29 Roose to study at Columbia Will resign from position in Commons to take up Lydia Roberts Fellowship.
30 Samson plays solos In Waterloo.
31 Trimble holds new position in Iowa math Appointed section chair in IAS; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
32 16 to Ohio for arts conference
33 Teachers College twins are "difficulties in duplicate"
Flanagan--James Martin (Student--1946-1947)
Twins talk about their lives.
34 Vets may rent garden space Can rent five hundred square feet for $1.
35 What to Wear Gives students an idea of how to dress for the upcoming weekend activities.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Dickinson enters Panther Thinclads in Drake Relays Panthers working hard in preparation for upcoming relays.
37 Lockeroom Logic Recaps Bill Koll's wrestling match in the NCAA tournament.
38 Panther golf team in 9-9 deadlock with Loras four
39 Tutor netmen tie Loras 3-3 in opener Each team was credited with two singles matches and one doubles.
40 Water show tomorrow night; will feature fancy diving and swimming Description of the show and list of performers.
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# Article Article Summary
41 B-squad plays today TC "B" baseball team will play Marshalltown's Junior College.
42 Laughing on the inside
Nelson--James W. (Class of 1948)
Shows the wet weather that at the Tutor Relays.
43 Simp's sluggers whip deadbeats Women's intramural softball season is underway,
44 Tutor baseballers win one of four Diamondmen are off to a shaky start.
45 Tutor diamondmen on road Monday, at home Wed. The team will travel to Davenport to face St. Ambrose and then return home to host Luther College.
46 Two records fall along with rain at Tutor Relays Despite the cold, wet weather at the relays, records were still broken and tied.
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# Article Article Summary
47 History of Iowa pictures in libe On loan from Library of Congress to commemorate Iowa centennial.
48 Holmes prepares information sheet On responsibilities of the Bureau of Publications.
49 Marine drive fails Only a few students showed interest.
50 Officers will explain Army college problem Will talk about ROTC.
51 Quonvet grocery nears completion as organization determines policies Will operate four hours daily; seventy-five families are members.
52 Quonvet wives meet Enjoy sewing and singing.
53 SAI to sponsor Sunday musical Will feature music of American contemporary composers.
54 Seerley dinner-dance held in Black's tearoom